Biographical Sketch of Andrew Hunter

This name in German is Yager, but when translated it means Hunter. Andrew Hunter, and his wife, of Germany, came to America and settled in Greenbriar County, Virginia, where they had John, Tobias, Philip, William, Peter, Elizabeth, and Sarah. Peter, who changed the family name from Yager to Hunter, married Margaret Wood, and settled in North Carolina in 1816, and in 1819 he and his family and his two sisters, Sarah and Elizabeth, came to Missouri and settled in Montgomery County. The change of the name was the cause of the family losing a large estate in Germany, as the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Gray

George Gray, of Scotland, emigrated to America previous to the revolution, and when that war began he joined the American army and served during the entire struggle. He had several brothers in the British army during the same war. Before leaving Scotland, he married Mary Stuart, and they settled first in Philadelphia, but afterward removed to North Carolina, and from there to Bryan’s Station in Kentucky. Here their son Joseph married Nary Finley, and settled in Warren County, Kentucky. In 1818 he removed to Missouri, and settled on Brush creek in Montgomery County, where he died in 1830. His children … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Brown

William Brown settled on Clear creek, near its mouth, in 1819. He built his house under a high bluff that ran parallel with the creek, and cut his fire wood on the top of this bluff, and rolled it down to the door of his house. When the wood gave out he moved his cabin to another place, and when it gave out there he moved it again, preferring to move his house rather than haul his wood.

Biographical Sketch of Esop Lewis

Esop Lewis, a blacksmith, was of English parentage, and lived in the State of New York, from whence he removed to Vermont. The names of his children were Rufus, Benjamin, Eli, Chandis, Salina, and Hannah. Rufus, who was a cooper by trade, married Elizabeth Gilbert, of Connecticut, and moved with his parents to Ohio in 1816. They went from there to Kentucky, and in 1819 they came to Missouri in keel-boats, landing at St. Genevieve. They settled in Washington County, and in 1839 Rufus Lewis, with his wife and son, Enos W., came to Montgomery County. They had three children … Read more

Biography of David Knox

David Knox was born in Ireland, in 1700. He had a son named Andrew, who was born in 1728. In 1732 Mr. Knox came to America, bringing his little son with him, and settled in Philadelphia County, Pa. Andrew married Isabella White, of Pennsylvania, and they had-Robert, David, Martha, James, John, William, Mary, and Andrew, Jr. Mr. Knox was a soldier in the revolutionary war, and having taken an active part in the events of the day, a reward was offered for him, dead or alive, by the British authorities. On the night of the 14th of February, 1778, he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Berger

Jacob Berger, of Germany, came to America and settled first in Pennsylvania, but subsequently removed and settled in Pittsylvania Co., Va. His sons were William, Jacob, George, and John; and he had several daughters whose names we could not obtain. William was killed in the war of 1812, having volunteered to serve in place of his brother George, who had been drafted, and who, being a married man, could not leave his family. George married Mary Boatright, of Virginia, by whom he had Thomas A., Jacob, Louisa J., Lucy A., William J., Appalana F., Polly, David, Elizabeth, and Marialmnel. Jacob … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Allen

Charles Allen and his wife, Elizabeth Powell, settled in Kentucky in 1800, and came to Montgomery Co., Mo., in 1823. Their children were Joseph H., David P., Charles P., Polly E., Elizabeth B., Anna A., Martha C., Tabitha W., Lucy J., and Catharine C. Mr. Allen was a carpenter by trade, and built the jail at Lewiston. His son, Joseph H., who was a physician, died at Troy, in Lincoln County. David P. was married first to Ann Boone, by whom he had two children. After her death he married Nancy. Courtney, of St. Charles, and they had eight children. … Read more

Biography of Orphred H. Brooks, Jr.

Orphred H. Brooks, Jr., the president of the O. H. Brooks Realty Company, was born in Montgomery City, Missouri, March 7, 1875. His father, Orphred H. Brooks, Sr., who is engaged in the contracting and building business in St. Louis, is a native of the state of New York and in 1867 came from Niagara Falls to Missouri, settling in Montgomery City. There he conducted a farm machinery agency and also handled real estate. He likewise engaged in vehicle manufacturing and maintained a retail business at Montgomery City for thirty years before removing to St. Louis in 1901. Since taking … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard Cundiff

Richard Cundiff, the grandfather of the Cundiff family of Montgomery County, was killed at the battle of Point Pleasant, 1774. His sons, Louis and William, settled in Missouri, the former in 1818, and the latter in 1819. Louis married Elizabeth Towers, by whom he had-Polls’, Elizabeth, Richmond, James, Louis, Sally, and Levisa. William married Sally Maddox, by whom he had-Joseph, James, John, William, Polly, Jane, Sally, Maria, and Elizabeth A.

Biographical Sketch of John Purvis

John Purvis and his wife, Margaret Strother, of Virginia, had Frank, George, Strother, John, William, Thomas, Elizabeth, Frances, Harriet, and Mary. Strother married Elizabeth Sterne, and settled in Montgomery County in 1839. They had nine children.

Biographical Sketch of Nelson Freeland

Nelson Freeland, of Virginia, married Myra Woodruff, settled in Montgomery County in 1828, and died the same year. Their children were Sultana, John W., William M., Mace D., Ann, Amanda, and Hiram. William F., a brother of Nelson Freeland, married Susan Woodruff, and settled in Montgomery County in 1828. They had Robert, Charles, Amanda, and Eveline.

Biographical Sketch of Gabriel Maupin

Gabriel Maupin, eldest son of Thomas Maupin, of Albemarle Co., Va., married Anna Spencer, by whom he had John, Thomas, Joel, Clifton, David, Arthur T., Susan, Nancy, Polly, Rosana, and Patsey. Arthur T. and Joel married and settled in Montgomery Co., Mo., in 1838.

Biographical Sketch of John Greenwell

John Greenwell, of Kentucky, had a son Joseph, who married a Miss Taylor, and they had Ellen, Richard, Joseph, Jr., John, and William. Richard was married first to Eveline Raymond, of Kentucky, and second to Mrs. Counts, whose maiden name was Rachel Davidson. The rest of the children married and remained in Kentucky.

Biographical Sketch of William Farthing

William Farthing, of Albemarle County, Virginia, married Polly Vaughn, and settled in Kentucky. They had Sarah, Elizabeth, William, John, Thomas, and Shelton B. Sarah married James Hunt, who settled in Montgomery County in 1836. Elizabeth married William P. Hill, of Kentucky, who also settled in Montgomery County in 1836. William married Nancy Wood, and settled in Iowa. John married Lucena J. Moran, and settled in Missouri City, Missouri. Shelton B. married Lucy A. Glenn and settled in Montgomery County in 1836.

Biography of John Graham

John Graham, of Kentucky, married a Miss Dugan, and they had Robert, John, Alexander, Catharine, and Isabella. Alexander died in Kentucky, and John died in Mississippi. Catharine married Tocal Galbreth. Isabella married Alexander Collier. Robert, who was a physician, married Isabella Galbreth, a daughter of Tocal Galbreth by his first wife, and settled in Montgomery County in 1816. He bought a Spanish grant of land, situated on Loutre creek, from Daniel M. Boone, and built an elm bark tent upon it, in which he lived four years. The Doctor was a very small man, but of determined will and a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Ellis

Benjamin Ellis settled on South Bear creek in 1815. He was a wheelwright and chair maker, and also had a hand-mill. He had ten children. James Ellis settled on Bear creek in 1819. He married Elizabeth Bowen, and they had six children Edmund, Benjamin, Leeper, William, Fanny, and Martha. Benjamin married Catharine McGarvin, and now lives in Callaway County.

Biographical Sketch of David Gentry

David Gentry, of Virginia, married Jane Kendrick, and settled in Madison County, Ky. They had Bright B., Pleasant, David, Dickey, Martin, Bailey, and five daughters. Bright B. married Martha Jones, and they had James, Margaret, David, Jonathan J., Eliza, Susan, Albert, and Fanny. David settled in Montgomery County in 1833, and married Polly A. Groom. Jonathan also settled in Montgomery County in 1833, and married Elizabeth McFarland.

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Patton

Jacob Patton and his wife, Rebecca Barnett, of North Carolina, had four children James, Thomas, Mary, and Rebecca. They settled on Loutre Island, in Montgomery County, in 1810. James, the eldest son, married Violet Douglass, and they had-Robert, William, Jesse, Samuel D., Amelia, Cynthia A., and Violet. Jesse married Nancy Burrell, and lives in Boone County. Amelia married Eli Johnson, and is now a widow in Callaway County. The rest of James Patton’s children are dead. Thomas, brother of James Patton, was bitten by a mad wolf, at his home on Loutre Island, in January, 1816, and died of hydrophobia … Read more

Biography of Hugh Logan

Hugh Logan was born in Ireland. At the age of fourteen years he had a difficulty with his father, and ran away from home and went to sea. He followed the life of a sailor for three years, and then landed at Philadelphia, and made his way from there to Kentucky, during the first settlement of that State. He married Rebecca Bryan, a sister of Jonathan, David and Henry Bryan, who had been raised by her aunt, Mrs. Daniel Boone; her mother having died while she was young. Their children were William, Alexander, Hugh, Jr., Henry (called “Boss”) and Mary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Christopher Sanders

Christopher Sanders settled near Loutre Lick, in Montgomery County, at an early date. He was a great hunter, but somewhat indolent, and generally depended upon borrowing a gun to shoot his game with rather than perform the labor of carrying one. He raised four sons and two daughters Jack, James, Joseph, William, Nancy, and Rachel. William married Ivy Slavens, a daughter of Stewart Slavens, of Middletown.