EVERETT CLINTON HALL, wholesale grocer at Brockton, is one of that thriving city’s enterprising and progressive young business men, one who by his own efforts has risen to a position of affluence through his energy and ability to take the initiative combined with natural-born business acumen. Mr. Hall is a descendant of several of the earliest settled families of this Commonwealth, numbering among his ancestors several of the country’s most noted Pilgrims, among these being John Alden and Priscilla Mullins. The Hall family ancestry following is given in chronological order.
George Hall Family of Taunton, MA
George Hall and his wife Mary are said to have come to America in 1636-37, from Devonshire, England. Mr. Hall had lands assigned him at Duxbury before 1639 (not occupied), according to one writer in 1637, who names this as about the date of his settlement in Cohannet (Taunton). Of the latter town he was one of the original proprietors; was one of the founders of Taunton, 1639. He was among those there in 1643 able to bear arms; was admitted a freeman in 1645, and was constable in that same year. He was chairman of the board of selectmen from 1666 to 1669, the year in which he died, the event occurring Oct. 30th. His wife Mary survived him. Mr. Hall was one of the founders of the Pilgrim Congregational Church and Society of Taunton. He was one of the stock-holders of the first iron “bloomery” established by the Leonards and others of Taunton on the site of the “old forge” in Raynham. The children of George and Mary mentioned in the will of Mr. Hall were:
- John, born in 1640
- Joseph, born in 1642
- Samuel, born in 1644
- Charity
- Sarah
- Mary
John Hall Family of Taunton, MA
John Hall, son of George and Mary, born in 1640, married Feb. 4, 1671, Hannah Penniman. He took the oath of fidelity in 1659; was on a jury of inquest in 1664; constable in 1666. His father was the first clerk in 1656 of the iron bloomery, to which office and as shareholder the son succeeded in 1669, was also clerk in 1671 and 1677. He was one of the board of selectmen in 1684-85-86-91. He was deputy to Plymouth Colony General Court in 1689-91. He was a member of the Congregational Church, was a large landholder and large proprietor in the “Taunton South Purchase” of 1663, and in the “North Purchase” of 1668; he also had a right in the original “Purchase.” He died in 1693. His children were:
- John, born June 27, 1672
- Joseph, born April 7, 1674
- James, born Dec. 8, 1675
- Benjamin, born Dec. 6, 1677
- Sarah, born in 1678-79
- Jacob, born Feb. 14, 1680
- Hannah, born Jan. 8, 1682 (married Samuel Hoskins)
James Hall Family of Raynham, MA
James Hall, son of John, born Dec. 8, 1675, married May 12, 1712, Sarah, born in 1685, daughter of Thomas and Mary Williams. Both were members of the Congregational Church of Raynham, Mass. They died, he Sept. 4, 1735, and she Jan. 4, 1763, leaving a large estate. Their children were:
- James, born April 28, 1713
- a son, born in 1714, who died soon
- Nathan, born Nov. 16, 1715
- Macy, born April 12, 1718
- Mary, born May 7, 1720
- Edmund, born Feb. 9, 1723
- David, born May 14, 1725
- Sarah, born Feb. 24, 1730, who married Samuel Alden, of Middleboro
James Hall Family of Raynham, MA
James Hall (2), son of James, born April 28, 1713, in South Raynham, Mass., married Jan. 1, 1750, Ruth, daughter of William Richmond, of Taunton, who died Feb. 24, 1799, in her seventy-sixth year. Mr. Hall inherited a large landed estate, and was occupied in farming. He died June 25, 1798, aged eighty-five years. His children were:
- James, born Dec. 1 1751
- Benjamin, born in 1753, who died when young
- Ruth, born in 1754, who married Nathaniel Haskins
- William, born in 1750
- Asa, born July 4, 1758
- Joseph, born in 1759
- Caleb B., born in 1764
- Joshua (twin), born in 1764
Asa Hall Family of Raynham, MA
Asa Hall, son of James (2), was born July 4, 1758, in Raynham, Mass., and died June 29, 1843, in Raynham, Mass. He married in 1793 Lucy Leach, daughter of John Leach, of Halifax, Mass. Their children were:
- Ruth, born July 22, 1794, married Keith Bassett
- Lucy, born April 16, 1796, married Nathan Williams
- Asa, born March 23, 1798, died June 22, 1822
- John L., born July 23, 1801, is mentioned below
- Sylvester, born Oct. 7, 1804, died in December, 1824
- Sumner, born July 12, 1807, died Feb. 19, 1828
- Elizabeth, born July 9, 1813, married Elijah Perkins, and their daughter married Rev. Mr. Gracy, American consul at Foo Chow, China.
John L. Hall Family of Raynham, MA
John L. Hall, son of Asa, was born July 23, 1801, in Raynham, Mass., and was drowned in the Taunton river Aug. 9, 1836. The day was very warm and he was at work haying. His son had brought him his dinner across the river, but the boat had drifted, and when it came time for Mr. Hall to eat his dinner he being a good swimmer jumped into the water to go after his boat, was suddenly seized with cramps, and was drowned; when his body was found his hands were tightly clutching a root at the bottom of the river. He married (first) Aug. 27, 1824, Huldah Padelford, of Taunton, daughter of Joshua Padelford, and a direct descendant of Jonathan Padelford, a native of England, who when a young man came to New England and settled in Sudbury, Mass., where in 1652 he married Mary Blandford, later removing to Cambridge and there dying. Jonathan Padelford (2), son of Jonathan, removed to Braintree, and there married Hannah Flint, and their son Jonathan (third of the name) removed to Taunton and was the ancestor of the distinguished Seth Padelford (Yale, 1770), lawyer, of Hardwick and Taunton, county attorney of Bristol county, 1776, treasurer, 1783, and judge of Probate, 1794-1810; and of the late Hon. Seth Padelford, a native of Taunton, merchant of Providence and governor of Rhode Island. To John L. and Huldah (Padelford) Hall were born the following children:
- William S., who married (first) Mary A. White and (second) Mrs. Phebe Crabtree
- Asa Otis, mentioned below
- Lucy J., who married Thomas Hathaway
John L. Hall married for his second wife Mary Ann Leach, daughter of Hosea Leach, and to this union was born one daughter:
- Mary Ann, wife of Capt. Asa E. Copeland, master of the ship “Arab,” which sailed from Fairhaven, and is now a widow, residing in Bridgewater.
Asa Otis Hall Family of North Bridgewater, MA
Asa Otis Hall, son of John L. and father of Everett Clinton, was born June 29, 1831, in Raynham, Mass., and on account: of the early death of his father he was afforded but meager’ opportunities for an education, being obliged to assist his widowed mother and the other children. He followed farming in his native town until he had reached young manhood, when he came to North Bridgewater, and here for a time continued at farming. Finally, with his small savings, in partnership with Alden A. Dunbar he engaged in the grocery and provision business, continuing thus for several years, when he purchased his partner’s interests, and thereafter carried on the business alone until he disposed of it to his son, at which time he retired, having by prudence accumulated a competence which enabled-him to spend his remaining days in ease and comfort. Mr. Hall’s business was located in that part of the town known as Factory village, and as a citizen and business man he commanded the respect of all with whom he came in contact. In political faith Mr. Hall was a Democrat of the old school, but never cared for or sought public office. He attended the First Congregational Church, to which denomination he gave his support. In early life he was an active member of the volunteer fire department. He possessed a quiet though genial disposition, belonging to no secret organization, preferring to devote his leisure moments to his home surroundings, to which he was devoted. On Nov. 18, 1851, Mr. Hall was united in marriage with Eunice Brett Packard, born Nov. 8, 1834, daughter of Azel and Pamela (Reynolds) Packard, of North Bridgewater, the former a direct descendant of Samuel Packard, who with his wife and child came over in the ship “Diligence,” of Ipswich, and settled first in Hingham in 1638, thence removing to West Bridgewater, where he was constable and tavernkeeper; and from whom the line is through
- Zaccheus and Sarah (Howard) Packard
- Capt. Abiel and Sarah (Ames) Packard
- Thomas and Mary (Howard) Packard
- Cyrus and Keziah (Kingman) Packard
- Azel and Pamela (Reynolds) Packard.
Mrs. Pamela (Reynolds) Packard was a descendant from
- John Alden and Priscilla Mullens through their son Joseph Alden, who married Mary Simmons
- Mary Alden, who married Samuel Allen
- Mary Allen, who married Henry Kingman
- Matthew Kingman, who married Jane Packard
- Keziah Kingman, who married Cyrus Packard. Their son Azel Packard married Pamela Reynolds.
Mr. Asa Otis Hall passed away April 4, 1898, at his home in Brockton, in his sixty-seventh year. His wife survived him, dying Dec. 27, 1901, aged sixty-seven years. To this anion were born three children, as follows:
- Everett Clinton, who is mentioned below
- Laura P., who married James A. Moulton, of Brockton, and has three children
- Ralph W.
- Eunice H.
- Bernard R.
- Lena J., who married George D. Brown, of Charlestown, Mass., and had one daughter
- Elizabeth, who died at the age of eleven months

Everett Clinton Hall Family of Brockton, MA
Everett Clinton Hall, son of the late Asa Otis and Eunice B. (Packard) Hall, was born in North Bridgewater (now Brockton) Sept. 4, 1860, and in the Sprague school of his native town received his early educational training. Leaving school at the age of sixteen years, he entered his father’s grocery and provision store as a clerk, and in this capacity remained until he had attained the age of twenty-three years, when he succeeded his father as proprietor of the business. After continuing at the old stand for a few years he removed the business to Crescent street, at the head of Bay street, and after conducting the business at this location for several years he built the business block at the corner of Crescent street and Wendell avenue, to which he removed, and where he continued successfully until 1896, in which year he disposed of the retail business and established himself in the wholesale grocery business, locating in the Charles S. Pierce block, on Montello street. In 1900 this business was incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts as the E. C. Hall Company, with a capital stock of $50,000, Everett C. Hall, president, and Everett M. Willis, secretary and treasurer. The business has enjoyed a steady growth from the beginning, the trade extending throughout southeastern Massachusetts and including Cape Cod to Provincetown.
Mr. Hall is a member of the National Wholesale Grocers’ Association and of the Boston Wholesale Grocers’ Association. He also holds membership in the Commercial Club of Brockton, which includes among its members the leading business and professional men of the city. Fraternally he is a prominent member of the Masonic organization, holding member-ship in Paul Revere Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Satucket Chapter, R. A. M.; and Bay State Commandery, Knights Templar, of Brockton, and is also a member of Aleppo Temple, Order of the Mystic Shrine, of Boston. He is also a member of Damocles Lodge, No. 16, Knights of Pythias, of Brockton. In politics Mr. Hall is an adherent of the principles of the Republican party, but like his father has neither cared for nor sought political preferment. Mr. Hall and his family affiliate with the Unity Church of Brockton, to which he gives a liberal support.
On April 23, 1885, Mr. Hall was married to Lottie W. Clift, daughter of Ezra and Elizabeth (Noyes) Clift, of Whitman, Mass., and a descendant of William Clift, who was born in England. William Clift, when a youth, emigrated to America, settling in Scituate, Mass. Later removing to Marshfield, he married Nov. 25, 1691, Lydia, daughter of Samuel Willis, and granddaughter of William Willis, the first of the name in Scituate. To Mr. and Mrs. Hall have been born two daughters, viz.:
- Mildred Clifton, born Jan. 16, 1886, who was graduated from Wellesley College in 1909, after which she was engaged in teaching in the Sutton (Mass.) high school for one year
- Hazel Louise, born Jan. 5, 1891, who was a student at Bradford Academy, and is now attending Wellesley College, in the class of 1914.
Mr. Hall possesses a genial, affable manner, which has won for him many warm friendships. His success in life has been due to his untiring perseverance. The concern of which he is the head was created by him, and through his business sagacity and acumen he has caused the business to grow from a small beginning to a large and thriving house, with a commercial standing second to none in this section of the State.
Mr. Hall and his family reside in a very pleasant and commodious home which he erected on Belcher avenue, in one of the lately developed residential streets of the city. Mrs. Hall is a member of Deborah Sampson Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, being eligible to membership in the same through her descent from Luke Bicknell, who served as a corporal, sergeant, captain and brigade major in the Revolutionary war.