Biography of G. W. Nokes

G. W. NOKES. It matters little what vocation a man selects as his life occupation so long as it is an honorable one. If he is an honest, upright man, courteous in his intercourse with his fellowmen and possessed of the average amount of energy and business sagacity, he is bound to make his business a financial success. Because the subject of this sketch is possessed of all these requirements, is the chief reason that he has succeeded; because he is above the average in point of natural business qualifications, is the reason he today stands among the best merchants … Read more

Biography of Thomas J. Gideon

THOMAS J. GIDEON is one of the leading attorneys practicing at the Springfield bar and a man who served his country faithfully as a soldier and bears the honored scars of wounds received in her defense. He is the son of William C. Gideon, an honored pioneer of Christian County. (See sketch of Judge James J. Gideon.) He was born on his father’s farm in Christian County January 24, 1845. He received the common education of the district school in the old log pioneer schoolhouse of those days. After the war he attended a private academy in Springfield for two … Read more

Biography of Samuel G. McCracken

SAMUEL G. MCCRACKEN. Among the active and energetic business men of Ozark is Samuel G. McCracken, grain dealer and grocery merchant. He has acquired an enviable reputation as a business man and citizen, and well deserves the large competency he has acquired by honest methods and strict business integrity. The McCracken family is of Scotch-Irish origin and the first members of this family to come to America settled in Tennessee, where they were esteemed as honorable and upright men and women. Thomas McCracken, grandfather of our subject, was born in Tennessee, as was also Nathaniel McCracken, the father of our … Read more

Biography of Judge James J. Gideon

There is no man better known throughout the Ozark region than Judge James J. Gideon, the subject of this sketch. Born on the soil and reared among the descendants of the pioneers, he is one of those self-made sons of Missouri, who, while he has distinguished himself as a lawyer and jurist, has a far greater claim to the respect of the people in his sturdy integrity of character and his lifelong course as a friend of justice. He springs from a sterling Irish-Scotch ancestry of Colonial American stock. James Gideon, the great-grandfather of our subject, was the founder of … Read more

Biography of James Hildrith

JAMES HILDRITH. James Hildrith, one of the prominent citizens of the county, came here in the year 1877, and his intelligence, enterprise and energy, with many other estimable qualities, have secured for him a popularity not derived from any factitious circumstance, but a permanent and spontaneous tribute to his merit. He is a native of the Keystone State, born in Clearfield County, Pa., October 23, 1842, to William N. and Priscilla (Fernsides) Hildrith, natives of Yorkshire, England, where they were married. At an early date they came to the United States and settled in the City of Brotherly Love, where … Read more

Biography of Henry J. Hinkle

HENRY J. HINKLE. No better proof of the advancement of Sparta in the last few years can be shown than the dimensions which the hardware trade has assumed. Among those prominently engaged in that line of business in the county is Henry J. Hinkle, who is a gentleman of standing and repute, his business being the outgrowth of his own energy and push. Mr. Hinkle was born in Fremont County, Iowa, March 8, 1856, and is a son of William and Alvira (Winstow) Hinkle. The elder Hinkle was a native of the Keystone State and of German descent. The father … Read more

Biography of William Roberts

WILLIAM ROBERTS. William Roberts is one of the wealthy pioneer citizens of Christian County, and has resided on his present property for the past twenty-five years. He is a native of East Tennessee, born in Hamilton County, February 15, 1823, and his parents, Jacob and Elizabeth (Groves) Roberts, were natives of Tennessee also. The grandfather, William Roberts, was a native of the Old North State and a soldier in the Revolution. He was one of the early pioneers of Tennessee, but at an early date came to Missouri and settled in this part of the State, dying in Texas County … Read more

Biography of A. Harrington

As a leading citizen of Springfield, in its professional, business and social life, lending eminent strength to her bar, to her finance and grace to her society, A. Harrington commands attention from the historian who would wish to do the city justice. He is one of the ablest of attorneys, and has few, if any, peers in his comprehensive knowledge of State and International law, and has conducted many cases to a successful issue. While a born orator he does not solely rely upon the rhetorical finish of his sentences, upon his fervid declamation or upon his rich imagery, but … Read more

Biography of Thomas L. Viles

THOMAS L. VILES. To attain success in any calling, it is necessary that a man should be possessed of a keen and discerning mind, with the energy and determination to push his business or profession instead of allowing it to push him. These qualities are possessed in an eminent degree by Thomas L. Viles, who is the able prosecuting attorney of Stone County, in which he has made his home for many years. He is a native of Roane County, Tennessee, where he was born October 3, 1850. The son of John and Martha (Roberts) Viles, who were also Tennesseans. … Read more

Biography of Hon. Simeon W. Bunch

HON. SIMEON W. BUNCH. The fortunate possessor of 205 acres of as good and as there is in the beautiful township of Sparta, our subject is one of the progressive farmers and representative citizens of Christian County, Missouri, where he has long made his home. He came originally from Simpson County, Kentucky, born in 1832. His parents, William and Malinda (Roark) Bunch, were probably natives of Tennessee, where they were reared and married. About 1831 the parents moved to Simpson County, Kentucky, and there the father died about 1833, when in the prime of life. He was a farmer by … Read more

Biography of W. K. Johnson

W. K. JOHNSON. The public services of Mr. Johnson, the efficient and capable treasurer of Christian County, Missouri, have been characterized by a noticeable devotion to the welfare of his county, and his ability and fidelity in his present position have been seen and appreciated by all. He is a native of Tennessee, born in Grainger County September 22, 1837. He is a son of Joshua and Sarah (Dent) Johnson, both natives of Tennessee, the father born in Hawkins and the mother in Grainger County. They came to Christian County, Missouri, in 1868, and here both passed the remainder of … Read more

Biography of Z. A. Johnson

It is generally considered by those in the habit of super-ficial thinking that the history of so-called great men only is worthy of preservation, and that little merit exists among the masses to call forth the praise of the historian or the cheers and appreciation of mankind. A greater mistake was never made. No man is great in all things,and very few are great in many things. Many, by a lucky stroke, achieve lasting fame, who before that had no reputation beyond the limits of their neighborhood. It is not a history of the lucky stroke which benefits humanity most, … Read more

Biography of Dr. James W. York

DR. JAMES W. YORK. This prominent physician has been a close student of his profession and in his mission of “healing the sick,” his generous treatment of his patients, his liberality and kindness of heart, have won for him not the respect alone, but the earnest regard of the large clientele, he has gathered around him. For thirteen years be has resided in Billings and is known as a man of untarnished integrity of character and of high moral standing. His birth occurred at Richland, Keokuk County, Iowa, March 27, 1851, and he is a son of James M. and … Read more

Biography of Washington M. Wade

WASHINGTON M. WADE. Washington M. Wade, ex-clerk and recorder of Christian County, and a prominent banker of the county, was born in Carroll County, Arkansas, January 21, 1858, and was the youngest of ten children born to the union of Joseph and Nancy (Sivley) Wade. The father was born in Warren County, Kentucky, near Bowling Green, March 4, 1814, and the mother was born in Lawrence County, Ala., in 1816. The latter was the daughter of Mr. and Rachel Sivley, and was the only one of the family to come to Missouri. Our subject’s paternal grandparents were Joseph Wade and … Read more

Biography of William L. Robertson

WILLIAM L. ROBERTSON. Among the worthiest of the representative business men of Christian County, Missouri, stands the name of William L. Robertson, whose standing is high for character, ability and enterprise. He is the eldest but one of the children born to James W. and Martha J. (Payne) Robertson, his birth occurring in Stone County, Missouri, February 23, 1858, at the mouth of Finley Creek. There our subject resided with his parents until three years of age, when they removed to Greene County on Grand Prairie, a mile and a half south of Republic and made their home there for … Read more

Biography of John Welker

John Welker, a prominent notary of Billings, has made his home in that town for over ten years, and his career presents an example of industry, perseverance and good management rewarded by substantial results. Like other representative men of the county, he is a native of the Buckeye State, being born in Stark County May 8, 1838. He has inherited his push and energy from his German ancestors. He is a son of John and Mary (Eply) Welker, and grandson of John Welker, who was born in Pennsylvania of old German stock. The father of our subject was also a … Read more

Biography of A. C. Crain

A. C. CRAIN, ex-sheriff of Christian County and one of the representative men of the same, is now living a retired life at Sparta, Missouri He is a native of Tennessee, born in Franklin County October 2, 1833, and the son of William B. and Alice (Ford) Crain, natives of Tennessee. The grandfather, William B. Crain, was a native of North Carolina and came to Tennessee at an early day. Later he moved with his family to Stoddard County, Missouri, and in 1842 settled with his family in Greene County. Previous to this, in 1839, the father of our subject … Read more

Biography of E. G. Friend

E. G. FRIEND, who was born near his present home near Sparta, Christian County, Missouri, August 29, 833, is one of the prominent farmers and stockraisers of his section, and a man well posted on agricultural topics. He is a son of William and Elizabeth (Grimes) Friend, and a grandson of James Friend, who was a native of Scotland. The latter crossed the ocean with his two brothers to America at an early date, and settled in the grand old State of Virginia, where he was married and raised a large family. Later he moved to Ohio, and from there … Read more

Biography of Judge John P. Collier

JUDGE JOHN P. COLLIER. The philosophy of success in life is an interesting study, and affords a lesson from which others can profit. In choosing a pursuit in life, taste, mental gifts, opportunity and disposition to labor, should be considered, as many a young man who has a disposition to become a respectable and useful citizen desires to succeed therein. On the 15th of July, 1842, a boy was born in Warren County, Kentucky, who grew up to sturdy manhood, ambitious to excel and possessing much energy and determination, attributes which are essential to success in any calling. This boy … Read more

Biography of Homer G. Gilmore

HOMER G. GILMORE. In no part of the world is the flouring industry of greater importance than it is in the United States, nor in any other part of the world can the same excellence of quality of flour be produced. This need not be wondered at. Where is there another country possessing so rich and productive a soil, yielding and in plenty the richest wheat? Indeed, the industry and the importance necessarily attached to it are natural resultants of nature’s generosity. In Christian County, Missouri, the flouring industry is a most important one and foremost among those engaging in … Read more