Indian Tribal Histories: Waccamaw – Wynoochee. Our tribal history pages represent a cross-index of specific pages on our site relevant to a tribe. These pages are not meant to replace our search, which should be used to find a much larger number of mentions for each tribe, but to provide a quick reference point for researchers to find a larger quantity of material for a specific tribe. Beside some links are an author’s name or book title. To find more information about each author or book please view our main Indian Tribes of the United States page.
Waccamaw Indians
- Waccamaw Tribe – Hodge
- Waccamaw Indians – Swanton
- North Carolina Indian Tribes
Waco Indians
- Waco Tribe – Hodge
- Waco Indians – Swanton
- Waco Treaties
- Houses of the Waco Tribe
Wahpekute Tribe
Wahpeton Tribe
- Wahpeton Tribe – Hodge
- Houses of the Wahpeton Tribe
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Sisseton Agency
- 1888-1891 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1893 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1895 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1897-1898 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1899-1907 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1909-1914 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1915-1918 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1919-1924 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1925-1927 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1929 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1930-1931 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1932-1933 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1934-1936 Sisseton Agency Census
- 1937-1939 Sisseton Agency Census
- Sisseton Agency
Wailaki Indians
- Wailaki Tribe – Hodge
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Round Valley Agency
- Sacramento Agency
Wakokai Indians
- Muskogee Indians – Swanton
Walapai Indians
- Walapai Tribe – Hodge
- Walapai Indians – Swanton
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Colorado River Agency
- Hualapai Agency
- Truxton Canon Agency (Walapai and Havasupai Indians)
Walla Walla Indians
- Walla Walla Tribe – Hodge
- Walla Walla Treaties
- Washington Indian Tribes
- Famous Indian Chiefs I have Known
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Umatilla Agency
- 1886-1894 Umatilla Agency Census
- 1896 Umatilla Agency Census
- 1898-1900 Umatilla Agency Census
- 1901-1905 Umatilla Agency Census
- 1910-1912 Umatilla Agency Census
- 1913-1917 Umatilla Agency Census
- 1918-1923 Umatilla Agency Census
- 1924-1929 Umatilla Agency Census
- 1930-1932 Umatilla Agency Census
- 1933-1939 Umatilla Agency Census
- Umatilla Agency
Wampanoag Indians
- Wampanoag Tribe – Hodge
- Massachusetts Indian Tribes
- Massasoit of the Wampanoags – NANations
Wanapan Indians
Wappinger Indians
Wappo Indians
- Wappo Tribe – Hodge
- California Indian Tribes
Warm Springs Indians
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Warm Springs Agency
Wasco Indians
- Wasco Tribe – Hodge
- Wasco Treaties
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Warm Springs Agency
Washa Indians
- Washa Tribe – Hodge
- Washa Indians – Swanton
Washo Indians
- Washo Tribe – Hodge
- Washo Indians – Swanton
- Washo Tribal Locations
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
Wateree Indians
- Wateree Tribe – Hodge
- Wateree Indians – Swanton
- North Carolina Indian Tribes
Watlala Indians
- Watlala Tribe – Hodge
- Oregon Indian Tribes
Wauyukma Indians
Waxhaw Indians
- Waxhaw Tribe – Hodge
- Waxhaw Indians – Swanton
- North Carolina Indian Tribes
Wea Indians
- Wea Tribe – Hodge
- Wea Tribal Locations
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Wea Treaties
- Indian Missions of Middle Atlantic States
Weanoc Indians
- Weanoc Tribe – Hodge
Weapemeoc Indians
- Weapemeoc Tribe – Hodge
- Weapemeoc Indians – Swanton
Wenatchee Indians
Wenrohronon Indians
Whilkut Indians
White Mountain Apache Indians
- White Mountain Apache Tribe – Hodge
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Fort Apache Agency (White Mountain Apache Indians)
Wichita Indians
- Wichita Tribe – Hodge
- Wichita Indians – Swanton
- Houses of the Wichita Tribe
- Wichita Treaties
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Kiowa Agency
- 1895-1899 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1900-1904 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1905-1906 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1909-1913 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1914-1917 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1918-1921 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1922-1925 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1926-1929 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1930 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1931 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1932 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1933 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1934-1936 Kiowa Agency Census
- 1937-1939 Kiowa Agency Census
- Kiowa Agency
Winnebago Indians
- Winnebago Tribe – Hodge
- Winnebago Indians – Swanton
- Winnebago Tribal Locations
- Minnesota Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Nebraska Indian Tribes – Swanton
- South Dakota Indian Tribes – Swanton
- The Siouan Indians – McGee
- Winnebago Treaties
- Villages of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan Tribes West of the Mississippi
- Winnebago Tribal Locations
- Indian Missions of Middle Atlantic States
- Winnebago Indian Chiefs and Leaders
- Native American Land Patents
- Indian History of Winneshiek County, Iowa
- Winnebago History and Culture – NANations
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Grand Rapids Agency
- Tomah Agency
- Winnebago Agency
- 1904-1907 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1909 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1910-1914 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1915-1924 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1925-1929 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1930-1931 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1932-1933 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1934-1936 Winnebago Agency Census
- 1937-1939 Winnebago Agency Census
- Wittenberg Agency
Wintu Indians
- California Indian Tribes
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Roseburg Agency
Wintun Indians
- Wintun Tribe – Hodge
- California Indian Tribes
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Round Valley Agency
- Sacramento Agency
Winyaw Indians
- Winyaw Tribe – Hodge
- Winyaw Indians – Swanton
Wishosk Indians
- Wishosk Tribe – Hodge
Wishram Indians
Wiwohka Indians
- Muskogee Indians – Swanton
Wiyot/Wiyat Indians
- Wiyat Tribe – Hodge
- California Indian Tribes
Woccon Indians
- Woccon Tribe – Hodge
- Woccon Indians – Swanton
Wrangel Indians
Wyandot Indians
- Huron Tribe – Hodge (What the Wyandot’s were formerly called)
- Wyandot Indian Tribe – A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans
- Wyandot Indians – Swanton
- Wyandot Tribal Locations
- Kansas Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Minnesota Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Wisconsin Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Wyandot Treaties
- Treaty of January 21, 1785
- Treaty of January 9, 1789
- Treaty of August 3, 1795
- Treaty of August 7, 1803
- Treaty of July 4, 1805
- Treaty of November 17, 1807
- Treaty of November 25, 1808
- Treaty of July 22, 1814
- Treaty of September 8, 1815
- Treaty of September 29, 1817
- Treaty of September 17, 1818
- Treaty of September 20, 1818
- Treaty of January 19, 1832
- Treaty of April 23, 1836
- Treaty of March 17, 1842
- Agreement of December 14, 1843
- Treaty of April 1, 1850
- Treaty of January 31, 1855
- Treaty of February 23, 1867
- Wyandot and Shawnee Indian Lands
- Native American Land Patents
- Wyandot Government, A short Study of Tribal Society
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940