Biographical Sketch of Joseph McFarland

Joseph McFarland, of Ireland, came to America before the revolution, and settled at Norfolk, Va. He joined the American army when the war broke out, and was killed in battle. He left a widow and one son, Robert, who settled in Madison Co., Ky., where he married Rhoda Quick, and they had Sarah, Joseph, and Rachel. Mr. McFarland’s first wife died, and he subsequently married Eva Farmer, of Virginia, by whom he had-Eleanor, Lucinda, Elizabeth, Permelia, Eliza, and Robert. Joseph McFarland settled in Montgomery County in 1825. He married. Polly Cundiff. Lucinda married James McGarvin, of Montgomery County. Eliza married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Massey, Sr.

Thomas Massey, Sr., married Nancy Hill, of Kentucky, and settled in Montgomery County in 1809, and in 1813 he settled at Loutre Lick, having obtained permission to do so from Nathan Boone, who owned the land on which the Lick is situated. His son, Thomas, Jr., was a ranger in Boone’s company. There were eleven children in all, viz: Israel, Thomas, Jr., Harris, Ann, Agnes, Sally, Nancy, Matilda, Elizabeth, and Docia.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Howard

Charles Howard, of Halifax County, Virginia, married Nancy Lewis, and settled in Warren County, Kentucky. One of their sons, named Joseph, married Malinda Lennox, and settled in Montgomery County, Missouri, in 1818. Their children were Sylvesta, Cynthia E., Elijah, Rachel, Estelle, Cordelia, and Malinda. Mr. Howard’s first wife died, and he was married again to Phoebe Saylor, by whom he had John and George. She also died, and he married a lady named McCormack, by whom he had Greenup, Nancy, and Matilda. He was married the fourth time to Sydney Hall, by whom he had Joseph W. and a daughter. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Estell

Benjamin Estell, of Kentucky, married Anna Claughnaugh, and settled in Boone Co., Mo. They had ten children, and one of their sons, named James, married Matilda VanBibber, daughter of Major Isaac VanBibber, and settled in Montgomery County. Their children were Horatio, Elizabeth A., William K., Isaac V., Pantha, Colelia C., Robert G., Jonathan, Arrata, James W., Benjamin, and Sarah N., Philemon Estell, a brother of James, settled in Montgomery County, and was married three times.

Biographical Sketch of Miles Price

Miles Price, of Wales, settled in Lincoln County, N. C., prior to the revolutionary war. He married a Miss Sharp, and had a son named Thomas, who was a soldier of the revolution. He married Isabella Sharp, and they had Elizabeth, Thomas, jr., Reese, Isaac, James, John, Isabella, and Ellen Zohn married Anna Barber, of North Carolina, and they had four children previous to their removal to Missouri, viz.: Elizabeth L., Cynthia, Miles S., and Thomas J. They came to Missouri and settled in Pike County in 1819, after which they had the following children Robert B., John H., Sallie … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Berger

Jacob Berger, of Germany, came to America and settled first in Pennsylvania, but subsequently removed and settled in Pittsylvania Co., Va. His sons were William, Jacob, George, and John; and he had several daughters whose names we could not obtain. William was killed in the war of 1812, having volunteered to serve in place of his brother George, who had been drafted, and who, being a married man, could not leave his family. George married Mary Boatright, of Virginia, by whom he had Thomas A., Jacob, Louisa J., Lucy A., William J., Appalana F., Polly, David, Elizabeth, and Marialmnel. Jacob … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sampson Windsor

Sampson Windsor, of Prince William Co., Va., had four sons William, Christopher, Burton, and Alfred. Burton married Elizabeth Tinsley, and settled in Missouri in 1833. Alfred married Sarah Clark, and settled in Montgomery County in 1833. He had a son, John R., who married Mary A. Frzhugh, of Tennessee, and died leaving a widow and nine children, five sons and four daughters. William T., another son of Alfred Windsor, married Jane B. Bryan, a daughter of Reece Bryan and Jane Evans, by whom he had seven sons and four daughters.

Biography of Price Hopkins

The parents of Price, William, John and Patsey Hopkins, were natives of Queen Anne County, Va., but settled and lived in Bedford County. Their children married and lived near the old home place, in the same County. Price was married twice; first to a daughter of Rev; James Price, a pioneer preacher of Virginia, and second to a Miss Slater. By his first wife he had William M., John, Ann, and Sally; we have no record of the names of his children by his second wife. William M. was born July 14, 1802, and was married to Nancy Hudnall, of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Fipps, Jr.

William Fipps, Jr., son of William Fipps and Rebecca Kendrick, of Washington Co., Va., married the widow of John King, whose maiden name was Barbara A. Stroup. They removed to Montgomery Co., Mo., in 1836, where Mr. Fipps died in 1857, at the advanced age of 111 years. He had voted for every President from Washington down to Lincoln. He had twelve children John, Mary A., Sarah, Elizabeth, Rachel, William, Jr., George, Joseph, David, Robert, Susannah, and Margaret all of whom lived to be grown except Robert, who died when he was fifteen years of age. John, David, Sarah, Susannah, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Major Thomas Hughes

Major Thomas Hughes, of Bourbon County, Kentucky, married Lucy Tandy, and their children were William, Gabriel, Thomas, Henry C., Elliott M., James and Susan T. The Major’s first wife died, and he subsequently married her sister, who was a widow at the time. Major Hughes held the position of Justice of the Peace, in Paris, for forty years, and all his decisions were sustained by the higher courts. He also represented Bourbon County in the Kentucky Legislature. His eldest son, William, married his cousin, Margaret Hughes, and settled in Boone County, Missouri. Elliott M. received a classical education, and came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Farrow

The parents of George Farrow came from Scotland, and settled in Fauquier Co., Va., where George was born. He was a soldier of the war of 1812. He married a Miss Massey, and they had George, Jr., Nimrod, John, and Benjamin also two daughters. Benjamin married Lucy Smith, of Virginia, and they had John P., George, Mortimer, Joseph, Margaret, Sarah, Liney M., Mary L., and Amanda M. John P., Sarah, and Margaret came to Missouri. Sarah married William Browning, and settled in St. Charles County, but afterward removed to Lincoln County. Margaret married James B. Barton, and settled in St. … Read more

Biography of Orphred H. Brooks, Jr.

Orphred H. Brooks, Jr., the president of the O. H. Brooks Realty Company, was born in Montgomery City, Missouri, March 7, 1875. His father, Orphred H. Brooks, Sr., who is engaged in the contracting and building business in St. Louis, is a native of the state of New York and in 1867 came from Niagara Falls to Missouri, settling in Montgomery City. There he conducted a farm machinery agency and also handled real estate. He likewise engaged in vehicle manufacturing and maintained a retail business at Montgomery City for thirty years before removing to St. Louis in 1901. Since taking … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Peery

George, William, and James Peery emigrated from Scotland and settled in Tazewell Co., Va. George married Martha Davidson, of Ireland, and they had three sons and nine daughters. Joseph, the youngest son, married Elizabeth Hall, of Virginia, and settled in Montgomery Co., Mo., in 1836. Their children were Charles, Albert G., Gordon C., Thomas, Andrew, William IL, Joseph A., and George. The members of the Peery family are a genial, hospitable people, and highly esteemed by their neighbors and acquaintances. Dr. Thomas Peery, who died in 1875, was especially distinguished for his many excellent qualities, and his loss is deeply … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Poindexter

Joseph Poindexter, of Bedford County, Virginia, was a Captain in the revolutionary war. He married Elizabeth Kenerly, and they had a son, Richard, who married a Miss Ford, of Virginia, and settled in Montgomery County in 1837. They had Elizabeth A., Parthena S., Caroline K., Hezekiah F., Eliza, Edward L., Joseph C., James W., John D., and Mary L., most of whom settled in Montgomery County.

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Robert Baker

Rev. Robert Baker came from Tennessee to Missouri at a very early date, and was one of the first Methodist preachers in Montgomery County. He organized the first church of that de-nomination in this County, at the house of Rev. Drury Clanton, who was also a Methodist preacher. His house was situated on a branch called “Pinch,” about five miles southwest of Danville, and the church was organized in 1819. Baker was an old revolutionary soldier and drew a pension from the government, all of which he gave to his church and the Sunday-school cause. He had two sons, Jacob … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Farthing

William Farthing, of Albemarle County, Virginia, married Polly Vaughn, and settled in Kentucky. They had Sarah, Elizabeth, William, John, Thomas, and Shelton B. Sarah married James Hunt, who settled in Montgomery County in 1836. Elizabeth married William P. Hill, of Kentucky, who also settled in Montgomery County in 1836. William married Nancy Wood, and settled in Iowa. John married Lucena J. Moran, and settled in Missouri City, Missouri. Shelton B. married Lucy A. Glenn and settled in Montgomery County in 1836.

Biographical Sketch of Mark Cole

Mark Cole, of Tennessee, came to Missouri in 1817, and settled in Montgomery County. He married Dorcas Hall, a daughter of William Hall, who settled on Dry Fork of Loutre in 1817. Mr. Cole was a hatter by trade, and the first that settled in Montgomery County. He made “Boss” Logan’s famous hat, which he wore twenty years. It was composed of twenty ounces of muskrat far, mixed with thirteen ounces of raccoon fur, and would hold an even half-bushel. The crown was eighteen inches high, and the brim six inches wide. Mr. Cole died in 1854, but his widow … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cole Diggs

Cole Diggs was born February 25, 1791. He served as a soldier in the war of 1812, and in 1817 he settled in Kentucky, and married Jane Pace, a daughter of Rev. John Pace, of Virginia. In 1832 he removed to Missouri and settled in Montgomery County, where he still resides (1875), in the 85th year of his age. He kept hotel at Danville, for some time after he came to Missouri, and served as Justice of the Peace for many years.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Ellis

Benjamin Ellis settled on South Bear creek in 1815. He was a wheelwright and chair maker, and also had a hand-mill. He had ten children. James Ellis settled on Bear creek in 1819. He married Elizabeth Bowen, and they had six children Edmund, Benjamin, Leeper, William, Fanny, and Martha. Benjamin married Catharine McGarvin, and now lives in Callaway County.