Mackinac Marriage Records 1821

August 11, 1821, William McGulpin, son of age of Patrick McGulpin, and Madeleine Bourassa, daughter of age of Daniel Bourassa and of Marguerite Bertrand, both residents of this parish, having shown us a certificate from a justice of the peace, Samuel Abbot, 1 by which it appears that they contracted marriage on August 21, 1815, and asked us to validate their marriage before the church. Accordingly on the same day and in the year aforesaid, we received their mutual marriage consent and gave them the nuptial Benediction in accordance with the ceremonies of the Roman Church, in the presence of Eloy Bourassa, Alexandre Bourassa, J. B. Bourassa, and Mathew McGulpin, who signed with us. And the said parties acknowledged as their legitimate children: Marguerite, born July 27, 1816; Pelagic, born November 4, 1818; and Marie, born on April 1, 1821 (the two fonmer having been baptized by Monsieur Joseph Crevier, missionary priest, September 9, 1818). In testimony whereof, the following have signed:

Gabriel Richard, parish priest of Ste Anne du Detroit.

W. McGulpin; Alexandre Bourassa; Madme Bourassa, + her mark.

August 3, 1821, John Dousman, son of age of John Dousman and of Catherine Bankman, a native of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania; and Rosalie La Borde, 2 daughter of Gabriel La Borde and Marguerite Chevalier, a native of this parish, both residing therein; having shown us a certificate of Samuel Abbott, a justice of the peace, from which it appeared that they contracted marriage on March 15, 1808, and asked us to validate their marriage before the church. Accordingly on the same day and in the year aforesaid, we received their mutual marriage consent and gave them the nuptial Benediction in Accordance with the ceremonies of the Roman Church, in the presence of Joseph Vaillancourt and of Antoine Deschamps, who signed with us. And the said parties acknowledged as their legitimate children: Jean, born June 17, 1812; Marie Anne, born August 5, 1815; John Pierre Dousman, born Ocotober 3, 1816; Harriet Dousman, born December 16, 1818; George Smith, born September 21, 1820, whose Baptismal certificate was made out on August 3, 1821. * * *

Gabriel Richard, priest.

John Dousman; Rosalie Dousman.

August, 3, 1821, Frangois Paget and Celeste Reed, both residing in this parish, having shown us a certificate from Samuel Abbot, justice of the peace, from which it appeared to us that they contracted marriage on July 31, 1817, and asked to have their marriage validated before the Church. Accordingly, we received their mutual marriage consent and gave them the nuptial Benediction in Accordance with the ceremonies of the Roman church in the presence of Pierre Caune and Louis Genereux. And the said parties acknowledged as their legitimate child Alexis, born on June 1, 1819. In testimony where of the parties have signed.

Gabriel Richard, priest.

Pierre Caune; Francois Paget.


  1. Samuel Abbott was in Mackinac before 1810, when he was made collector of customs. He was later magistrate, notary public, and president of the village. For many years he was Mackinac agent of the American Fur Company. He died some time before 1859.[↩]
  2. These people became prominent settlers of Green Bay, where Mrs. Rosalie Dousman conducted one of the earliest mission schools; see Wisconsin Historical Collections, X, xiii, xiv, indexes.[↩]

Marriage Records,

Translation from a copy of the original in possession of the parish church of Ste. Anne at Mackinac.

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