Biography of John E. Ingram

The proprietor of the Forest House, Eufaula, was born in Harrison County, Texas, in December 1839. He commenced his education in the neighborhood schools at the age of ten years. At fourteen years of age he left school, and assisted his father on the farm until 1855, when he came to the Creek Nation and renewed his studies at Tallahassee Mission, having the right of citizenship through his mother who was a Creek Indian. After three years at the Mission, young Ingram undertook the charge of a herd of cattle for a widow lady, and in the capacity remained five years. But mechanics was the natural bent of John’s inclination, and he soon drifted into the carpenters’ trade, and became master of the bench before many years. At the outbreak of the war he joined the Confederate service, and served bravely until the close. In 1866 he married Miss Rebecca Marshall, daughter of Mathew Marshall, of Choska, Cherokee Nation, by whom he had one child, who died shortly after its mother in 1868. In 1871 he married Miss Elizabeth Ross, a Cherokee, by whom he had two girls, Fannie, born in 1874, and Leona, in 1876. In 1884 he moved from the old town on North Fork, and build himself a home at Eufaula, which, with additions, he shortly afterwards converted into a hotel, now called Forest House, and fitted up with all the necessary comforts for the traveler, having good stables, fine orchards, garden and shady grounds. Mr. Ingram started to Eufaula with $60.00 capital, which he expended in lumber for his house, while at the present time the building is worth at least $2,500.00. During his stay at Eufaula, he has improved a farm of 100 acres, which is in excellent cultivation. Besides this, he is owner of some 50 head of cattle, besides horses and hogs. Between the years of 1884 and 1891 his people have frequently endeavored to secure his official services, but he preferred to keep clear of politics, all his time being necessary for the success of his business, to which he is greatly devoted. He is a hard workingman and popular with all classes. Mr. Ingram’s daughters are pupils at the Harrell Institute, receiving the highest classical and musical education.


Biography, Cherokee, Creek,

Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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