Biography of Natley Dutton

Natley Dutton and wife, of England, settled in Maryland some time after Lord Baltimore began to colonize that State. Their son, Natley, Jr., was born and raised in Maryland. He had a son, named John H., who was born in 1790. Mr. Dutton died when his son was eleven years of age, and two years afterward his mother had him bound out to learn the ship carpenter’s trade. He worked at that business fourteen years. In the meantime his mother had married a Mr. Elton, whose father was a Quaker and came to America with William Penn. They had a son named Thomas T. Elton, and in 1818, he and his half-brother, John H. Dutton, in company with Philip Glover, started to Missouri. They traveled in a wagon to Wheeling, Virginia, where they bought a flat-boat, and loading their wagon and team into it, they floated clown to Maysville, Kentucky, where they traded their flat-boat for a keel-boat, transferred their property to it, and proceeded to Louisville. There they sold their boat and came by land to Missouri. They located first in St. Charles County, where they rented land and lived two years. They then entered land on North Bear creek, in Montgomery County, and settled there. Mr. Elton married Eleanor Glover, and raised a large family of children. He subsequently removed to Grant County, Wisconsin, where he now resides. Mr. Dutton married Mary Bruin, of St. Charles County, whose father settled there in 1808. They had John H., Jr., Eveline, Timothy B., Eleanor, James M., and Elizabeth. The two latter lived to be grown, but died unmarried. John H., Jr., lives in Warren County. Eveline married J. B. Shelton, of Montgomery County. Timothy B. lives in Montgomery City. Eleanor married Edmond F. Adams. John H. Dutton, Sr., and his wife were members of the Baptist Church, of which he was a deacon for twenty years. He was Justice of the Peace for a long time and Judge of the County Court for eighteen consecutive years, twelve years of which time he was the presiding Justice. He was a man of fine business qualifications, and was highly esteemed for his many excellent characteristics. He died the death of a Christian, June 9, 1853. His widow survived him thirteen years.



Bryan, William Smith A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri: With Numerous Sketches, Anecdotes, Adventures, Etc., Relating to Early Days in Missouri. Also the Lives of Daniel Boone and the Celebrated Indian Chief, Black Hawk, with Numerous Biographies and Histories of Primitive Institutions. Bryan Brand & Company. 1876.

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