Fort Smith (Westark) Junior College Yearbooks 1929-2003

1939 Fort Smith Junior College Yearbook

The Boreham Library at the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith, enabled 72 copies of the university yearbooks to be digitized and made freely available online, 1929-2003. The yearbooks during this period was known as the “Pioneer” and “Nuna”. Yearbooks provide a window into student life. From sports teams to clubs, fashions to hairstyles, these volumes document the changing attitudes and culture of college students year by year.

Fort Smith Criminal Records

Fort Smith

Fort Smith Criminal Records: This series consists of criminal court cases, and contains such material as indictments, bills of information, arrest warrants, writs, subpoenas, appearance bonds, transcripts of proceedings before U.S. commissioners, orders, verdicts, judgments, sentencing orders, and appeal papers. In these records can be found the criminal cases of such famous outlaws as Belle, Sam, Tom, and Henry Starr (jacket 170); Wyatt Earp (jacket 59); Gad and Emmet Dalton (jacket 55); Rufus Buck (jacket 500); Edgar Watson (jacket 197); Blue Duck (jacket 26); and “Cherokee Bill” Goldsby (jacket 500).

Biography of Wiley Terry Wisdom

Wiley Terry Wisdom, Vice President of the Exchange National Bank of Muskogee, was born in Jackson, Tennessee, February 22, 1875. His father, Colonel Dew M. Wisdom, was born at Medon, Madison County, Tennessee, February 3, 1836, and was a son of William S. and Jane (Anderson) Wisdom. The grandfather was born in Rockingham county, North Carolina, in 1796, and when Colonel Wisdom was still an infant he was taken by his parents to McNairy county, Tennessee. He completed his education in the Cumberland University at Lebanon and is numbered among its alumni of 1857. He early took up the study … Read more

Biography of C. W. Copeland

C. W. Copeland. A veteran in the ice business, C. W. Copeland is president of the Belleville Lee and Cold Storage Company. He is one of the leading business men and citizens of that thriving city. The Belleville Ice and Cold Storage Company was incorporated January 15, 1915, with Mr. Copeland as president and with G. H. Bramwell as secretary and W. K. Bramwell as treasurer. This plant had a capacity for the manufacture of twenty-five tons of ice per day, and had storage capacity for 5,000 tons. The plant, eligibly situated on the Rock Island Railroad tracks, covers 90 … Read more

Redbird Smith

Red Bird Smith

Biography of Redbird Smith, who was the moving spirit of the Nighthawk branch of the Keetoowah Society of Full-blood Cherokees.

Biography of Clarence William Turner

From the pioneer epoch in the history of Oklahoma’s development along industrial and commercial lines the name of Turner has been associated with mercantile interests. It has been inseparably interwoven with the annals of trade that stands for a dominant progressiveness, resulting largely in the up building of Muskogee. Clarence William Turner, whose name introduces this review, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, June 18, 1857, and comes of English ancestry, the founder of the family in the new world being John Turner, who crossed the Atlantic from England and became a resident of Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, where in … Read more

Biography of David Lee Stokes

For forty-one years David Lee Stokes has been a resident of Oklahoma and after many years of activity as an agriculturist he is now living retired in Bartlesville in the enjoyment of a good income, gained through untiring industry, perseverance and intelligently directed effort during his earlier years. He was born in Marshfield, Missouri, January 12, 1866, his parents being Granville and Pheobia (Haymes) Stokes, who established their home in the Indian Territory, in what is now Washington county, Oklahoma, in 1880, becoming early settlers of this region. The father leased a tract of land four miles northwest of Bartlesville, … Read more

Biography of Colonel Elhanan John Searle

Soldier, jurist and publicist, a man of many attainments and widely diversified talent, was Elhanan J. Searle, the subject of this sketch. He was born January 18, 1835, at Royalton, Ohio, coming to Rock Island County with his parents when about two years of age, and died at Rock Island, August 18, 1906. Colonel Searle, or Judge Searle as he was perhaps more familiar known throughout Rock Island County, received his education at the Rock River Seminary, an institution located at Mount Morris, Illinois, and after completing his studies in that school, which was largely preparatory in its scope, he … Read more

North America Indian Names of Places in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and Louisiana

The Indians all over this continent had names, traditions, religions, ceremonies, feasts, prayers, songs, dances all, more or less, with symbolism and allegory, adapted to circumstances, just as all other races of mankind. But the world has become so familiar with the continued and ridiculous publications in regard to everything touching upon that race of people that a universal doubt has long since been created and established as to the possibility of refinement of thought and nobleness of action ever having existed among the North American Indian race, ancient or modern; and so little of truth has also been learned … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John M. Taylor

(See Foreman) –John Manchester, son of James Madison, born April 18, 1818, and died January 7, 1907, and Addle (Manchester) Taylor was born Aug. 14, 1860, in Cherokee County, North Carolina, and was educated in the Cumberland Presbyterian College, Louden, Tennessee, and at Atlanta, Georgia. Married at Claremore, Thursday, February 23, 1893, Bertha E. McCutchan, daughter of Samuel and Margaret McCutchan, born November 29, 1872, at Redoak, Charlotte County,Virginia and was educated in Missouri. They are the parents of Blaine Samuel, born June 25, 1894; Robert Clinton, born July 24, 1897; served during the World war in the Medical Corps; … Read more

The Cherokee Revolt – Indian Wars

From the removal of the Cherokee Indians from Georgia and Tennessee to Arkansas and their establishment upon the reservation allotted to them by treaty with the Government in Arkansas, they have, until the period of this outbreak to the narrative of which this chapter is devoted, been considered as among the least dangerous and most peaceable of the tribes in that region. But through various causes, chief among which has been notably the introduction among them of a horde of those pests of the West the border ruffians; these half wild, half-breed Nomads were encouraged by these Indians, as it … Read more

Biography of B. F. Rowland, M. D.

Important and varied interests claim the time and attention of Dr. B. F. Rowland, a leading druggist of Ochelata, who also figures prominently in financial circles as Vice President of the Ochelata State Bank, and he is likewise the owner of a good farm in this vicinity, his business affairs being most judiciously managed. He was born in Moniteau County, Missouri, June 7, 1866, his parents being Powhatan and Mary W. (Longdon) Rowland, the latter a daughter of a circuit rider in Missouri, who was one of the well known ministers of the early days. B. F. Rowland’s father engaged … Read more

Biography of Hon. Samuel Morton Rutherford

Samuel Morton Rutherford has always been keenly alive to his duties and responsibilities as a man and citizen and through the avenue of his profession has done much to uphold the legal and moral status of his community. Residing in Muskogee, he is recognized as one of the eminent members of the bar of this section of the state, attaining high position in a calling where advancement depends entirely upon individual merit and ability. Samuel M. Rutherford is indebted to the public school system of Fort Smith, Arkansas, for his early educational privileges and later he enjoyed the benefit of … Read more

Biography of H. B. Rodecker

H. B. Rodecker, an enterprising and successful druggist of Ramona, was born near Eureka, Illinois, on the 22d of August, 1874, and was taken by his parents, William B. and Leona (Hellen) Rodecker, to Newton, Harvey county, Kansas, in 1880. The mother is a niece of the late Cecil Rhodes, multi-millionaire and statesman of South Africa. The father was a tinner by trade and followed that pursuit until 1889, when the family removed to Oklahoma City and he entered the employ of W. J. Pettie, a hardware merchant, conducting a business that has since been developed into a large wholesale … Read more

Biography of Amanda Payne Morgan Bell

The life history of Amanda Payne Morgan Bell, who formerly, served as County Superintendent of schools, will prove of interest to her many friends and acquaintances. She was born in Fort Smith, Arkansas, her parents being Gideon and Mary L. (Payne) Morgan, the former born near Nashville, Tennessee, and of Cherokee Indian descent, while the mother’s birth occurred in Arkansas. In early life the father removed to Arkansas and eventually to Oklahoma, the train on which he was riding being the first to stop at Gibson Station, this state. Here he became a large planter and took a very active … Read more

Biography of Jefferson D. Cox

Jefferson D. Cox is actively connected with a profession that has important bearing upon the progress and stable prosperity of every community, and one in which advancement depends upon individual merit and ability. Ability becomes in a measure prominence, and that Mr. Cox occupies a leading position in the ranks of the legal profession is an indication of his learning and skill in his chosen field. He is also a successful stock man and he owns a large ranch where fancy Duroc hogs and Durham cattle are raised. Jefferson D. Cox was born in Walhalla, South Carolina, on the 1st … Read more

Biography of John F. Chandler

John F. Chandler, an automobile dealer of Muskogee, was born near Fayetteville, Washington county, Arkansas, September 26, 1861. His parents were Preston and Bathsheba (Bartlett) Chandler, natives of Arkansas and Kentucky respectively. The grandfather in the paternal line was one of the earliest of the pioneer settlers of Arkansas and in that state Preston Chandler was reared and educated. After attaining adult age he became a farmer, purchasing land a mile from his father’s place and continuing the cultivation of his fields throughout his remaining days. He served with the Union army throughout the Civil war, while his brothers were … Read more

Biography of Charles J. Searle

An attorney whose marked ability has been repeatedly recognized not only in Rock Island County, by whose Bar Association he has, at the time this sketch is written, recently been honored by the election as its president, but throughout the State of Illinois, is Charles J. Searle, of Rock Island. A biographical sketch of a man so well and widely known, seems almost superfluous, for there are but few in Rock Island County, and indeed in this section of Illinois, who do not enjoy a personal acquaintance with the gentleman himself. And were these sketches written and published merely for … Read more

Biography of Edgar L. Farris

Edgar L. Farris, though one of the younger business men of Independence has utilized his opportunities to the best advantage and is now a partner in one of the leading insurance firms of that city. He was born in Clarksville, Arkansas, May 16, 1891. His family is of old southern stock, and settled in Alabama about revolutionary times. Grandfather Jasper Farris was born in Alabama in 1824, was a farmer and stockman, and in 1875 moved to Clarksville, Arkansas, where he died in 1900. F. M. Farris, father of Edgar L., was born in Alabama in 1856 and was nineteen … Read more

Biography of Randall Solon Tilles, M. D.

The broad field of medicine offers a wonderful opportunity since science has brought to light so many truths and such broad knowledge that the profession has become highly specialized. Concentrating his efforts upon obstetrics and gynecology, Dr. Randall Solon Tilles has gained a position of prominence in his chosen field. He was born at Fort Smith, Arkansas, March 8, 1883, and is a son of David Tilles, a native of that state and of German descent, the family being founded in America by Solomon Titles, who came to the new world in 1855 and originally settled at Little Rock, Arkansas, … Read more