Biography of W. H. H. Miller

W. H. H. MILLER. Among the men who early cast their fortunes in what is now Christian County, Missouri, was one whose memory is treasured by the few remaining pioneers of a rapidly passing age, a man of honest integrity and sterling worth, we refer to Jesse Miller, the father of the subject of this sketch. He was born in North Carolina about 1800, and when but a boy went with his parents to Tennessee, where he met and married Miss Eunice Vanzandt, a native of Georgia, born about 1809. Until 1852 this worthy couple made their home in Tennessee, … Read more

Biography of O. H. P. Catron

O. H. P. CATRON. Few men in the county are better known or more popular than O. H. P. Catron, who is one of the proprietors of the Daily and Weekly Gazette of West Plains, Missouri This is the only daily published in this section, and although the weekly has been known here for many years, the daily has only known an existence of six years. The Gazette is one of the brightest, newsiest sheets published in southwest Missouri, and commands an ever widening circulation. Mr. Catron came to West Plains in March, 1882. He was born in Lafayette County, … Read more