Biographical Sketch of John Young

Aaron H., and Benjamin Young also came to Missouri. John was a physician, having graduated at the Philadelphia Medical College. He came to Warren County in 1816, and laid off the town of Marthasville, which he named for his first wife, Martha Fuqua. He was married twice; first, to Martha Fuqua, of Virginia, in 1805, who died without children. In 1811 he married Sarah Scott, of Virginia, who also died without children. The Doctor moved to St. Louis in 1827, and died while on a visit to some of his wife’s relations in Alabama, in 1832.

Biographical Sketch of Col. John Smith

Col. John Smith, of the revolutionary war, lived in Franklin County, Virginia, here he married Frances Burk by whom he had William, Stephen, John, Wyatt, Henry, Susan, Mary, and Frances William married Elizabeth Ferguson, of Virginia, by whom he had Samuel, Thomas, Stephen, William H., Mary, Frances, Susan, Martha, Elizabeth, Sarah P., and Julia. Mary married Keincol C. Gilbert, who settled in Callaway County. Frances married Colonel Peter Booth of Kentucky: Susan married Colonel F. A. Hancock, who settled in Alabama. Martha married Thomas J. Holland, who settled in Montgomery County in 1832. He represented the County in the State … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Chester Wheeler

Chester Wheeler, of Vermont, settled in (now) Warren County, Mo., in 1810 or 1812. He married Joanna, daughter of Henry Bryan, and they had a large family of children. Their son, Samuel H., who is at present Treasurer of Montgomery County, and a leading and influential citizen, was raised by his uncle, John Davis. He married Margaret Fulkerson, daughter of the late Col. Robert Fulkerson, of Danville. They had Nancy, Elizabeth, William, James, Richard, Frances, Jane, John, Aaron H., Henry, Mary, Catharine, and Benjamin. James married Nancy Booker, by whom he had Elizabeth, William, Richard, Mary, Martha, Nancy K., Booker, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Nicholas C. Kabler

Rev. Nicholas C. Kabler, of Campbell Co., Va., was a son of Rev. Nicholas Kabler, of the same County. He married Sarah Goldon, of Virginia, and settled in Warren County, Mo., in 1830. He was a Methodist minister, and traveled with Rev. Andrew Monroe for a number of years. His children were Ellen, Simeon, William A., Lucy, Anna, Parks, and Charles. Ellen married William McMurtry, of Callaway County. Simeon and Lucy died in Virginia. William A. married Lucy J. Pendleton, of Warren County, whose father and mother, James Pendleton and Nancy Sharp, settled in that county in 1833. Her brothers … Read more

Biography of John Wesley Twente

John Wesley Twente. Since the fall of 1911 John W. Twente had been numbered among Kansas successful educators, and is superintendent of the city schools of Baxter Springs. He is well qualified both by natural ability and by training for leadership in educational affairs, and in many ways he had increased the efficiency of the local schools and raised the general standards of educational work at Baxter Springs. As a teacher he is well known throughout Southeastern Kansas, is a member of the Southeast Kansas Teachers’ Association, and also belongs to the state organization of teachers. His home before locating … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Wyatt

Frank Wyatt, of North Carolina, had the following children John, William, Frank, Jr., Ricks, Polly, Elizabeth, and Sally. John, William, and Ricks settled in Lincoln County, Kentucky, at a very early date, and the former served as a soldier in the revolutionary war. He married Polly Pearle, of Virginia, and settled in Warren County, Mo., in 1817. They had Martha, Frank, Susan, Elizabeth, Sarah, Rebecca, William S., Mary A., Anna E., and Nancy. Frank was a soldier of the war of 1812, and died of consumption in Kentucky. Nancy, Martha, and Anna E. all died unmarried. Susan married James Pennington, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Andrew Fourt

Dr. Andrew Fourt was born in Maryland in 1780. When he was fourteen years of age his parents removed to Kentucky, where, in 1807, he married Sarah Wyatt. In 1810 he came to Missouri with his wife and two children, on pack horses, and settled near Charrette village in (now) Warren County. When the Indian war began he joined Capt. Callaway’s company of rangers, and served twelve months. When Montgomery County was organized, Dr. Fourt was appointed one of the commissioners to locate the county seat, and Pinckney, near the Missouri river, was chosen as the place. The Doctor subsequently … Read more

Biography of John Kennedy

John Kennedy and his wife, whose maiden name was Margaret Rowan, of Ireland, came to America and settled in Virginia many years before the revolution. They had eight children John, James, William, Thomas, George, Abraham, Margaret, and Jane. John was killed by the Indians while assisting to cut a road from Knoxville to Nashville, Tennessee. James settled in South Carolina, where he died. William was captured by the British, while serving in the continental army, and died on board one of their prison ships. George and Margaret were killed by the Indians, where Nashville, Tenn., now stands. Their mother died … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Bush

William Bush, of Fayette Co., Ky., had Benjamin, Ambrose, Levi, and Matilda. Benjamin married and settled in Illinois, on the bank of the Mississippi river, and was murdered under the following circumstances Parties on the opposite side of the river owed him a considerable amount of money, and he went over on the ferryboat, one day, to collect it. As he was returning that evening he was robbed while on the boat, and then thrown into the river. Levi and Matilda Bush both married and lived and died in Kentucky. Ambrose married Nancy Douglass, and settled first in Illinois, near … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hugh Liles

Hugh Liles and his wife and children, whose names were Robert, Polly, William, James, Elizabeth, Sally, and Ann settled in (now) Warren County in the year 1809. Robert, the eldest son, married Polly Walker, and settled in Audrain County, Mo. Polly married Joshua James, and settled in Warren County. Sally married James Kennedy. Ann married a German. Hugh Liles was a great hunter, and belonged to the rangers.

Biographical Sketch of Mr. Ketchersides

Ketchersides. A man named Ketchersides, a cooper by trade, came from Tennessee at a very early date, and settled on Massey’s Creek in (now) Warren County. He remained only one year, when he sold out and returned to Tennessee. In about another year he made his appearance in Missouri again, but remained only a short time, when he went back to his old State. He continued in this way until his death, remaining in one State only so long as it was necessary to get money enough to take him back to the other.

Biography of Hal R. Coleman

Hal R. Coleman, attorney at law with offices in the Central National Bank building in St. Louis, was born in Warren county, Missouri, December 25, 1878, a son of the late Daniel T. Coleman, a native of Kentucky and a grandson of Jesse and Mary Ann (Trout) Coleman, who were likewise Kentuckians by birth. They came to Missouri in 1841 and here Jesse Coleman devoted his attention to farming and stock raising. He also served his country as a soldier in the Mexican war. The Coleman family comes of English and Scotch ancestry, the progenitor of the American branch being … Read more

Biography of Vincent Fines

Vincent Fines, of Germany, settled first in Pennsylvania, from whence he removed to Tennessee, where he was killed by the Indians. His children were Thomas, William, Abraham, Isaac, Phoebe, and Sally. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Fines married Rueben Bedford, by whom she had three children. Thomas married Mary Nave, of Tennessee, by whom he had Levi, Abraham, Sally, Delila and Amy. Mr. Fines was killed by an accidental discharge of his gun, and in 1817 his widow and “children came to Missouri. Abraham married Cynthia Harper, in 1819. The nearest Justice of the Peace was James Duncan, … Read more

Biography of William Pearle

William Pearle, of Virginia, settled in Lincoln County, Kentucky, among the first settlers of that State. During a portion of the Indian troubles he took refuge with his family in the fort at Crab Orchard. His son, Henry, married Polly Owsley, sister of Governor Owsley, of Kentucky, by whom he had twelve children, seven of whom lived to be grown. The names of the latter were Samuel, William S. F., Patience, Joel, Henry, Nudigit O., and Catharine. Samuel married Sally Dugan, and settled in Warren County, Missouri, in 1830. Joel married Rebecca Wyatt, and settled in Montgomery County. Henry married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cornelius Howard

Cornelius Howard, of Kentucky, was married first to a Miss Griggs, by whom he had Rachel, Cynthia, Elizabeth, Martin, John, and two others whose names we could not obtain. He was married the second time to the widow Hunt, but had no children by her. She had eight children of her own at the time he married her. One of the Misses Howard was a very beautiful girl, and one day she handed some water to a stranger that called at the gate and begged for a drink. The stranger fell desperately in love with this beautiful Rebecca, and married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Gray

When Robert Gray was a small boy he lost his father, while they were moving from North Carolina to Tennessee. He had four sisters Polly, Dorcas, Elizabeth, and Jane. After the death of his father, his mother proceeded on her way to Tennessee, with her children; and they remained in that State until 1809, when they came to (now) Warren County, Mo. During the Indian war they lived the greater portion of the time in Castlio’s Fort, in St. Charles County. Polly Gray married Rueben Thornhill, Dorcas, Barney Thornhill and Jane Bryant Thornhill, all of whom were early settlers of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Presley Anderson

Presley Anderson and his wife, Elizabeth Steele, settled in Montgomery Co., Ky., in 1779. Their children were John A. S., James, William, Presley, Jr., Lucy, and Eliza. John A. S., better known as Captain Jack, was a remarkable man in his day, and is well remembered by the old citizens of Montgomery and Callaway counties. We give his history elsewhere. Presley, Jr., married Euphemia Jones, of Tennessee, and settled first in Warren Co., Mo., in 1814, from whence he removed to Montgomery County in 1817, and settled near Brush creek. He brought his family to Missouri on pack-horses, and they … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Graves

Thomas Graves, of Culpepper County, Va., was a soldier and Quartermaster in the revolutionary war. He married the widow Simms, by whom he had Thomas N., Elizabeth, Nancy, Lucy, and Waller. Thomas married Mary Mason., of Virginia, and in 1806 he removed, with his father and sisters Elizabeth and Nancy, to Barbour County, Ky., from whence in 1820, they came to Warren County, Mo. The names of Thomas children were James B., William M., Candice A., Henry B., and Lucy M. Mr. Graves was Judge of the County Court of both Montgomery and Warren counties. James B., his eldest son, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of the Lamme Brothers

William T. and James Lamme were sons of Robert Lamme, of Bourbon Co., Ky. William T. settled in (now) Warren Co., Mo., in 1803. He was 1st Lieutenant in Nathan Boone’s company of rangers, and was afterward major of a regiment. He married Frances Callaway, daughter of Flanders Callaway, and granddaughter of Daniel Boone, by whom he had ten children Serena, Zarina, Hulda, Cornelia, Missouri, Josephine, Jackson, Leonidas, Achiles, and. Napoleon B. Mr. Lamme had a good education, was a fine business man, and left his family in good circumstances at his death. Zarina Lamme married Willis Bryan, a son … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Owings

George Owings, of Maryland, married a Miss Wells, by whom he had twelve children. He was married the second time, and had twelve children more. Two of his sons, John and Thomas, by his first wife, came to Missouri in 1816, and settled in Warren County. Thomas married Mary O’Brien, and moved to Illinois. John was in the war of 1812. He married Hattie McGarvey, by whom he had fifteen children James M., Richard, George W., David R., Joseph E., John B., Thomas, William H., Wesley, Rachel, Nancy, Julia, Maria, Eliza J., and Emily. All the children lived to be … Read more