List 2, Creeks

List of Creeks and Creek Freedmen, whose names were omitted from final rolls because no application was made or by reason of mistake or oversight. Shows the names of 62 persons of Creek blood and of 2 Creek freedmen all of whom except 10 are minors. Since the approved rolls of Creek citizens by blood contain 11,967 names, and the rolls of Creek freedmen contain 6,837 names, it is seen that the percentage of omissions is remarkably small.

Creeks By Blood.

1. Allen, Wootsy

Born “before March 4, 1906”; living; male; one-half blood. Father: Jesse Allen; white; noncitizen. Mother: Myrtle May Allen. Creek roll, No. 10175: one-eighth blood. No explanation of failure to enroll.

2. Archibald or Narchubby, Smedlow.

Born about 1900; male; full-blood Indian, half Creek and half Choctaw.

3 and 4. Archibald or Narchubby, Cain and Abel

Twins; born about 1902; male; full-blood Indians, half Creek and half Choctaw. Father: Allen Archibald or Narchubby, full-blood Choctaw, who died prior to September 25, 1902, and therefore not enrolled. Mother: Sallie Narchubby, Creek roll, No. 8146: full blood. Brothers of Ellis and Sissy Narchubby, Creek roll, Nos. 8147 and 8148, full bloods. All living at date of investigation, November, 1910.

5. Archibald or Narchubby, Adda

Born about 1903; living November 1910: female; one-half blood. Father: Unknown: white. Mother: Sallie Narchubby, Creek roll. No. 8146: full blood. Brothers of Ellis and Sissy Narchubby, Creek roll, Nos. 8147 and 8148, full-bloods. All living at date of investigation, November 1910.

6. Asbury, Coo-Wees-Coo-Wee

Born March 18, 1902: living November 15,1910; male; full blood. Father: Thomas Asbury. Creek roll. No. 7605; full blood: died December 25, 1904. Mother: Sallie Johnson, Creek roll. No. 8726: full blood. The mother testifies to the birth of the child and says that she supposed it was on the rolls. It further appears that the mother did not apply for her own enrollment or select her own allotment. The child was present at the hearing, November 15, 1910.

7. Barnett, Peggy

Died July 3, 1890, about 60 years old: female; full blood. Was on both 1890 and 1895 rolls of Creek Nation. Her children were enrolled, but it was understood Peggy died prior to April 1, 1899. No testimony was taken by the Dawes Commission in her case. Testimony submitted November 20, 1910, shows she did not die until July 3, 1899.

8. Bear, Lucinda

Born September -.1905: living February 15, 1911; female: full blood. Father: Marche Bear. Creek roll. No. 3924; full blood. Mother: Nettie Bear, not identified on Creek roll. No application and no explanation of failure to make one.

9. Billy, Chotekey

Born about 1900; died January 17, 1910; female: full blood. Father: Lumber Billy, Creek roll, No. 9748; full blood. Mother: Nancy Billy, Creek roll. No. 9749: full blood. Other children are on the Creek roll.

10. Birdcreek, Lewis

About 10 years old January 1911; living; male: full blood. Father: Jesse Birdcreek. Creek roll, No. 4623; full blood. Mother: Mandy Birdcreek. Creek roll. No. 4624; full blood; dead. Father belongs to Snake faction: opposed to allotment.

11. Brown, Hannah

About 6 years old January, 1911; living; female; full blood. Father: Co-ten-ney Brown, dead; can not identify him under that name. Mother: Ya-can-eo-thta Brown, dead; can not identify her under that name.

12. Brown, Sam

Born February 29, 1906; living November 16, 1910; male; full blood. Father: Wilson Brown. Creek roll. No. 6807; full blood. Mother: Sallie Brown, formerly Tiger, Creek roll. No. 1380: full blood. The child was present at the hearing.

13. Chupco, Mollie

11 years old December 1910: living November 18, 1910; female; five-eighths Indian blood, one-half Creek, and one-eighth Seminole. Father: Johnny Chupco. Seminole roll. No. 1413; one-fourth blood. Mother: Louisa Lasley Chupco, Creek roll, No. 9356, as Louisa Lasley; full blood. No application for enrollment.

14. Cosar, Susie

Born July 18, 1898; living November 14, 1910; female; full blood. Father: George Cosar. Creek roll, No. 8709: full blood. Mother: Lucinda Cosar, Creek roll. No. 8770; full blood. Father opposed to enrollment: was enrolled without application and arbitrarily allotted.

15. Downing, Ambrose

About 20 years old and living November 15, 1910; half blood. Father: Barney Downing, full-blood Creek. Mother: Early Downing: white. Both father and mother died many years ago and before enrollment. It appears that application was made July 28, 19O4, for enrollment of Ambrose Downing, and denied because he was not identified on any tribal rolls of the Creek Nation and had never been admitted to citizenship by the tribal authorities. It appears from testimony taken November 15, 1910. and the further examination of the records that Ambrose Downing attended the Creek Orphan School located at Okmulgee In the year 1895. It is further shown that Ambrose Downing was recognized as a member of the Creek Tribe and paid his share of tribal payment of $200,000 by direction of the national council November 8, 1897. It is clear that Downing failed of enrollment because this record of recognition of his right by the Creek National Council was not brought to the attention of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes.

16. Fish, Eli

About 14 years old December 1910: living November 18, 1910: male; full blood. Father: Wilyumka Fish, enrolled as “Wilyumkn,” Creek roll, No. 9382; full blood. Mother: Sulla Fish, enrolled as “Sylla,” Creek roll. No. 9383; full blood. Other children enrolled: no explanation of failure to enroll this, the youngest.

17. Fish, Willie

Born June 1905: living December 14, 1910: male; seven-eighths blood. Father: Elmer Fish. Creek roll. No. 4719: three-fourths blood. Mother: Millie enrolled Millie Fields. Creek roll. No. 7070; full blood. Parents separated and no application made for the child.

18. Foster, Sallie

Born June 17, 1905: died July 7, 1907; female; full, blood. Father: Noah Foster. Creek roll, No. 477: full blood. Mother: Jennette Foster, Creek roll. No. 3907. as Jennette Johnson : full blood. This name is in the list of 52 reported November 15, 1907.

19. Givins, Luther

Born February 2, 1905: died September 1. 1910: male: full blood. Father: Choctaw Givins. Creek roll. No. 0797: full blood. Mother: Kizzie Givins, Creek roll, No. 6798: full blood. The child was sick when enrollment of others was made and could not be taken before the enrolling officer.

20. Green, Jeanetta

About 18 years old January 21. 1911; then living; female; full blood.

21. Green, Siah

About 15 years old January 21, 1911; then living; male: full blood. Father: Bennie Green, enrolled as Heneha Fixico. Creek roll. No. 8215; full blood. Mother: Lucy Green. Creek roll. No. 8301: full blood; died in 1901. Clearly Creeks and should have been enrolled.

22. Johnson, Addie

About 9 years old and living December 8, 1910; female: full blood. Father: Colberson W. Johnson. Creek roll. No. 4031: full blood. Mother: Millie Johnson, Creek roll. No. 4032: full blood. Sister: Katie Johnson, Creek roll, No. 9408; full blood. This child was present at the taking of testimony December 8, 1910. The father is dead and the mother states that she did not learn the child could be enrolled until too late. No application was made.

23. Jones, Martha

Born March 1, 1905: living November 28, 1910: female: full blood. Father: Sulloly Jones. Creek roll. No. 7819: full blood. Mother: Leah Taylor Jones, Creek roll, No. 9305, as Leah Taylor; full blood. Parents separated before child was born, and the mother made no effort for its enrollment.

24. Lasley, Sulphur

Born January 27, 1900; living January 25, 1911: male; full blood. Father: Colbert Lasley, Creek roll, No. 5133; full blood. Mother: Winey Lasley. Creek roll. No. 5134; full blood. Jesse McDermott. Interpreter for the Creek Nation, testified January 27, 1911, that he was with the Creek enrolling party in January, 1900, and called at the house of Winey Lasley, and there made out a birth affidavit for this child, then about 2 hours old and that he saw that affidavit in the office of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes about “two years ago.” He further stated the child was living January 25, 1911.

25. Lasley, Tobe

About 27 years old: living November 10, 1910: male; full blood. Father: Wylie Lasley: full-blood Creek, who died prior to enrollment by the Dawes Commission. Mother: Linochee, full-blood Creek, who also died too early to be enrolled by the Dawes Commission. It appears from the testimony taken and the records of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes that the applicant was listed for enrollment on Creek Indian card field. No. 3071, under the name of Tobe Wylie. At the same time there appeared on the rolls of the Creek Nation another Tobe Lasley and it was determined when the Creek rolls were prepared that these two names represented one and the same person, and the name of the applicant herein was stricken from card No. 3071. It now appears that these names did not represent one and he same person, but that the applicant belongs to an entirely different family from the Tobe Lasley who is on the Creek rolls: and further that the applicant is living as a member of Oakehaye town, enrolled on the 1890 Creek roll as Tobe Willie, and on the 1895 Creek roll, a No. 77 as Toby Lasley.

26. Lasley, Tustunnuga

About 12 years old November 14, 1910; then living; male; full blood. Father: Alex Lesley, full-blood Creek, who died before enrollment. Mother: Jeannetta Thompson. Creek roll, No. 8490; full blood. The mother was of the Snake faction, opposed to allotment, and made no application for the child. The child was present when the testimony was taken.

27. Lewis, Sampson

About 21 years old November 14, 1910; then living; male; full blood. Father: Seaborn Lewis, full blood: died about the time enrollment work in the Creek Nation began, and was not enrolled. Mother: Little Kizzie; died a few days after birth of Sampson. This applicant is the child of Creek Indians, but seems to have had no home nor any friend sufficiently interested to present his name to the Dawes Commission for enrollment.

28. Long, Lucy

About 8 years old December 19, 1910; then living; female; full blood. Father: Long George. Creek roll. No. 793; full blood. Mother: Ekoconney, Creek roll. No. 6868; full blood. No application made for this child’s enrollment. No explanation of failure.

29. Mully, Jennie (Chinhoker)

Sixty years old: living December 13, 1910; female; full blood.

30. Mully, Mitchell

Thirty years old at time of death in 1909; male: full blood.

31. Mully, Barney

Twenty-nine years old; living December 13, 1910; male; full blood.

32. Mully, Simon

Twenty years old at time of death in 1909; male; full blood. Jennie and Barney were present at the hearing December 13, 1910. It appears that Jennie Mully (or Chinhoker) is a full-blood Creek Indian about 60 years of age and that she is identified upon the 1890 authenticated roll of Indian citizens by blood of the Creek Nation, Ketchapatoka town, page 133, as Chimarhokee and on the 1895 roll, same town, at No. 158, as Chimhoka. It further appears that Mitchell. Barney, and Simon Mully are full-blood Creek Indians, the children of the said Jennie Mully, and one Mullie Nicco, now dead, whose name appears on the final roll of citizens by blood of the Creek Nation opposite roll No. 10107; that they are identified on the 1890 authentic roll of Indian citizens, Ketchopataka town, page 133, as “Ma-jai-la.” “Par-na,” and “Sar-ma,” and on the 1895 roll, same town, opposite Nos. 159. 160 and 161 as Mitchell Barney, and Simon, respectively. It further appears that they were listed for enrollment on Creek Indian field card. No. 3172, May 23, 1901; that Barney Mully is 29 years of age and now living; that Mitchell Mully died in 1909, about 30 years of age, and that Simon Mully died in 1909 aged 23 years. It further appears that on February 20, 1907, the Commissioner of the Five Civilized Tribes, having been unable to secure any information concerning these parties, dismissed their application (the listing of their names on the census card being considered an application) on the ground that “they died prior to April 1, 1899, or because of non-residence or because they had been enrolled under some other names.” On the list of 52.

33. Mully, Katie

Born August S. 19(14: Jiving December 13, 1910; female; full-blood Indian, five-eighths Creek and three-eighths Cherokee. Father: Barney Mully; full-blood Creek. Mother: Fannie Mully, enrolled as Fannie Banty. Cherokee roll. No. 30467 seven-eighths blood: testified that she is three-fourths Cherokee and one-fourth Creek. Child present at hearing. No application was made for her enrollment.

Narchubby. See Archibald.

34. Perry, James

About 35 years old and living November 14, 1910: probably full blood. Father: Gibson Perry, an Indian, but it is not definitely shown whether a Chickasaw or a Creek. Mother: Kunnussa, shown to be a Creek, a member of Okfuskee town, who died long prior to enrollment. James had lived substantially all his life in the Creek Nation, and testified through a Creek interpreter, not being able to speak the English language. No application appears of record. James Perry’s two wives were both Creeks, and relatives on his mother’s side are enrolled.

35. Perry, Susie

Born November 10, 1905; living November 14, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Jim Perry, Creek-Chickasaw; not enrolled. Mother: Peggy Perry, enrolled as Peggy Henry, Creek roll, No. 8633; full blood. No application for enrollment of this child within the time provided by law. The parents separated about the time of her birth.

36. Polk, Siah

About 11 years old November 14, 1910; then living; male; full blood. Father: Daniel Polk, Creek roll. No. 6846: full blood. Mother: Annie Billy, Creek roll No. 9167; full blood. Annie claims she was married to Daniel Polk, while he says they were not married. The child has been in the custody of the mother all the time. No application was made for his enrollment. The child was present at the hearing.

37. Proctor, Freeman

Born February 16, 1906; living November 17, 1910; male; full blood. Father: Lumber Proctor, Creek roll, No. 8792; full blood. Mother: Lena Proctor, Creek roll, No. 0863, as Lena Smith: full blood. No application for enrollment was made. The mother says they were told the child was born too late.

38. Proctor, Maxie

Died about 1901 at the age of 6 years; male. Father: Hopiyoche Proctor, on the roll of citizens by blood of the Creek Nation, No. 7899, as “Hopiyoche”; full blood. Mother: Slumker Proctor, on the roll of citizens by blood of the Creek Nation, No. 7900, as ” Slumker”; full blood. This couple has on the roll two sons, Caesar and Huethlego, Nos. 7901 and 7902, and also a daughter, Sarah Proctor, No. 10003. The testimony is to the effect that this boy, Maxie, died about three years before the loyal Creek payment, which was made in 1904. It seems clear that he was living March 1, 1899, and therefore should have been enrolled. It seems this boy’s name was omitted by oversight. The father testifies that he did not select his own allotment, and that the entire family was arbitrarily allotted by the commission.

39. Raiford, Washington

Born October 8, 1905; died December 25, 1908; male; three-eighths Indian blood, one-eighth Creek, and one-fourth Seminole. Father: Ossie Raiford, Creek roll. No. 5696; one-quarter blood. Mother: Selina Raiford, Seminole roll. No. 1410; one-half blood: died February 26, 1906. No record of an application to enroll this child, though the father claims he made one.

40. Ralston, Elva Leona

About 11 years old November 30, 1910; then living; female; one-eighth blood. Father: Benjamin F. Ralston, Creek roll, No. 10152; one-fourth blood. Mother: Maggie Ralston; noncitizen. Six brothers and sisters of this child are on the rolls. Application was made for this child’s enrollment, but no action taken because the enrollment of the father was not approved until March 4, 1907.

41. Ralston, Fred E.

Born January 18, 1903; living December 2, 1910; male; one-eighth blood.

42. Ralston, Jeanetta Louise

Born January 24, 1906; living December 2, 1910: female; one-eighth blood. Father: John F. Ralston, Creek roll, No. 10164; one-fourth blood. Mother: Florence May Ralston; white. Two sisters of these children are enrolled. There is no record of an application for enrollment of these two claimants, though the father states he understood application was made for them.

43. Riley, Washie

About 10 years old November 18, 1910: then living; male; full blood. Father: Cheesie Riley, Creek roll, No. 4536; full blood; died September, 1909. Mother: Maley Riley, Creek roll, No. 4537; full blood; died prior to September 1909. No application for enrollment was made until a guardian was appointed after the death of the parents and after the rolls had been closed. The child was present at the hearing.

44. Scott, Mary

About 15 years old November 23, 1910; then living; female; full blood. Father: Haney Scott, Creek roll No. 815S; full blood. Mother: Narchker Haney, Creek roll, No. 8456; full blood. The older children of this family are on the Creek roll. The mother states that their town leader made application for the family’s enrollment, and that the husband and father was opposed to enrollment and allotment, allotments to the family having been arbitrarily made.

45. Screechowl, Annie

Thirty-five years of age; living December 13, 1910; female; full blood. It appears that this woman is married to a Cherokee and was listed on a census card with him and six of their children, but was denied enrollment in the Cherokee Nation because she was a Creek, this action of the Commissioner to the Five Tribes being approved by the Secretary of the Interior March 4, 1907, The testimony clearly shows that this woman is of Creek Indian blood. She claims both of her parents were full-blood Creeks, though some of the testimony indicates that the father was half Creek and half Cherokee. The applicant was recognized by the Creek authorities and participated in some payments of Creek money. She was denied opportunity to enroll us a Creek by reason of the late action upon her application for enrollment as a Cherokee.

46. Screechowl, Concharty Micco

About 6 years old December 13, 1910; then living; male; full blood. Father: Thompson Screechowl. Cherokee roll. No. 32880; full blood. Mother: Annie Screechowl. full-blood Creek, but not enrolled. No explanation is given for failure to apply for enrollment of this child as a Cherokee under the act of April 26, 1906. It is disclosed by the testimony, however, that the father is dead, the date of death not being shown, and that the mother belonged to the Snake faction of Indians, opposing enrollment and allotment of their lands.

47. Simmon, Samuel

Born August -, 1899: living November 16, 1910; male, full blood,

4S. Simmons, Della

Born in December 1901; living November 16, 1910; female; full blood.

49. Simmons, Mandy

Born February 2, 1903; living November 10, 1910; female; full blood. Father: Charley Simmons. Creek roll, No. 7829; full blood. Mother: Dochee Simmons. Creek roll, No. 7830: full blood. The father states that he does not know who made application for his enrollment; that he did not have enough money to go, to Muskogee, and did not make any application for himself: and that he and his wife were arbitrarily allotted. This is the only explanation given for failure to apply for the children. All these children were present at the hearing.

50. Simpson, George

Born October 1, 1900; living November 17, 1910; male; full blood.

51. Simpson, Nettie

Born June 7, 1902; living November 17, 1910; female; full blood.

52. Simpson, Mallie

Born January 2, 1904; living November 17, 1910; female; full blood.

63. Simpson, Mellissa

Bora February 4, 1900: died April 1, 1907; female; full blood. Father: Shelby Simpson. Creek roll. No. 9028; full blood. Mother: Lucy Simpson, Creek roll. No. 7009 as Lucy Field; full blood George. Nettie, and Mallie were present at the hearing. The father belonged to a disaffected faction and was opposed to allotment. He and his wife were enrolled by the Dawes Commission and arbitrarily allotted.

54. Stanley, Wootsy

Born March 26,1005; living December 2,1010: female: one-eighth blood. Father: Charles A. Stanley; noncitizen. Mother: Mattie K Stanley, Creek roll, No. 10150; one-fourth blood. Three other children of Mattie E. Stanley appear on the Creek roll. The mother testifies that when she made application for Wootsy she was told it was too late. This is the only explanation of the failure to make formal application.

55. Starr, Mollie

About 26 years old at time of her death, December 30, 1906; female; full blood. Father: Robert Starr. Creek roll. No. 5596; full blood. Mother: Sarna Starr: full blood; died prior to enrollment. It seems that the name of Mollie Starr was listed for enrollment on Creek Indian card No. 2680; that Millie Starr, a sister, was on the same card; and that in making up the rolls these parties were considered to be one person and the name of Mollie was stricken from the card. For this reason her name was not placed upon the final rolls. The testimony shows clearly that there were two sisters of these names, and that Mollie lived until December 30, 1906. It is also shown that some of her children are enrolled.

56. Terry, Alpha Omega

Born February 15, 1903; living March 4, 1906; male; one-sixteenth blood.

57. Terry, Albert

Born in March 1904; living March 4, 1906; male: one-sixteenth blood. Father: William Terry; noncitizen. Mother: Annette Josephine Terry, Creek roll No. 10174; one-eighth blood. No formal application was made for the enrollment of these children, the reason given for failure being that the parents’ enrollment was not approved until March 4, 1907.

58. Wattie, Albert Willie

About 10 years old November 16, 1910; then living; male; full blood. Father: Thomas Wattle. Crook roll. No. 8177; full blood. Mother: Polly Wattie, enrolled as Polly. Creek roll. No. 9140; full blood. Both parents dead. No application made for enrollment of the child by the Dawes Commission. Child was present at the hearing November 16, 1910.

59. Wesley, Ada

About 8 years old November 21, 1910; then living; female: full blood. Father: Victor Wesley. Creek roll. No. 6068: full blood; dead. Mother: Elsie Wesley, Creek roll. No. 6609: full blood. Mother can not tell when she was married or when the child was born, except that it was about a month after the father was killed. A guardian was appointed for Ada in 1904. The child was present at the hearing November 21, 1910.

60. West, Nellie

About 10 year old November 28, 1910; then living: female: full blood. Father: Lumsey West, Creek roll, No. 4944; full blood. Mother: Emma West, Creek roll. No. 4731, as Emma Hill; full blood. Both parents testify but give no reasons for failure to enroll the child, saying they thought she had been enrolled. Two of their children are on the roll. Nellie was present at the hearing November 28, 1910.

61. White, Edmund

About 14 years old and living November l6, 1910; full blood: male. Father: George White. Creek roll. No. 8359: full blood. Mother: Kate White, enrolled as Kate Tyler, Creek roll. No. 7800: full blood. The father testifies he thought he had applied for enrollment of this child. He is shown by his testimony to be ignorant and to know nothing concerning enrollment matters.

62. Byrd. Mattie

About 12 years; old and living November 16, 1910; female: full blood. Father: Thomas Byrd, Creek roll. No. 7876: full blood. Mother: Dudie Byrd, Creek roll, No. 7878: full blood. The only witness in this case was C. C. Gatlin, an uncle and the guardian of this child. The father died in 1903, and no explanation is given of failure to make application for this child.

Creek Freedmen

1. Adams, Freddie

Born August 17, 1905; living December 1, 1910: male. Father: Will Adams: noncitizen. Mother: Hattie Rentie, enrolled as Hattie Colbert, Creek freedmen roll. No. 3550. The mother testifies to the birth of the child. Her present husband testifies that he married the mother when the child was about 1 year old, and that the child has lived with him since then. A neighbor testified also to the birth of the child. The child was present at the hearing.

2. Brown, Mosetta

Born November 30. 1902; living November 26, 1910; female. Father: Ben Brown Creek freedman roll. No. 2476. Mother: Annie Brown, Creek freedman roll. No. 2477. The mother, father, and a neighbor who acted as midwife, all testified to the birth of this child. This couple has eight children on the roll, and both stated that they understood the name of Mosetta, the youngest child, had also been placed on the roll, and knew nothing to the contrary until shortly before the hearing. They can give no explanation for the failure to secure this child’s enrollment.

Creek, History,

United States Congress. Five Civilized Tribes In Oklahoma, Reports of the Department of the Interior and Evidentiary Papers in support of S. 7625, a Bill for the Relief of Certain Members of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, Sixty-second Congress, Third Session. Department of the Interior, United States. 1913.

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