Biography of W. H. H. Miller

W. H. H. MILLER. Among the men who early cast their fortunes in what is now Christian County, Missouri, was one whose memory is treasured by the few remaining pioneers of a rapidly passing age, a man of honest integrity and sterling worth, we refer to Jesse Miller, the father of the subject of this sketch.

He was born in North Carolina about 1800, and when but a boy went with his parents to Tennessee, where he met and married Miss Eunice Vanzandt, a native of Georgia, born about 1809. Until 1852 this worthy couple made their home in Tennessee, and then moved to what is now Christian County, Missouri They located near Linden and rented land a few years, but subsequently purchased land in the same vicinity. There Mr. Miller died in 1856. He was a well-to-do farmer and was ever thrifty, honest and industrious. He was a soldier in the Indian wars, and was the only one of the family who came to Missouri. His two brothers, Henry and James, are deceased as are also several sisters. In his political views Mr. Miller advocated the principles of the Whig Party. His wife, who was a member of the Methodist Church many years, died in August, 1892. They were the parents of thirteen children as follows: Matilda, deceased, was the wife of Huston McDaniel; Mary A., wife of William Wadkins, of Greene County; Samuel H., died in Colorado in March, 1892 (he kept a hotel in his town and was mayor and justice of the peace there; during the war he was captain of the Home Guards); Matilda R. was the wife of E. A. Harper, of Texas; Jesse left home just prior to the war, and has not been heard from since 1861; John died young; Eunia E. married Alfred M. Stillins, of this county; Thomas D., of this county, was a private in the M. S. M. three years; Sarah, wife of John Griffis; W. H. H., subject, and Eliza, twins, the latter dying when sixteen years of age; Martha, wife of John Lassley, of this county, and James L., a railroad man of Colorado.

Like the average farmer boy, our subject received a fair common-school education and assisted his mother on the farm until 1872, or until twenty-four years of age, when he married Miss Mary J. Lassley, a native of Carroll County, Arkansas, and the daughter of Joseph and Susan Lassley. Her parents came from Virginia to Arkansas at an early day, where they lived and made their home until the breaking out of the Civil War, when they came to Christian County, Missouri. There they still reside. They have had eleven children. Mr. Lassley was a soldier in the Missouri State Militia during the war. He and wife are Methodists in their religious views. Two children have been born to our subject and wife: Newlen and Ida A., both educated in the common schools and at Ozark. Mr. Miller rented land a few years after his marriage and was then engaged in merchandising at Alma for seven years. Later he removed to Ozark, and was in the same business there for five years, the firm name being Miller & Wolff, but since then he has resided on his farm. This consists of 280 acres three miles southeast of Ozark and 210 acres are under cultivation, making one of the most valuable farms in the county. He has it well improved and well stocked. For ten or twelve years he has been one of the leading stock dealers of the county, handling hogs, cattle and sheep. He is thoroughgoing and public spirited, and is very popular with all classes. He was deputy sheriff under Z. A. Johnson during the celebrated Bald Knob reign and nearly all the arrests of the ruffians and outlaws were made by him in person. He made an able officer and was active and fearless in the discharge of his duties. Socially he is a prominent member of the Friend Lodge No. 352, A. F. & A. M., at Ozark, of which he was once W. M.


Biography, Civil War,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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