Biographical Sketch of L. P. Gibson

L. P. GIBSON. This worthy young man is no less prominent in business circles than was his father, is well and favorably known throughout the county, and has a host of warm friends. He is junior member of the firm of Gibson Bros., tobacco manufacturers, is strictly honorable in his business transactions and is far above the average man in business ability. From his excellent father he learned lessons of honesty, industry and prudence which have been his stepping stones to success. His birth occurred in this county on the 9th of October, 1857, and like his brother he was … Read more

Biography of David Wolff

DAVID WOLFF. In the whole range of commercial enterprise no interest is of more importance than that representing the sale of groceries. This fact is recognized and appreciated by all thoughtful and intelligent persons. In this connection we take pleasure in calling attention to a house which, though only established since 1883, has already proved itself to be indispensable to the locality. David Wolff is a native of the Buckeye State, born in Ross County January 2, 1852, and is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth Wolff, both of whom died in Ohio. This worthy couple were the parents of … Read more

Biography of Hon. William A. Lawing

HON. WILLIAM A. LAWING. Within the limits of Christian County, Missouri, there is not a man of greater personal popularity than Hon. William A. Lawing, whose recognized worth and progressive spirit are well known. He was born at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, November 17, 1818, to the union of Robert and Mary Ann (Sublett) Lawing, natives, respectively, of North Carolina and Virginia. The parents were married at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where Mrs. Lawing died in 1843. Afterward, the father married Miss Ellen Ward, who now resides in Jasper County, Missouri. While a resident of Tennessee the father followed the occupation of cotton planter … Read more

Biography of John D. Forbis

JOHN D. FORBIS. Among the worthy residents of Lincoln Township, Christian County, Missouri, it is but just to say that Mr. Forbis occupies a conspicuous and honorable place, for he has always been honest, industrious and enterprising, and as a result has met with more than ordinary success. He is a man well known in agricultural circles, and is recognized as a careful, energetic farmer and stockdealer, who by his advanced ideas and progressive habits has done much to improve the farming and stockraising interests of his section. He has a native pride in this township, for he was born … Read more

Biography of Washington M. Wade

WASHINGTON M. WADE. Washington M. Wade, ex-clerk and recorder of Christian County, and a prominent banker of the county, was born in Carroll County, Arkansas, January 21, 1858, and was the youngest of ten children born to the union of Joseph and Nancy (Sivley) Wade. The father was born in Warren County, Kentucky, near Bowling Green, March 4, 1814, and the mother was born in Lawrence County, Ala., in 1816. The latter was the daughter of Mr. and Rachel Sivley, and was the only one of the family to come to Missouri. Our subject’s paternal grandparents were Joseph Wade and … Read more

Biography of Preston T. Moody

PRESTON T. MOODY. Among the thoroughgoing, wide-awake farmers and stockraisers of Christian County, Missouri, stands Preston T. Moody, whose intelligence, perseverance and industry have brought him good returns. Like so many of the representative citizens of the county, he came originally from Tennessee, having been born in the eastern part of that State in 1822. His parents, Thomas and Elizabeth (Belyew) Moody, were natives of Kentucky, and there they were married. Until 1852 Mr. and Mrs. Moody resided in different counties of east Tennessee, and then came by wagon to Maries County, Missouri, where both died within four years afterward. … Read more

Biography of Jasper N. Farmer

JASPER N. FARMER. The peculiar responsibility which attaches to the compounding and dispensing of prescriptions and kindred functions, imparts to the calling of the druggist an interest and importance somewhat unique in this respect among the arts and sciences, and therefore it is that accuracy and vigilance become elements closely akin to knowledge and skill in the laboratory. In such connection we make due reference to Mr. Jasper N. Farmer, the prominent drug man at Sparta, whose neat and popular pharmacy com-mends itself to all. This prominent business man was born in Christian County, on the old home place, July … Read more

Biography of John A. Gideon

JOHN A. GIDEON. Among the prominent citizens of Galloway Township, Christian County, Missouri, stands the name of John A. Gideon, who was born in Greene, now Christian County, Missouri, March 4, 1837. His parents, William and Matilda (Woods) Gideon, were natives of North Carolina, the father born in Wilkes County June 4, 1791, and the mother in Morganton, Burke County, June, 1792. Both were liberally educated at Morganton, and were married there March 11, 1812. About 1816 they removed to Hawkins County, Tennessee, and remained there until 1836, when they crossed the Mississippi River to Missouri, and settled in the … Read more

Biography of William T. Lamkin

WILLIAM T. LAMKIN. The bar of Christian County is given much force and power by the membership of William T. Lamkin, who has made his way to the front in the profession of law and is a prominent and useful citizen. He is a sincere, direct, positive man, a true man in the best and highest sense, and his standing at the bar is deservedly high. Mr. Lamkin is a product of this State, born in Linn County, June 15, 1848. He is a son of R. H. and Sarah H. (Hurt) Lamkin, natives of Kentucky and Missouri, respectively. The … Read more

Biography of Hon. J. J. Bruton

There are men, and the number is by no means small, who drift into what we are accustomed to look upon as the learned profession in the same way that thousands of men in the lower walks of life drift into the ordinary bread-winning occupations. Having no special preference for any calling, and without feeling that they have any particular fitness for a certain profession, they find themselves drifting in that direction as a result of associations or environment, and in the course of time they find themselves shouldering responsibilities for which they have scant liking, carrying burdens which rest … Read more

Biography of John A. Gibson

JOHN A. GIBSON. No theme has greater interest to the biographer than that of pioneer times, and the life history of those who have passed through that trying period and have made their way to comfort and prosperity through hardships and privations, is appreciated by every reader. Such a history do we have in the life of the one whose name is given above and who has been a resident of this county since the age of ten years. Mr. Gibson was born in Giles County, Tennessee, December 14, 1824. His parents, John K. and Ann (Knox) Gibson, were natives … Read more

Biography of Hon. Simeon W. Bunch

HON. SIMEON W. BUNCH. The fortunate possessor of 205 acres of as good and as there is in the beautiful township of Sparta, our subject is one of the progressive farmers and representative citizens of Christian County, Missouri, where he has long made his home. He came originally from Simpson County, Kentucky, born in 1832. His parents, William and Malinda (Roark) Bunch, were probably natives of Tennessee, where they were reared and married. About 1831 the parents moved to Simpson County, Kentucky, and there the father died about 1833, when in the prime of life. He was a farmer by … Read more

Biography of Z. A. Johnson

It is generally considered by those in the habit of super-ficial thinking that the history of so-called great men only is worthy of preservation, and that little merit exists among the masses to call forth the praise of the historian or the cheers and appreciation of mankind. A greater mistake was never made. No man is great in all things,and very few are great in many things. Many, by a lucky stroke, achieve lasting fame, who before that had no reputation beyond the limits of their neighborhood. It is not a history of the lucky stroke which benefits humanity most, … Read more

Biography of Dr. E. B. Brown

DR. E. B. BROWN. The gentleman, the salient points of whose history we shall endeavor to give below, is one of the most prominent physicians of Christian County, and his experience in civil life has been supplemented by the crucial one of witnessing death and the most terrible wounds with their attendant surgical operations. Dr. E. B. Brown commends himself most pleasantly to those with whom he comes in contact. He is a man of great force of character and one whose very presence would soothe a nervous and weakened patient. He is well read and informed, not only as … Read more

Biography of Joseph Lebow

JOSEPH LEBOW. The original of this notice is a Tennesseean by birth and has inculcated into him the sterling principles of the better class of citizens of that State. He was born in Hawkins County in 1833, and is the son of Isaac and Sarah (Gray) Lebow, both natives of Tennessee. The father born in Grainger and the mother in Washington County. Both parents received limited educational advantages and after marriage located in Hawkins County, where the mother passed away in 1865 and the father in 1882. Both were worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years. Mr. … Read more

Biography of M. V. Gideon

M. V. GIDEON. The gentleman whose name is given above is the popular and efficient circuit clerk and recorder of deeds, and one of the representative men of this county. Integrity, intelligence and system are the characteristics which tend to the prosperity to which all aspire, and such are some of the traits of Mr. Gideon, who is well and favorably known throughout the county, his birth having occurred here February 22, 1860. His father, William C. Gideon, who was an early pioneer of Missouri and a man whose uprightness and honesty were well known, was killed by the bushwhackers … Read more

Biography of John M. French

JOHN M. FRENCH. It should be impressed upon the minds of youth that at an early age they should practice introspection and should seriously study the famous Delphic oracle, “know thyself.” They will thus find as suitable an occupation as did John M. French, who at an early age showed much ability as an agriculturist. While Mr. French would unquestionably have made a success as a business man, or as a practitioner of law or many other of the learned professions, it is likewise true that no farmer of the county has gone deeper into the details of his occupation, … Read more

Biography of James W. Robertson

JAMES W. ROBERTSON (deceased). There is little need to portray the virtues or defend the memory of this gentleman, for he lives in the affection of his family and friends as a devoted husband, kind neighbor and public-spirited citizen. During the many years he resided in Christian County he was to the people all that is required in good citizenship, public enterprise and sympathetic friendship. In the love of his estimable wife he found his cares lightened, and in the respect of his fellow-citizens received the reward of his faithfulness. Mr. Robertson was born in middle Tennessee May 15, 1830, … Read more

Biography of Isaac A. Tyndall

ISAAC A. TYNDALL. The gentleman who occupies the honorable position of assessor of Christian County, Missouri, was first elected to that office in 1890, and reelected two years later. He is one of the most prominent citizens, and has held many official positions of trust. Mr. Tyndall was born in Christian (then Greene) County, May 10, 1856. His parents, William V. and Hannah (Huff) Tyndall, were natives of Georgia and Arkansas, respectively, the father born April 19, 1818, and the mother in Fulton County. Our subject’s great-grandfather came from England to this country at an early date, and settled at … Read more

Biography of G. T. B. Perry

G. T. B. PERRY. The practical value of shrewdness and discrimination combined with strict probity is exemplified in the prosperous condition of those who transact business on these principles. Mr. G. T. B. Perry, a prominent general merchant of Ozark, has a reputation for honorable dealing built up out of the practice of these invaluable principles. He is a product of the Blue Grass soil of Kentucky, Logan County, near Russellville, and is a son of John T. and Mary E. (Ewing) Perry, both natives of Kentucky. The grandfather, Samuel Perry, was a native of Virginia, and the family came … Read more