Biography of George Oliver Locke

George Oliver Locke, of Pembroke, an ex-member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, was born in South New Market, N.H., September 19, 1826, son of Simeon and Clarissa (Tash) Locke. His great-grand-father, David Locke, who was a native of Yorkshire, England, became an early settler in Rye, N.H., where he owned a good farm, and resided there until his death, which occurred at a good old age.

Simeon Locke (first), grandfather of the subject of this sketch, followed farming in Epsom for a time. Later he moved to East Concord, N.H., and there spent the rest of his life. His habits of thrift and industry enabled him to acquire considerable property. In politics he voted with the Democratic party, but his retiring disposition would not permit him to take any active part in public affairs. He attended the Congregational church. At his death he was seventy-nine years old. He married Abigail Blake, a Epsom, who attained the age of seventy-three, and was the mother of nine children. Of these the third, Simeon Locke (second), was born in East Concord. He settled in South New Market, and there followed his calling of mechanic for the rest of his active period. He was an able business man as well as a good mechanic, and by making proper use of his opportunities he realized excellent financial results. He was a Democrat in politics, and long occupied a prominent position in public affairs in South New Market. Simeon Locke, second, reached the venerable age of ninety-two years. He was a Deacon of the Methodist church. His wife, Clarissa, who was a native of South New Market, became the mother of thirteen children, of whom Lydia A., Sarah, Simeon, Samuel, and George Oliver, are living. Mrs. Clarissa Locke died at the age of seventy-two years.

George Oliver Locke was educated in his native town. After leaving school he went to Exeter, N.H., where he served an apprenticeship at the blacksmith’s trade. He subsequently followed his trade in Andover and Lawrence, Mass., and for many years in Pembroke. He worked at the anvil and forge for fifty years in all. In that period he saved a comfortable competency, which enabled him to retire some time since. He is now enjoying the fruits of his industry. He owns and cultivates a farm of forty acres.

On November 18, 1852, Mr. Locke married Harriet T. Locke, daughter of Josiah Locke, of East Concord. Mrs. Locke is the mother of two children-Josephine S. and Sarah A. Josephine S. was born November 9, 1857, and is now the wife of Ira B. Moore, of Rochester, N.H. Sarah A., born June 25, 1861, is the wife of A. R. Clough, of Dover, N.H., having one daughter, Sadie. Mr. Locke is an earnest supporter of the Republican party, and has been a leading spirit in public affairs. He served as Tax Collector and Highway Agent for a number of terms, and during the years 1865 and 1866 he represented this town in the legislature. He is connected with Howard Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Suncook, and with the grange in Pembroke. Both he and Mrs. Locke are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.


Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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