Biographical Sketch of Thomas Graves

Thomas Graves, of Culpepper County, Va., was a soldier and Quartermaster in the revolutionary war. He married the widow Simms, by whom he had Thomas N., Elizabeth, Nancy, Lucy, and Waller. Thomas married Mary Mason., of Virginia, and in 1806 he removed, with his father and sisters Elizabeth and Nancy, to Barbour County, Ky., from whence in 1820, they came to Warren County, Mo. The names of Thomas children were James B., William M., Candice A., Henry B., and Lucy M. Mr. Graves was Judge of the County Court of both Montgomery and Warren counties. James B., his eldest son, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Williams

Edward Williams, of North Carolina, went to Kentucky with Daniel Boone, and lived for some time at Boonesborough, where he married Jemima Anderson, daughter of Major Jack Anderson. Their children were Daniel, Joshua, Pernell, Casper, Susan, and Caleb. The latter married Elizabeth Woodland, of Kentucky, and settled in Warren County in 1818. They had nine children William, Dulcinea, Laurel, Abihue, Heath, Jane, Zuima, Elizabeth, and Caleb C. Dulcinea Married Everett Creech, who settled in Warren County in 1819. Jane married William Guerdo, son of Jared D. Guerdo, who settled in St. Charles County in 1806. Elizabeth married William Anderson, who … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lemuel Price

Lemuel Price, of North Carolina, settled on the Boone’s Lick road, near Camp Branch, in (now) Warren County, in 1815. He came to Missouri the year previous, but as the Indians were very troublesome at that time, he remained in one of the forts until the following year, when he erected his cabin at the place mentioned above. It was the first habitation erected on Camp Branch. Isaac VanBibber, Patrick Ewing, Boone Hays, and Lewis Jones assisted in raising the cabin. Mr. Price had eight children James, Lamb W., Parthena, Margaret, Miles, Job, Caroline, and Alfonso. James married and moved … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Young

Aaron Young was married in 1804, to Theodosia Winn, of Fayette Co., Ky., and came to Missouri and settled near Marthasville in 1819. His children were James, Martha, Elizabeth, Leonard, and Mary. Mr. Young served as County Judge for several terms, and finally moved to St. Louis County, where he died. Benjamin Young was born in Fayette Co., Ky., in 1791. He married Mary Maaro, and came to Warren County in 1819. He settled at Marthasville, and opened a store, being the first merchant of the place. In 1820 he removed to Callaway County and settled in Ham’s Prairie, at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Col. Jacob Coil

Col. Jacob Coil settled on Loutre Island in 1817. He was born in Pendleton County, Virginia, in 1780, and died in 1845. He was married twice, and had nine children. His eldest son by his first wife, named Jacob, Jr., was married first to Sarah Gibon and second to Mrs. Taylor, who was a daughter of Stephen Quick.

Biographical Sketch of Henry Jones

Henry Jones, of Wales, emigrated to America, and settled in Henry County, Va., where he married and had the following children Fielding, Joseph, Lewis, Peter, Willis, Delila, and Elizabeth. Lewis married Fannie Lamb, of North Carolina, and settled in Missouri in 1837. His children were-Henry, Zero, Joseph, George, Elizabeth, Willis Malinda, Lewis, Delila, and Fielding, all of whom married and settled in Missouri. Willis is-a Baptist preacher, and married Margaret C. Burson, of Virginia, whose father was also a Baptist preacher.

Biography of William Pearle

William Pearle, of Virginia, settled in Lincoln County, Kentucky, among the first settlers of that State. During a portion of the Indian troubles he took refuge with his family in the fort at Crab Orchard. His son, Henry, married Polly Owsley, sister of Governor Owsley, of Kentucky, by whom he had twelve children, seven of whom lived to be grown. The names of the latter were Samuel, William S. F., Patience, Joel, Henry, Nudigit O., and Catharine. Samuel married Sally Dugan, and settled in Warren County, Missouri, in 1830. Joel married Rebecca Wyatt, and settled in Montgomery County. Henry married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John McKinney

John McKinney, of Staunton, Virginia, served in the American army during the latter part of the revolution, and had his thigh broken by a musket ball, which lamed him for life. He settled at Lexington, Kentucky, where he taught school, and was elected Sheriff of the County. He married a Mexican woman, by whom he raised a large family. In 1805 he came to Missouri on a trading and prospecting tour, and in 1809 he moved his family here. When the Indian war began, he took his family back to Kentucky, to get them out of danger. His son Alexander … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Brown

Brown, William of Tennessee, was married twice. By his first wife he had Delila and William; and by his second wife, whose maiden name was Katy Nave, he had Gabriel, Levy, and Joseph. Mr. Brown settled in Lincoln County, Mo., in 1817. His son William married Sally Hopkins, and settled in Warren County in 1820. Levi married Polly Odin, and Joseph married Polly Hopkins, and both settled in Warren County in 1820.

Biographical Sketch of William Hancock

William Hancock was a pioneer of both Kentucky and Missouri. In the former State he helped to fight the Indians and guard the forts, and experienced the dangers and privations of those times. He came to Missouri among the first Americans who sought homes here, and was the first settler on the Missouri river bottom, in Warren County, which has since borne his name. He was married in St. Charles County to a Miss McClain, by whom he had three children, two daughters awl a son named William, Jr. The latter died at home, unmarried. One of the daughters, named … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Carnefax

Carnefax, William of England, settled in Campbell County, Va., and married Esther Maxey, by whom he had Edward, John D., Charles, William, Benjamin, Nancy, Lucy, Rebecca, Mary, and Rhoda. John settled in Warren County in 1832, and married Jane W. Leavell.

Biographical Sketch of John Young

Aaron H., and Benjamin Young also came to Missouri. John was a physician, having graduated at the Philadelphia Medical College. He came to Warren County in 1816, and laid off the town of Marthasville, which he named for his first wife, Martha Fuqua. He was married twice; first, to Martha Fuqua, of Virginia, in 1805, who died without children. In 1811 he married Sarah Scott, of Virginia, who also died without children. The Doctor moved to St. Louis in 1827, and died while on a visit to some of his wife’s relations in Alabama, in 1832.

Biographical Sketch of Capt. Hart

Capt. Hart was a native of the State of New Jersey, where, during the French and Indian war, previous to the American Revolution, he raised a company of men and was commissioned Captain. He was with General Wolf’s army at the battle of Quebec, in Canada, in 1759, where that gallant young general fell. Capt. Hart’s company behaved with great gallantry on that occasion, and the men, who were dressed in blue uniforms, were afterward known as the “Jersey Blues.” Honest John Hart, as he was called, was a son of Capt. Hart, and one of the signers of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Cain

Jesse Cain settled on Charrette creek, in now Warren County, about 1812. He joined Nathan Boone’s company of rangers, and served with them during the Indian war. He was an eccentric character, and generally managed to afford his associates a great deal of amusement. His children were Polly, Sally, Paulina, Vina, Jack, James, Jesse, Jr., Harvey, and Eli.

Biography of Hugo Muench

Hugo Muench, the youngest son of Friedrich Muench, was born in Warren county, Missouri, July 14, 1851. He received his early education from his father and in Augusta, Missouri, later attended the old Elliot Academy, now Washington University, and was graduated from the St. Louis Law School with the degree of LL. B. in 1873. He entered upon the active practice of his profession in St. Louis, first with M. Dwight Collier, under the firm name of Collier & Muench. This partnership was dissolved in 1878, owing to the ill health of Mr. Collier and after practicing alone for a … Read more

Biography of Natley Dutton

Natley Dutton and wife, of England, settled in Maryland some time after Lord Baltimore began to colonize that State. Their son, Natley, Jr., was born and raised in Maryland. He had a son, named John H., who was born in 1790. Mr. Dutton died when his son was eleven years of age, and two years afterward his mother had him bound out to learn the ship carpenter’s trade. He worked at that business fourteen years. In the meantime his mother had married a Mr. Elton, whose father was a Quaker and came to America with William Penn. They had a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Leeper

Thomas Leeper was born in Jefferson Co., Va., and came to Missouri in 1821; with John Reynolds, when he was only eight years of age. He married his first wife, whose name was Elizabeth Edwards, in 1838, and they had three children. After her death he married Ruth A. Griggs.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Pratt

Thomas Pratt, of Culpepper County, Virginia, married a Miss Smith, by whom he had Thomas B., Elizabeth, and Ann. His first wife died, and he was married the second time to Martha Terrell, by whom he had Jonathan, Milton W., Lucinda, Mary, and Martha. Mr. Pratt settled in Warren County in 1831, with all of his children except Thomas B., and most of them now reside in that county.

Biography of Thomas Sharp

Thomas Sharp was a native of Ireland, but emigrated to America, and settled first in Pennsylvania, from whence he removed to Washington Co., Va. He was married twice, and by his first wife he had John, Thomas, Jr., and Benjamin. By his second wife he had but one child, David, who became a Methodist minister, and lived and died in Virginia. Thomas, Jr., settled in Kentucky. Benjamin was a soldier in the revolutionary war, and was in Colonel Campbell’s command at the battle of King’s Mountain. He married Hannah Fulkerson, of Virginia, and their children were James F.. John D., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Armon Cravens

Armon Cravens, was born in Montgomery County, Maryland, but removed to Kentucky in 1776. He married Abigail Hathaway, of Maryland, and they had eighteen children, only nine of whom lived to be grown. Their son John was a soldier in the war of 1812, and married Elizabeth Burton, of Kentucky, by whom he had James S., Paulina, Pernielia, Hudson, William, Louisa, John, and Louisiana. Hudson married Virginia Walden, of Virginia, and settled in Missouri in 1836. In 1852 he left Missouri and went to Texas, but was so dissatisfied with the country that he did not unload his wagon. He … Read more