Captains entitled to the additional half section, Nitachacha District



Number of acres cultivated.

Entitled as Captains

Number of acres.

1. Big Ax, (Six Town) 5 320 400
2 Toshpabe 3 320 400
3 Tikbarnchabubbee 8 320 400
4 Onabi 1½ 320 820
5 Nakishtabi 1¼ 320 320
6 Pashishtikabi 7 320 400
7 Otikuihacho 9 320 400
8 Kawalichabi 6 320 400
9 Hoshisbimataha 3 320 400
10 Hopaiahoma 12 320 480
11 Captain Lakto 8 320 400
12 Ittotahoma 4 320 400
13 Ittotechahabi 3 320 400
14 Ibakahabi 2 320 400
15 Kaniyohikabi, or Hitch Charly 4 320 400
16 Hopaiishtonaki 8 320 400
17 Tashholata .. 320 320
18 Big Ax 20 320 640
19 Bob 2 321 400
20 Imoklashahoma 8 320 400
21 Koaboma 12 320 480
22 Red Cedar 8 320 400
23 Nittahoma 12 320 480
24 Hopaiatabi 20 320 640
25 Pashahama 8 320 400
26 Pisahokatabi 6 320 400
27 Tashiyaholtatta 20 320 600
28 Chahtamitaha 18 320 480
29 Hopaihimata 12 320 480
30 Acitahoma .. 320 320
 I do hereby certify that the above named persons were captains in my district at the time of the treaty made at Dancing Rabbit creek, on the 25th September, 1830, and that a list of their names was furnished by me to F. W. Armstrong, when called on, for the purpose of allowing the additional half section, as provided for in the treaty.
Done at the agency, on the 4th September, 1831.Witness: NITACHACHEE,  his X mark.

Teste: W. WARD, Agent C. N.
JOHN PITCHLYNN, Interpreter U. S.

Choctaw, Roll,

Armstrong Roll of Choctaw, Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. 1831. Document 512, Correspondence on the Subject of the Emigration of Indians between the 30th November, 1831 and 27th December, 1833 With Abstracts of Expenditures by Disbursing Agents, in the Removal and Subsistence of Indians. Furnished in answer to a resolution of the Senate of 27th December, 1833, by the Commissary General of Subsistence., Vol. III, printed in Washington by Duff Green, 1835.

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