Early Mackinac Marriage Records 1725-1749

The old register at Mackinac is still preserved in the parish church of the island. It consists of one large volume, with the records of marriages entered at one end, and those of baptisms at the other. The record of interments is meagre. This volume extends in time from 1741-1821, and we here publish the portion comprising the marriages. That for the baptisms and interments will be given in the succeeding volume of our Collections. We are indebted to the Hon. Edward Osgood Brown of Chicago for an admirable transcription of this interesting document, which we follow in the present … Read more

Mackinac Marriage Records 1760-1769

January 7, 1760, I, * * * received the mutual consent of and gave the nuptial benediction to Michel Boier and to Josette Margueritte de Lignon, after the publication of three bans – in the presence of the undersigned witnesses and of others in attendance. M. L. Lefranc, Miss, of the society of Jesus. Mi. Lamarque; Michelle Boyer; Jean Romain dit Sanscrainte; Sejourne; Bourassa; Farly; Langlade; La Faintessie; René Bourassa, fils; Bourassa Langlade; Amable Chaboillez; René Bourassa, petit-fils. In the presence of the undersigned witnesses, I received the mutual consent of Pierre Duprés and of Marie Joseph Carignan at Michilimakinak … Read more

Mackinac Marriage Records 1780-1789

April 19, 1781, the Marriage Ceremony was solemnized between Thomas Stone and Margaret Paterson, daughter to Geo. Paterson, soldier in the 8th Regiment, by their mutual consent and before the undersigned witnesses. In testimony whereof the said Parties have also affixed their names – the Ceremony performed by Patrick Sinclair Esq., Governor of the Post. Tho Stone Witnesses: John Coates, Notary Public. July 20, 1786, I, the undersigned priest, having granted dispensation of bans between Sieur Charles Viarville dit Gauthier son of Sieur Claude Germain Viarville and of Therese Villeneuve, his father and mother, of this parish, of the one … Read more

Mackinac Marriage Records 1770-1779

July 28, 1773, I, the undersigned Vicar-General of Illinois received the mutual marriage consent of Sieur Hyacinthe Amelin, trader; and of Marie Joseph Maingans, and gave them the nuptial Benediction according to the form prescribed by the Holy Roman Church and in the presence of Sieurs Louis Cardin and Charles Chaboiller, friends of the husband; and of Sieurs Charles Mudox and Amable Roy, and of Therese Campion wife of Sieur Du Bois, friends of the wife, who signed with us these presents duly read. Gibault. H[y]ast Hamelin; Charles Maddox; Cardin; Amable Roy ; Therese Campion Dubois; Chaboillez. June 23, 1775, … Read more

Huron Tribe

Encampment among the Islands of Lake Huron

Commonly known as the Huron Tribe, Huron Indians, Huron People, Huron First Nation, Wyandot Tribe, and Wyandot Indians (Huron – lexically from French huré, bristly,’ ‘bristled,’ from hure, rough hair’ (of the head), head of man or beast, wild boar’s head; old French, ‘muzzle of the wolf, lion,’ etc., ‘the scalp,’ ‘a wig’; Norman French, huré, ‘rugged’; Roumanian, hurée, ‘rough earth,’ and the suffix –on, expressive of depreciation and employed to form nouns referring to persons). The name Huron, frequently with an added epithet, like vilain, ‘base,’ was in use in France as early as 1358 as a name expressive … Read more

Mackinac Marriage Records 1790-1799

January 21, 1792, I, the undervsigned Justice of the Peace, received the mutual Marriage Consent of Jean Baptiste La Borde dit Sans regret, and of marguerite Machar Chevalier, In the presence of the undersigned witnesses * * * Adhemar St Martin J. P. Alexis Laframboise; J. B. Barthe; C. Gaultier; Joseph Laframboise; J. B. la Borde Di Sanregret; Ezechiel Solomon; John Kirby; Louis Chevalier, + His Mark; Madme Gaultier, + Her Mark. March 19, 1792, I the Undersigned, Commandant of this Post, received the Mutual Marriage Consent of Alexis Laframboise, Esquire, and of Josette Adhemar, in the presence of the … Read more

Mackinac Marriage Records 1750-1759

February 1, 1750, I, the undersigned priest of the society of Jesus, performing the duties of parish priest, received the mutual marriage consent of Poncelet Batillo de Clermont, a soldier, son of the late Jean Batillo and of Marguerite Pierrot, of the parish of St Pierre de Mousar in Clarmontor, bishopric of Treves; and of Francois[e] Cardinal, widow of the late Pierre Hubert la Croix, of the parish of Lachine, and gave them the nuptial benediction * * * P. Du Jaunay, miss. of the society of Jesus. Poncelet Batillo et Clermont; Francois Cardinalle; Allexis Sejourne dit Sansragin [Sanschagrin]; Bourassa; … Read more

Mackinac Marriage Records 1821

August 11, 1821, William McGulpin, son of age of Patrick McGulpin, and Madeleine Bourassa, daughter of age of Daniel Bourassa and of Marguerite Bertrand, both residents of this parish, having shown us a certificate from a justice of the peace, Samuel Abbot, by which it appears that they contracted marriage on August 21, 1815, and asked us to validate their marriage before the church. Accordingly on the same day and in the year aforesaid, we received their mutual marriage consent and gave them the nuptial Benediction in accordance with the ceremonies of the Roman Church, in the presence of Eloy … Read more

Mackinac Marriage Records 1800-1804

January 19, 1800, I, the Undersigned one of the Justices of the Peace of the United States, received The mutual Marriage consent of Louis hamelin and of Marie Louise of the Sauteux nation. In the presence of the Undersigned witnesses, at McKinac on the day and in the year aforesaid. Adhemar St. Martin J. P. Alexis Laframbois; L Hamelin; Genevieve Plaiseé; J. Giasson. April 20, 1800, I, the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace of the United States, received The mutual Marriage consent of Jacques Chauvin and of Angelique of the Sauteux nation, In the presence of the … Read more