Treaty of July 22, 1814

Last Updated on June 2, 2013 by Dennis

A treaty of peace and friendship between the United States of America, and the tribes of Indians called the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanoese, Senecas, and Miamies.

The said United States of America, by William Henry Harrison, late a major general in the army of the United States, and Lewis Cass, governor of the Michigan territory, duly authorized and appointed commissioners for the purpose, and the said tribes, by their head men, chiefs, and warriors, assembled at Greenville, in the state of Ohio, have agreed to the following articles, which, when ratified by the president of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, shall be binding upon them and the said tribes.

Article 1. The United States and the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanoese, and Senecas, give peace to the Miamie nation of Indians, formerly designated as the Miamie Eel River and Weea tribes; they extend this indulgence also to the bands of the Putawatimies, which adhere to the Grand Sachem Tobinipee, and to the chief Onoxa, to the Ottawas of Blanchard’s creek, who have attached themselves to the Shawanoese tribe, and to such of the said tribe as adhere to the chief called the Wing, in the neighborhood of Detroit, and to the Kickapoos, under the direction of their chiefs who sign this treaty.

Article II. The tribes and bands abovementioned, engage to give their aid to the United States in prosecuting the war against Great Britain, and such of the Indian tribes as still continue hostile; and to make no peace with either without the consent of the United States. The assistance herein stipulated for, is to consist of such a number of their warriors from each tribe, as the president of the United States, or any officer having his authority therefore, may require.

Article III. The Wyandot tribe, and the Senecas of Sandusky and Stony Creek, the Delaware and Shawanoes tribes, who have preserved their fidelity to the United States throughout the war, again acknowledge themselves under the protection of the said states, and of no other power whatever; and agree to aid the United States, in the manner stipulated for in the former article, and to make no peace but with the consent of the said states.

Article IV. In the event of a faithful performance of the conditions of this treaty, the United States will confirm and establish all the boundaries between their lands and those of the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanoese and Miamies, as they existed previously to the commencement of the war.

In testimony whereof, the said commissioners, and the said head men, chiefs, and warriors, of the before mentioned tribes of Indians, have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals.

Done at Greenville, in the State of Ohio, this twenty-second day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and of the independence of the United States the thirty-ninth.

William Henry Harrison,
Lewis Cass,

Tarhe, or Crane, his x mark,
Harroneyough, or Cherokee Boy, his x mark
Tearroneauou, or between the Legs, his x mark
Rusharra, or Stookey, his x mark
Senoshus, his x mark,
Zashuona, or Big Arm, his x mark
Teanduttasooh, or Punch, his x mark
Tapuksough, or John Hicks, his x mark
Ronoinness, or Sky come down, his x mark
Teendoo, his x mark
Ronaiis, his x mark
Omaintsiarnah, or Bowyers, his x mark

Taiunshrah, or Charles, his x mark
Tiundraka, or John Bolesle, his x mark
Eroneniarah, or Shroneseh, his x mark
Kicktohenina, or Captain Anderson, his x mark
Lemottenuckques, or James Nanticoke, his x mark
Laoponnichle, or Baube, his x mark
Joon Queake, or John Queake, his x mark
Kill Buck, his x mark
Neachcomingd, his x mark
Montgomery Montawe, his x mark
Capt. Buck, his x mark
Hooque, or Mole, his x mark
Captain White Eyes, his x mark
Captain Pipe, his x mark
McDaniel, his x mark
Captain Snap, his x mark

Cutewecusa, or Black Hoof, his x mark
Tamenetha, or Butter, his x mark
Piaseka, or Wolf, his x mark
Pomtha, or Walker, his x mark
Shammonetho, or Snake, his x mark
Pemthata, or Turkey flying by, his x mark
Wethawakasika, or Yellow Water, his x mark
Quetawah, Sinking, his x mark
Sokutchemah, or Frozen, his x mark
Wynepuechsika, or Corn Stalk, his x mark
Chiachska, or captain Tom, his x mark
Quitawepeh, or captain Lewis, his x mark
Teawascoota, or Blue Jacket, his x mark
Tacomtequah, or Cross the water, his x mark

Watashnewa, or Bear’s Legs, his x mark
Wapachek, or White Fisher, his x mark
Tootagen, or Bell, his x mark
Aughquanahquose, or Stumptail Bear, his x mark,
Mcokenuh, or Bear King, his x mark

Coontindnau, or Coffee Houn, his x mark
Togwon, his x mark
Endosquierunt, or John Harris, his x mark
Cantareteroo, his x mark
Cuntahtentuhwa, or Big Turtle, his x mark
Renonnesa, or Wiping Stick, his x mark
Corachcoonke, or Reflection, or Civil John, his x mark
Coonautanahtoo, his x mark
Seeistahe, Black, his x mark
Tooteeandee, Thomas Brand, his x mark
Haneusewa, his x mark
Uttawuntus, his x mark
Lutauqueson, his x mark

Pecon, his x mark

Collection: Indian Treaties Acts and Agreements. Web. © 2016.

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