Biography of Thomas Sharp

Thomas Sharp was a native of Ireland, but emigrated to America, and settled first in Pennsylvania, from whence he removed to Washington Co., Va. He was married twice, and by his first wife he had John, Thomas, Jr., and Benjamin. By his second wife he had but one child, David, who became a Methodist minister, and lived and died in Virginia. Thomas, Jr., settled in Kentucky. Benjamin was a soldier in the revolutionary war, and was in Colonel Campbell’s command at the battle of King’s Mountain. He married Hannah Fulkerson, of Virginia, and their children were James F.. John D., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Hancock

William Hancock was a pioneer of both Kentucky and Missouri. In the former State he helped to fight the Indians and guard the forts, and experienced the dangers and privations of those times. He came to Missouri among the first Americans who sought homes here, and was the first settler on the Missouri river bottom, in Warren County, which has since borne his name. He was married in St. Charles County to a Miss McClain, by whom he had three children, two daughters awl a son named William, Jr. The latter died at home, unmarried. One of the daughters, named … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Chester Wheeler

Chester Wheeler, of Vermont, settled in (now) Warren County, Mo., in 1810 or 1812. He married Joanna, daughter of Henry Bryan, and they had a large family of children. Their son, Samuel H., who is at present Treasurer of Montgomery County, and a leading and influential citizen, was raised by his uncle, John Davis. He married Margaret Fulkerson, daughter of the late Col. Robert Fulkerson, of Danville. They had Nancy, Elizabeth, William, James, Richard, Frances, Jane, John, Aaron H., Henry, Mary, Catharine, and Benjamin. James married Nancy Booker, by whom he had Elizabeth, William, Richard, Mary, Martha, Nancy K., Booker, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Young

Aaron Young was married in 1804, to Theodosia Winn, of Fayette Co., Ky., and came to Missouri and settled near Marthasville in 1819. His children were James, Martha, Elizabeth, Leonard, and Mary. Mr. Young served as County Judge for several terms, and finally moved to St. Louis County, where he died. Benjamin Young was born in Fayette Co., Ky., in 1791. He married Mary Maaro, and came to Warren County in 1819. He settled at Marthasville, and opened a store, being the first merchant of the place. In 1820 he removed to Callaway County and settled in Ham’s Prairie, at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lawrence Long

Lawrence Long, of Culpepper Co., Va., settled in St. Louis Co., Mo., in 1797, and built a saw and grist mill. His children were Gabriel, John, William, James, Nicholas, Nancy, Sally, and Elizabeth. John married Rachel Zumwalt, by whom he had Lawrence and Andrew J. He died soon after, and in 1823 his widow and her two sons removed to Warren County, where she married Newton Howell. Lawrence married Malinda Hutchings, of St. Charles County. Andrew J. married Mary W. Preston of St. Charles County.

Biographical Sketch of Lemuel Price

Lemuel Price, of North Carolina, settled on the Boone’s Lick road, near Camp Branch, in (now) Warren County, in 1815. He came to Missouri the year previous, but as the Indians were very troublesome at that time, he remained in one of the forts until the following year, when he erected his cabin at the place mentioned above. It was the first habitation erected on Camp Branch. Isaac VanBibber, Patrick Ewing, Boone Hays, and Lewis Jones assisted in raising the cabin. Mr. Price had eight children James, Lamb W., Parthena, Margaret, Miles, Job, Caroline, and Alfonso. James married and moved … Read more

Biography of William E. Schowengerdt, M. D.

William E. Schowengerdt, M. D. As even the layman finds wonder and interest in scanning the progress made by medical science from time to time, it is not remarkable that trained medical men should continue enthusiastic students and thereby still further deserve the faith and confidence of those who seek their healing ministrations. No men of any profession are so continuously students as are physicians, and the more competent and skillful they are the more closely do they devote attention to investigating the cause, prevention and cure of disease. They usually are real founts of wisdom; in fact, they must … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Gibson

Archibald Gibson, of Ireland, emigrated to America and settled in Virginia. He had a son named Joseph, who served in the war of 1812. Joseph married Susan Hudson, and settled in Lincoln County, Mo., in 1818. His children were Mary, Elizabeth, Archibald, Nancy, John, William, Patsy, Susan, Lucinda, and Malinda. Mr. Gibson was married the second time to the widow Caffer, whose maiden name was Matilda Wright: By her he had Rufus, Mary, Waller, Matilda, Martha, Richard, Emma, and Thomas J. Mr. Gibson died in Lincoln County in his 87th year. Archibald, Elizabeth, and John married and settled in Warren … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Leeper

Thomas Leeper was born in Jefferson Co., Va., and came to Missouri in 1821; with John Reynolds, when he was only eight years of age. He married his first wife, whose name was Elizabeth Edwards, in 1838, and they had three children. After her death he married Ruth A. Griggs.

Biographical Sketch of James Simpson

James Simpson was the owner of Simpson’s Ferry on the Kentucky River. He had a son named Erasmus, who married Mary Bartlett, of Virginia, and they had Fortes B., Elizabeth, Thomas, James W., Martha, William H. H., John L., Mary, Julia, and Jeptha D. Fortes B. settled in Warren County in 1828. Elizabeth married William B. King, and they settled in St. Charles County in 1830. Martha married Sidney S. Wood, who settled in St. Charles County in 1835. Julia married Joseph I. Carter, and settled in St. Charles County in. 1836.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Graves

Thomas Graves, of Culpepper County, Va., was a soldier and Quartermaster in the revolutionary war. He married the widow Simms, by whom he had Thomas N., Elizabeth, Nancy, Lucy, and Waller. Thomas married Mary Mason., of Virginia, and in 1806 he removed, with his father and sisters Elizabeth and Nancy, to Barbour County, Ky., from whence in 1820, they came to Warren County, Mo. The names of Thomas children were James B., William M., Candice A., Henry B., and Lucy M. Mr. Graves was Judge of the County Court of both Montgomery and Warren counties. James B., his eldest son, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Kent

Isaac Kent, of Kentucky, lost his parents when he was quite young, and was “bound out” to be raised. When he was of age he married Lucy Hopkins, and they had John, William, Jane, Andrew, Robert, Elizabeth, Polly, Thomas, Isaac, Dozier, Louisa, and Lucinda. Mr. Kent came to Missouri and settled in Warren County in 1819. His son John married Catharine Zumwalt. William married Mary A. Zumwalt, and was killed by Waller Graves, who was insane, at the house of Newton Howell, on the 2d of October, 1830. Andrew Kent enlisted as a soldier in the Mexican war, and was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Norman Pringle

Norman Pringle, of Connecticut, settled in Warren County in 1819. He was a very intelligent man, and was frequently solicited to run for office, but always refused, because he had so great a dislike for politics. He married Sally Kellogg, by whom he had nine children Jane, Judith, Helen, Harriet, Huldah IL, Virgil, Mark, Norman O., and Charles W. All of the children except Mark (who died a bachelor) married, and most of them live in Warren County.

Biographical Sketch of Mordecai Morgan

Mordecai Morgan, of Shelby County, Kentucky, married Catharine Turner, and settled in (now) Warren County, Missouri, in 1814. He was a noted pioneer of that County, and the first County Court was held in his house. His children were Malinda, Hiram, Rachel, Maranda, Matilda, Missouri, Martha, and Minerva. Malinda married James Bryan, a son of David Bryan. Hiram was a ranger in Nathan Boone’s company. He died of cholera, at Rock Island, in 1832. Rachel married Samuel Dougherty, of Warren County. Alaranda married Louisa Harper, of Lincoln County. Matilda married Levi Hinds, of Tennessee, who settled in Warren County. Missouri … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ithiel Carter

Ithiel Carter, a native of Scotland, married an English girl named Louisa Deming, emigrated to America, and settled at Hartford, Connecticut. During the revolution Mr. Carter enlisted in the American army, and fought for the rights of his adopted country. He had only two children, Cyrus and Orion. Cyrus came to St. Charles in 1822, as a clock peddler, and sold to Benjamin Emmons, Sr., the first patent clock ever sold west of the Mississippi river, the price being $40. Mr. Carter was married, first in 1838, to the widow Derang, whose maiden name was Harriet Moore. His second wife … Read more

Biographical Sketch of the Lamme Brothers

William T. and James Lamme were sons of Robert Lamme, of Bourbon Co., Ky. William T. settled in (now) Warren Co., Mo., in 1803. He was 1st Lieutenant in Nathan Boone’s company of rangers, and was afterward major of a regiment. He married Frances Callaway, daughter of Flanders Callaway, and granddaughter of Daniel Boone, by whom he had ten children Serena, Zarina, Hulda, Cornelia, Missouri, Josephine, Jackson, Leonidas, Achiles, and. Napoleon B. Mr. Lamme had a good education, was a fine business man, and left his family in good circumstances at his death. Zarina Lamme married Willis Bryan, a son … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Ellis

Charles Ellis, of Virginia, married his cousin, Nancy Ellis, and they had Thomas, Polly, Stephen, Elizabeth, Nancy, Charles, Joseph, Martha, James M., and Susan. Mr. Ellis removed from Richmond, Va., to Shelby Co., Ky., in 1815. Stephen married Mary Young, of Kentucky, and settled in Warren Co., Mo., in 1826. In 1847 he removed to St. Charles County, where he died. His children were James, Charles, Nancy, Sarah C., Martha F., Mary H., and William T. Joseph Ellis was married twice; first, to Nancy Netherton, by whom he had Henry C., Mildred C., Charles M., Ann E., Lucy B., Paulina, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Waller

Thomas Waller, of Spottsylvania Co., Va., was born in July, 1732, and his wife, Sarah Dabney, was born in October, 1 740. They had nine children-Mary, Anna, Agnes, Dolly, Carr, Dabney, Comfort, Elizabeth, and John. Carr married Elizabeth Martin, by whom he had Sarah M., William I., Joseph G., and Martha M. Sarah M. married Henry Edwards. William I. married Maria Norval. Joseph G. married Virginia McDonnell, and settled in Warren Co., Mo., in 1830. They had nine children-Susan, Martha, Agnes, Jane, Collin, John, Louisa, Joseph, and Eliza, Martha M. Waller married Henry Pritchett, who settled in Missouri in 18:35. … Read more

Biography of William A. Wyatt

WILLIAM A. WYATT. This gentleman is one of the prominent residents of Richland Township, and one whose constancy to the business in hand, and whose thrift has added so greatly to the agricultural regions of Searcy County. He is a native of Warren County, Missouri, born October 2, 1828, and is a son of Lewis L. and Caroline (Tutt) Wyatt, natives of Kentucky and Tennessee, respectively, their marriage in all probability occurring in the latter State. At a very early day they removed to Missouri and first located in Warren County, but in 1843 took up their residence in Searcy … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Martin Kite

Martin Kite, of Virginia, was of German descent. He married a Miss Cheeley, of Virginia, by whom he had George and Kitty, and several other children whose names we could not obtain. George and Kitty both live in Warren County. Mr. Kite settled in that county in 1835, and built a mill on Charrette creek. The lumber, from which most of the fiat-boats of that period were built, was sawed at Kite’s mill.