Biographical Sketch of Mrs. George W. Waller

Susie L. Hayes, born in the Salina District, Cherokee Nation, April 17, 1879, educated at Worchester Academy, Vinita, married February 26, 1895 George W. Waller, a successful farmer and stock raiser, who died August 28, 1915. They are the parents of: Goldie Jane, born September 3, 1897, married Frederick E. Taylor; William T. H., born February 5, 1899, married Della Price; Bertha M., born February 13, 1901 ; Bessie O. W., born September 21, 1905; Cricket Ruby, born July 4, 1907; Blynn Eldred, born September 20, 1909, and George Clifford, born February 14, 1912. Mrs. Waller’s Cherokee name is Su-saun-e. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Thomas B. Archer

(See England) Anna Bell daughter of Abram and Alta Berilla (Schrimsher) Meeks was born near Vinita November 20, 1878. Educated in Worcester Academy. Married April 22, 1897 Thomas B. Archer son of Thomas and Fannie Archer, born Aug. 29, 1873 in Vernon County, Nevada, Mo. They are the parents of Irra, born July 10, 1898; Otto B., born July 9, 1900, Fannie B., born February 13, 1902; Thomas B., born November 15, 1903; Abram born November 4, 1905 and Morrill Archer, born March 22, 1908. Ina, Otto B. and Fannie B. Archer are graduates from Vinita High School. Ima married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James E. Elliott

Elliott, James E. (See Foreman)—James F., son of George and Rachel (Henson) Elliott, was born in Vinita, Mar. 16, 1875, educated in Delaware Dist. Married at Adair Apr. 4, 1889, Eva, daughter of Joseph S. and Nancy Wickham, born Dec. 8, 1875, Schuyler County, Missouri. They are the parents of Sadie Marie, born April 1, 1903; Juanita Josephine, born October 28, 1913, James Howard Elliott, born November 22, 1916. Mr. Elliott is a farmer and stock raiser, and is a member of the Independent Order of I. O. O. F His Cherokee name is Oo-ch-la-ta.

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. J. W. Harris

(See England)—Ida Josephine, daughter of Elias H. and Arminda (England) Jenkins was born in Cooweescoowee District, July 4, 1870 and educated at the Cherokee National schools. Married at Siloam Spring, Arkansas, July 10, 1886, John Wesley Harris, born June 23, 1867, in Winebago County, Illinois. They are the parents of Flora May, born July 25, 1887; Gertrude N., born January 13, 1889; Ulalah S., born September 5, 1890; Roy C., born April 20, 1892, and John Wesley Harris, born June 3, 1897. Mr. Harris is a farmer and stock raiser near Vinita. He was elected County Commissioner of Craig County, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James R. Carselowey

Carselowey, James R. (See Grant, Downing and Daniel)—James Robert Carselowey, born at Vinita, February 15, 1875, educated in public schools, Willie Halsell College, Vinita. Married at Adair Nov. 28, 1900, Annie B., daughter of Alonzo B. and Lavenia A. Fishback, born February 27, 1882, in Tarrant County, Texas. They are the parents of: James Manford, born November 28, 1901; Lavenia Gertrude, born February 27, 1905; Elsie Roberta, born December 24, 1906; Raymond Russell, born September 23, 1908; Lahoma, born April 7, 1911 and Pauline Carselowey, born February 2, 1913. Mr. Carselowey is a man of pleasing personality, more than ordinary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Henry N. Cook

(See Grant)-Alice, daughter of Joseph Lynch and Alice (Tucker) Thompson was born Jan. 26, 1881, educated at Vinita and Female Seminary. Married at Vinita September 18, 1906 Henry N. born Dec. 21, 1863, son of Henry and Margaret Cook, born Aug. 17, 1836 in Missouri. They are the parents of: Evelyn Louise and Lucille Marie, twins, born December 16, 1907; Ellen Jaunita, born December 2?, 1908; Joseph Lewis, born April 25, 1911; Henry Ernest, born August 20, 1913; George Robert, born July 28, 1916; and Alice Vivian, born July 4, 1919. Mr. Cook’s first wife was Lila N. Foreman, a … Read more

Biography of Wade Hampton Kornegay

For three decades Wade Hampton Kornegay has been a representative of the Vinita bar and with the passing years his clientele has steadily increased in volume and importance. as he has demonstrated his ability to cope with the intricate problems of the law, while he is also recognized as one of the most progressive agriculturists and stock raisers of Craig county. He was born in Duplin county, North Carolina, April 17, 1865, and was named for General Wade Hampton, the noted Confederate leader. His parents were Henry and Jeannette (Williams) Kornegay, who were also natives of North Carolina, the former … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Lola M. Rambo

(See Grant, Oolootsa and Adair)-Lola M., daughter of Marshall and Pauline (McCoy) Mann, was born September 6, 1885 at Vinita, Oklahoma. She was educated at Kidd-Key College at Sherman, Texas, and Willie Halsell College at Vinita, Oklahoma. She graduated from the latter institution; and also took a stenographic course at this school. She was married at Muskogee December 4, 1907, to Walter A., son of James J. and Mary A. Rambo. They are the parents of Alma Elsine, born Sept. 12, 1908; Marshall J., born Oct. 31, 1910; Kenneth, born Aug. 17, 1913 and Pauline Louise Rambo, born January 6, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James F. Rogers

(See Rogers)-James Foster, son of Lewis and Elizabeth J. (Lisenbe) Rogers was born in September 1881. Educated in the Cherokee public schools and Male Seminary. Married at Vinita 1893, Josephine, daughter of John D, and Jennie Marker, born June 9, 1877. They are the parents of: Flora E. born February 16, 1894; James Foster, born July 13, 1899; Nellie Bell, born June 9, 1900; Mary J. born April 5, 1902; Annie L., born March 12, 1904 and Lewis T. born August 8, 1907. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers have adopted and are raising Talala Buchanan Rogers, born Oct. 18, 1912, a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. J. H. Wiener

(See Grant)-Herbert, son of John Martin, and Corinne E. (Washburn) Thompson, married Clarkie A. Lee, and they were the parents of Hallie C. Thompson, born August 28, 1873, at Goodie’s Bluff in Cooweescoowee District. She was educated at Little Rock, Arkansas, and taught six years in the public schools at Vinita, and two years in Willie Halsell College of the same place, and was associate reporter of the Vinita Daily Chieftain for seven years. She married at Vinita July 17, 1905, J. H., son of Henry and Rebecca Wiener. Mr. and Mrs. Wiener are members of the Christian church. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Frankie F. Heady

(See Ghigau) Frankie Folsom, daughter of John H. and Lulu (Boynton) Kendall was born at Chelsea August 11, 1836. Educated in Nowata High and Cincinnati C. C. M. graduating from the former in 1906 and the latter in1908. Married at Independence, Kansas March 17, 1911 Frank son of J. B. Heady, born at Watova. They are the parents of J. B., born February 4, 1912; Byron Leroy, born October 2, 1914; Mildred Marie, born February 4, 1917 and died October 23, 1918; James Ewing, born September 17, 1918 and Jeanne Eileen Heady, born November 23, 1920. Mrs. Heady is a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Walter E. Roberts

(See Oolootsa). -Edward Warner, son of Amory E. and Dollie Eunicia (Hoyt) Chamberlin, born October 10, 1853. Married August 2, 1883, Sarah E. Nazworthy, born May 20, 1863, in Illinois. He died March 21, 1899. They were the parents of Laura Hoyt Chamberlin, born at Vinita, March 11, 1886, educated in Female Seminary. Married at Vinita November 25, 1906, Walton E., son of William F. and Nancy Francis Roberts, born Sept. 19, 1887. They are the parents of Louis Walton, born October 1907; Donald Edward, born October 30, 1913, and Eva Juanita Roberts, born November 22, 1916. Mr. Roberts is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. W. W. Bryan

(See Grant and Adair) -William Wear, son of Charles S. and Mildred (Wear) Bryan born September 7, 1868 in Cooper County, Missouri. Graduated from Western Dental College of Kansas City, Mo. Married at Vinita August 11,1892, Rachel Bell, daughter of William Henry and Eliza Jane (Bell) Mayes, born September 12, 1868. They were the parents of: Charles S. born July 14, 1896, and died Nov. 9 of the same year; Frances, born May 17, 1895 and died June 21, 1895; William Mayes born July 14, 1896 and died Nov. 9, 1896; Joe Cullus, born February 10, 1903, and Mamie Alexander … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sue Adair Wallace

(See Adair, Grant, McNair Cordery and Duncan)-Sue -, born January 17, 1887 at Vinita, Cherokee Nation. Educated at Female Seminary married December 7, 1909 Robert Wilson Wallace. They are the parents of: Helen Adair Wallace born June 7, 1914. Wallace’s Cherokee name is Susonia. Wallace is an oil producer in the West Virginia and Texas oil fields.

Biography of T. J. Adair

Though not of the royal line, Harold, the son of the great Earl Godwin, had been elected and served for forty weeks as King of England, until on the fated fourteenth of October 1066 he was overthrown by the victorious legions of William, Duke of Normandy. Thenceforward known as William I, King of England and popularly called The Conqueror. The polish and elegance of the world at that time was best exemplified by the Norman Knights and Nobles, many of whom accompanied Arlotta’s son, settled in and directed the destinies of England. Among the proud cavaliers was d’Heanage. Hundreds of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mary Eunice Balentine

(See Oolootsa and Riley)-Monroe Calvin Keys, born September 15, 1826. Married at Park Hill, May 31, 1855 Lucy Lowrey Hoyt, born September 16, 1831. She graduated from the Female Seminary in 1854. He was a member of Captain Benjamin Wisner Carter’s Company in the confederate service. He died March 3, 1881 and she died Aug. 24, 1912. They were the parents of Mary Eunice, born May 31, 1856; Lydia Emma, born September 16, 1858; Fannie Myrtle, born November 5, 1862; Sarah Ann born October 6, 1865 ; Elizabeth Riley, born January 13, 1868; Monroe Amory, born February 21, 1870 and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wright Dupree

(See Adair) Wright Dupree, born August 8, 1890 in Texas, was educated at Vinita, Oklahoma, and Sedalia, Missouri Business College. He married at Centralia, Oklahoma, July 12, 1914, Rosa, daughter of I. J. and Emma Wright, born January 12, 1894. They are the parents of Louis Wright Dupree, born June 9, 1915, and Francis Elizabeth Dupree, born April 1, 1917. Mr. Dupree is the son of William E. Dupree, born November 9, 1857 in Texas, who married Anna L. Wright on January 11, 1883. They are members of the talented Bell and Adair families. Mr. and Mrs. Dupree are members … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Louise H. Horrell

Horrell, Mrs. Louise H. (See England)—Louisa H. daughter of William and Mary Jane (England) Habish, born June 23, 1878. Educated in the Cherokee Public Schools and Worchester Academy, Vinita. Married at Oswego, Kansas March 8, 1905, George T., son of Benjamin and Mary Frances Horrel. They are the parents of: Mary Thelma, born February 9, 1906 and Allen C. Horrel, born October 31, 1908. Mr. Horrell is a stillman with the St. Clair Refining Company.

Biography of T. D. Cox

For a quarter of a century T. D. Cox has made his home in Vinita and is contributing to the commercial development of his town as a member of the Craig County Motor Company, displaying enterprise, determination and administrative ability in the management of his business interests. He was born in Decatur, Illinois, April 24, 1869, his parents being Aaron and Sarah (Clark) Cox, both of whom were natives of North Carolina. As a young man the father went to Illinois and there engaged in agricultural pursuits. He purchased an old-fashioned “ground hog” separator for threshing his grain, this being … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Jasper E. Smith

(See Cordery) Catherine Ann, daughter of John Parker and Sarah Elizabeth (Davis) Collies was born in Delaware District November 20, 1889, educated in the Cherokee National Schools. Married at Vinita, December 24, 1908, Jasper E, son of Charles and Levonia Smith. They are the parents of: Watie Dufferin, born October 18, 1909; Don Tate, born September 20, 1911; Pauline Ruth, born August 9, 1914; and Betty Imogene Smith, born July 15, 1920. Mr. Smith is a farmer and dealer in cattle and hogs near Ketchum. Tomas Cordery married Susannah a full-blood Cherokee of the Savannah Clan. Their son, Early, married … Read more