This document contains genealogical statements regarding various individuals and families of Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Mississippi Choctaw descent who sought recognition and enrollment in tribal rolls. The records, primarily from 1909 reports, detail claimants’ ancestry, enrollment issues, and tribal affiliations. Many individuals were denied enrollment due to factional disputes, legal technicalities, or failure to apply within deadlines. The document includes references to official reports and affidavits, offering insights into the complexities of Native American citizenship and land rights during the early 20th century.
Paddy, Susie (minor).
Seminole by blood. Files: Part III. Exhibit F. report March 3, 1909. It appears that this child was born about March 8, 1904: that she is a full-blood Seminole: that her father, who is a full-blood Seminole, failed to enroll her because he was in the penitentiary serving a three-year term and could not attend to the matter. It is also claimed that the tribal authorities are allowing this child the “per capita” payment notwithstanding her name does not appear on the approved rolls.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.
Palmer, Dickie (minor).
Lucar, John, et al. (adult).
Creeks by blood. First: Information obtained at office of district Indian agent. Holdeville, Okla., November 26, 1908. (See Part III. Exhibit F, report of Mar. 3, 1909.) Dickie Palmer was born August 15, 1905, and was entitled to enrollment under the act of April 26, 1906. His father, mother, and sister are on the final rolls as Creek Indians. He failed to secure enrollment because of the negligence of his parents. John Lucar claims quarter-blood Creek; his father failed to enroll him. He has three brothers who are not enrolled.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 5.
Patterson, Doctor Divinity.
Choctaw by blood. Number of claimants, 1.
Patton, Eva.
Cherokee by blood. Files: Report Acting Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes, January 13, 1910, addressed to Hon. J. George Wright. Eva Patton, age 16 years, apparently a full blood, son of Dave and Akie Johnson, Cherokees. No application of record.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.
Perky, James
Perry, Stephen.
Creeks by blood. The names of these applicants, who are brothers, were brought to the attention of the department February 11, 1910, by the principal chief of the Creek Nation and his interpreter. It is said that the claimants have the appearance of being full-blood Creek Indians: that they failed to secure enrollment; but that they are entitled to be enrolled.
Number of claimants, 2.
Perry, Jincy Jane.
Perry, Bessie (minor).
Perry, Ellen (minor).
Perry, Louisa (minor).
Perry, Richard (minor).
Chickasaws by blood and Choctaw freedmen. Files: The record In this case on file in office of Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes; see also statements of Turner Burris and Jincy June Perry made November 27, 1908, at office of district Indian agent McAlester, Okla., recorded in Part III. Exhibit F. report March 3, 1909. This woman states that she and her two oldest children are enrolled as Choctaw freedmen, hut that her two youngest children failed to secure enrollment because the application for their enrollment was not mailed in time. Jincy Jane Perry also claims to he entitled to enrollment as a citizen by blood, being the daughter of Abbie Brown, nee Clay, who was a half sister of Turner Burris, said persons being the children of Louisa Brown, and through her the grandchildren of Tecumseh Brown, alleged to have been a full-blood Chickasaw. As this woman claims through the same maternal ancestors as does Turner Burris, her case should be considered in connection with the separate memorandum relating to his case The right of the two minor children to be enrolled as Choctaw freedmen should not be overlooked. On the other hand, their right to such enrollment should not be allowed to obscure their greater right. If such they have, to enrollment as Chickasaws by blood.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 5.
Phillips, Mary Frances.
Smythe, Mary O.
Phillips, Oscar Strange.
Phillips, John Benjamin.
Phillips, Zula Neal.
Phillips, Arthur.
Phillips, Jesse Florence.
Phillips, Earnest.
Phillips, Frederick.
Smith, Macine.
Cherokees by blood. File: Part I, Exhibit F, report .March 3, 1909). It is claimed that Mrs. Phillips, who is the ancestor of all the others named above, is the daughter of William Sansome, and that the latter was the son of a half-blood Cherokee. Further, that failure to secure enrollment was due to ignorance and to the fact that they Entrusted their case to attorneys, who failed to care for it properly.
Number of claimants In this memorandum, 10.
Pitchlynn, Earl R.
Choctaw and Chickasaw by blood. Files: See statement of claimant made to J. W. Howell at Tishomingo, Okla.. November 19, 1909, Exhibit F. Part II. report of March 3, 1909. This man claims to be part Choctaw and part Chickasaw. He has the appearance of being of mixed white and Indian blood. He is a member of the historic Pitchlynn family, long prominent in Choctaw affairs. Like other members of the family now on the approved rolls, he has been absent from the nation at various times. He has lived therein continuously for several years past. His failure to secure enrollment was probably due to delay in making application. He is addicted to strong drink. It can not be doubted that he is an Indian.
Number of claimants on this memorandum, 1.
Polk, Siah (minor).
Creek by blood. Files: Part III. report March 3, 1909. It is said that this child is the offspring of full-blood Creek parents. It was born December 23, 1809, and hence was entitled to enrollment as a “new born.” It is claimed that application for its enrollment was made to Alex Posey, a Creek officer, but that the application was never heard from. The child can not speak English.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.
Polk, Willis.
Choctaw and Chickasaw by blood. Files: Report Acting Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes, January 13, 1910, addressed to Hon. J. George Wright. The name of this child was furnished by the Acting Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes, with the names of several other children who are thought to be entitled to enrollment. It is shown that this child Is the son of Cephus Kepo, a Chickasaw, and Mary Polk, a Choctaw.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.
Pruit, Henry, et al.
Choctaw by blood and intermarriage. Number of claimants, 1.