Biography of Hal R. Coleman

Hal R. Coleman, attorney at law with offices in the Central National Bank building in St. Louis, was born in Warren county, Missouri, December 25, 1878, a son of the late Daniel T. Coleman, a native of Kentucky and a grandson of Jesse and Mary Ann (Trout) Coleman, who were likewise Kentuckians by birth. They came to Missouri in 1841 and here Jesse Coleman devoted his attention to farming and stock raising. He also served his country as a soldier in the Mexican war. The Coleman family comes of English and Scotch ancestry, the progenitor of the American branch being … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Armon Cravens

Armon Cravens, was born in Montgomery County, Maryland, but removed to Kentucky in 1776. He married Abigail Hathaway, of Maryland, and they had eighteen children, only nine of whom lived to be grown. Their son John was a soldier in the war of 1812, and married Elizabeth Burton, of Kentucky, by whom he had James S., Paulina, Pernielia, Hudson, William, Louisa, John, and Louisiana. Hudson married Virginia Walden, of Virginia, and settled in Missouri in 1836. In 1852 he left Missouri and went to Texas, but was so dissatisfied with the country that he did not unload his wagon. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Martin Kite

Martin Kite, of Virginia, was of German descent. He married a Miss Cheeley, of Virginia, by whom he had George and Kitty, and several other children whose names we could not obtain. George and Kitty both live in Warren County. Mr. Kite settled in that county in 1835, and built a mill on Charrette creek. The lumber, from which most of the fiat-boats of that period were built, was sawed at Kite’s mill.

Biographical Sketch of John Chambers

John Chambers, of Ireland, settled in North Carolina and married Mary Thompson, of Kentucky, by whom he had John, Jr., William, Sarah, James, Thomas, Alexander, Nancy, and Jane. In 1798 Mr. Chambers came to Missouri and settled in St. Louis County, and in 1800 his wife died. After that he lived with his son, Thomas, in St. Charles. Thomas married Eleanor Kennedy, and the names of their children were Prospect, Riley, Sarah, Julia, Harriet, Davis H., Ellen, Rhoda, and Thomas, Jr. Thomas and Alexander Chambers were rangers together in Captain Musick’s company, and were at the battle of the sinkhole … Read more

Biography of Frederick (Friedrich) Muench

Frederick Muench, one of the early German pioneers in this State, was born in a small village in Hessen-Darmstadt, on June 25, 1799, the son of a Protestant minister. He received his early education from his father, then completed a three years course at the Gymnasium in Darmstadt in two years and entered the University of Giessen in the fall of 1816. Following in his father’s footsteps he took up the study of theology, but soon became interested in the movement which at that time was spreading throughout the German universities and which had for its object the fostering of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Howard

David Howard, of Mount Sterling, Ky., married first to Margaret Fourt, and settled on Charrette creek, in Warren County, 1819. His children were James, Peter, Thomas, Polly, John, and Jackson. After the death of his first wife, Mr. Howard married the widow McCutchen, whose maiden name was Rebecca Caton. By her he had Elizabeth, George, and Naoma. Mr. Howard was a great hunter and sugar maker, and made the best maple sugar in the country. He was also a zealous Methodist, and his name is prominently identified with the early history of that church in his county. His son, John … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Northcut

John Northcut, of Kentucky, married Jane Trimble, and settled on Charrette creek in 1820. He was an ardent Methodist, and used to exhort and preach in a style peculiar to himself. He had three daughters, and was very much opposed to their getting married. He was not willing for them to learn to write, lest they should send letters to their sweethearts; but they all contrived to get married in spite of his precautions. The names of his children were Elizabeth, George, John, Polly, Joseph E., Stemmons, and June. Elizabeth married Mr. Keithey, of St. Charles County. George married Kitty … Read more

Biography of William A. Wyatt

WILLIAM A. WYATT. This gentleman is one of the prominent residents of Richland Township, and one whose constancy to the business in hand, and whose thrift has added so greatly to the agricultural regions of Searcy County. He is a native of Warren County, Missouri, born October 2, 1828, and is a son of Lewis L. and Caroline (Tutt) Wyatt, natives of Kentucky and Tennessee, respectively, their marriage in all probability occurring in the latter State. At a very early day they removed to Missouri and first located in Warren County, but in 1843 took up their residence in Searcy … Read more

Biography of Thomas Sharp

Thomas Sharp was a native of Ireland, but emigrated to America, and settled first in Pennsylvania, from whence he removed to Washington Co., Va. He was married twice, and by his first wife he had John, Thomas, Jr., and Benjamin. By his second wife he had but one child, David, who became a Methodist minister, and lived and died in Virginia. Thomas, Jr., settled in Kentucky. Benjamin was a soldier in the revolutionary war, and was in Colonel Campbell’s command at the battle of King’s Mountain. He married Hannah Fulkerson, of Virginia, and their children were James F.. John D., … Read more

Biography of John Kennedy

John Kennedy and his wife, whose maiden name was Margaret Rowan, of Ireland, came to America and settled in Virginia many years before the revolution. They had eight children John, James, William, Thomas, George, Abraham, Margaret, and Jane. John was killed by the Indians while assisting to cut a road from Knoxville to Nashville, Tennessee. James settled in South Carolina, where he died. William was captured by the British, while serving in the continental army, and died on board one of their prison ships. George and Margaret were killed by the Indians, where Nashville, Tenn., now stands. Their mother died … Read more

Biography of Natley Dutton

Natley Dutton and wife, of England, settled in Maryland some time after Lord Baltimore began to colonize that State. Their son, Natley, Jr., was born and raised in Maryland. He had a son, named John H., who was born in 1790. Mr. Dutton died when his son was eleven years of age, and two years afterward his mother had him bound out to learn the ship carpenter’s trade. He worked at that business fourteen years. In the meantime his mother had married a Mr. Elton, whose father was a Quaker and came to America with William Penn. They had a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Owings

George Owings, of Maryland, married a Miss Wells, by whom he had twelve children. He was married the second time, and had twelve children more. Two of his sons, John and Thomas, by his first wife, came to Missouri in 1816, and settled in Warren County. Thomas married Mary O’Brien, and moved to Illinois. John was in the war of 1812. He married Hattie McGarvey, by whom he had fifteen children James M., Richard, George W., David R., Joseph E., John B., Thomas, William H., Wesley, Rachel, Nancy, Julia, Maria, Eliza J., and Emily. All the children lived to be … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Guion Gibson

Guion Gibson came from Duck River, Tennessee, and settled in (now) Warren County in 1810. His children were Sarah, Rachel, Ellen, Samuel, Joseph, John, Polly, Guion, Jr., and James. Sarah married Thomas Kennedy. Rachel married Lawrence Sitter. Ellen married Phillip Sitter. Samuel married Tabitha Kennedy. Joseph married Elizabeth Armstrong. John married Polly Sitter. Polly Gibson married John Shrumb. Guion, Jr., married Saloma Sitter. James married Diana Sitter. James, John, and Guion, Jr., were rangers in Callaway’s company.

Biographical Sketch of Col. John Smith

Col. John Smith, of the revolutionary war, lived in Franklin County, Virginia, here he married Frances Burk by whom he had William, Stephen, John, Wyatt, Henry, Susan, Mary, and Frances William married Elizabeth Ferguson, of Virginia, by whom he had Samuel, Thomas, Stephen, William H., Mary, Frances, Susan, Martha, Elizabeth, Sarah P., and Julia. Mary married Keincol C. Gilbert, who settled in Callaway County. Frances married Colonel Peter Booth of Kentucky: Susan married Colonel F. A. Hancock, who settled in Alabama. Martha married Thomas J. Holland, who settled in Montgomery County in 1832. He represented the County in the State … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Parrish Langford

Parrish Langford married Sally Lawrence, of North Carolina, and they settled first in Virginia, from whence they re-moved to Smith Co., Tenn. They had five children William, Arthur, Jesse, Henry, and Moses. William, who was a soldier in the war of 1812, married Sally King, of South Carolina, and settled in Warren County in 1818. Their children were Elizabeth, Polly, Nancy, Sally A., Delila, Lawrence, Arthur, Joshua, Jesse, Richard W., John, William, and Henry. Nancy and Delila married and settled in Pike Co., Mo. Lawrence, Henry, Jesse, William, and Arthur married and settled in Warren County. Joshua settled in Lawrence … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Col. Jacob Coil

Col. Jacob Coil settled on Loutre Island in 1817. He was born in Pendleton County, Virginia, in 1780, and died in 1845. He was married twice, and had nine children. His eldest son by his first wife, named Jacob, Jr., was married first to Sarah Gibon and second to Mrs. Taylor, who was a daughter of Stephen Quick.

Biographical Sketch of Chester Wheeler

Chester Wheeler, of Vermont, settled in (now) Warren County, Mo., in 1810 or 1812. He married Joanna, daughter of Henry Bryan, and they had a large family of children. Their son, Samuel H., who is at present Treasurer of Montgomery County, and a leading and influential citizen, was raised by his uncle, John Davis. He married Margaret Fulkerson, daughter of the late Col. Robert Fulkerson, of Danville. They had Nancy, Elizabeth, William, James, Richard, Frances, Jane, John, Aaron H., Henry, Mary, Catharine, and Benjamin. James married Nancy Booker, by whom he had Elizabeth, William, Richard, Mary, Martha, Nancy K., Booker, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Jones

Henry Jones, of Wales, emigrated to America, and settled in Henry County, Va., where he married and had the following children Fielding, Joseph, Lewis, Peter, Willis, Delila, and Elizabeth. Lewis married Fannie Lamb, of North Carolina, and settled in Missouri in 1837. His children were-Henry, Zero, Joseph, George, Elizabeth, Willis Malinda, Lewis, Delila, and Fielding, all of whom married and settled in Missouri. Willis is-a Baptist preacher, and married Margaret C. Burson, of Virginia, whose father was also a Baptist preacher.

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Nicholas C. Kabler

Rev. Nicholas C. Kabler, of Campbell Co., Va., was a son of Rev. Nicholas Kabler, of the same County. He married Sarah Goldon, of Virginia, and settled in Warren County, Mo., in 1830. He was a Methodist minister, and traveled with Rev. Andrew Monroe for a number of years. His children were Ellen, Simeon, William A., Lucy, Anna, Parks, and Charles. Ellen married William McMurtry, of Callaway County. Simeon and Lucy died in Virginia. William A. married Lucy J. Pendleton, of Warren County, whose father and mother, James Pendleton and Nancy Sharp, settled in that county in 1833. Her brothers … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Waller

Thomas Waller, of Spottsylvania Co., Va., was born in July, 1732, and his wife, Sarah Dabney, was born in October, 1 740. They had nine children-Mary, Anna, Agnes, Dolly, Carr, Dabney, Comfort, Elizabeth, and John. Carr married Elizabeth Martin, by whom he had Sarah M., William I., Joseph G., and Martha M. Sarah M. married Henry Edwards. William I. married Maria Norval. Joseph G. married Virginia McDonnell, and settled in Warren Co., Mo., in 1830. They had nine children-Susan, Martha, Agnes, Jane, Collin, John, Louisa, Joseph, and Eliza, Martha M. Waller married Henry Pritchett, who settled in Missouri in 18:35. … Read more