Biography of Fred L. Stephenson

Fred L. Stephenson is president of the Commercial State Bank of Yates Center. He had many other interests that connect him with that community, and for many years had been one of the live and energetic citizens, ever ready to co-operate in any plan for the advancement of local welfare. Mr. Stephenson had spent most of his life in Kansas and he owes to his individual energies and the opportunities of the state his prosperity and his position in affairs. His ancestors were English people who came to New York in Colonial days. His grandfather was Thomas Stephenson, a native … Read more

Biography of Hon. George W. Daggett

In the following paragraphs will be given the history of the busy and useful career of a distinguished resident of Genesee, Idaho, who as pioneer, as citizen, as legislator and as a soldier, has done his duty without fear and without reproach, with an eye single to the greatest good to the greatest number. His life is one which has in it many lessons for those who would do well and persevere in well doing. George W. Daggett, one of the most prominent citizens of Genesee, Idaho, was born in Illinois, August 19, 1840, and is descended from an old … Read more

Biography of Natley Dutton

Natley Dutton and wife, of England, settled in Maryland some time after Lord Baltimore began to colonize that State. Their son, Natley, Jr., was born and raised in Maryland. He had a son, named John H., who was born in 1790. Mr. Dutton died when his son was eleven years of age, and two years afterward his mother had him bound out to learn the ship carpenter’s trade. He worked at that business fourteen years. In the meantime his mother had married a Mr. Elton, whose father was a Quaker and came to America with William Penn. They had a … Read more

Hinton, Thomas E. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Thomas E. Hinton passed away suddenly Thursday; March 8, 1928, at the Enterprise hospital where he had been a few days for treatment. A horse had stepped on one foot and serious infection had resulted. One toe was removed and it thought it was the source of the poison was eliminated and the patient would mend. But he dropped off without warning while no attendant was in the room. Funeral services were held at the undertaking chapel Sunday, conducted by Rev. H.L. Ford of the Christian church, and burial was in the Enterprise cemetery. Mr. Hinton … Read more

Houses of the Sauk and Fox Tribes

Mat covered lodges

It is not the purpose of the present sketch to trace the early migrations of the Sauk and Fox tribes, or to refer to their connection, linguistically or socially. However, it is evident their villages were similar in appearance, and both had two distinct forms of habitations which were occupied during different seasons of the year. The summer villages of both tribes consisted of bark houses, and near by were gardens in which they raised corn, squashes, beans, and some tobacco, but with the coming of autumn the families scattered and sought the more protected localities where game was to be … Read more

Wisconsin Gold Star List – Grant County

Liberty Bond

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Grant County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

Biography of Fred Harvey Quincy

Fred Harvey Quincy. Success in any line of occupation, in any avenue of business, is not a matter of spontaneity, but represents the result of the application of definite subjective forces and the controlling of objective agencies in such a way as to achieve desired ends. Senator Quincy has realized a large and substantial success in the business world, has been given important public office, in which he has served with honor and distinction, and his career has well exemplified the truth of the foregoing statements. He occupies a prominent place in the financial circles of Kansas, is the controlling … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Berryman

Charles W. Berryman, a prominent citizen of Blackfoot, Idaho, a member of the well known firm of Berryman & Rogers, stock-raisers and dealers and loaners of money and dealers in county and city bonds, is a native of Wisconsin, having been born at Hazel Green, October 10, 1843, of English ancestry. His parents, Richard and Martha (Williams) Berryman, were born in Cromwell, England. They came to the United States and in 1840 located in Grant County, Wisconsin. There Mr. Berryman became a farmer and lead-miner. He died at the age of seventy-three, in 1877, his wife having passed away many … Read more

Biography of William Gibson Dickie

William Gibson Dickie. Though he began his career on a Kansas farm with very few advantages in the way of schooling and has had to work for his own support and for that of others since boyhood, William G. Dickie has acquired a very honorable position in business affairs at Topeka, and has a record embodying many useful years spent in public office, in manufacturing lines, and in connection with several Kansas corporations. A native of Kansas, he was born six miles west of Olathe, Johnson County, January 21, 1870. His parents, William Holmes and Charity (Gibson) Dickie, had moved … Read more

Lundstrom, Lucille L. – Obituary

Lucille L. Lundstrom, 76, an Aberdeen resident since 1979, died Tuesday March 27, 1990 at a local nursing home. She was born May 17, 1913. (Really June), in Ellensburg. She married Fred Lundstrom in 1939 at Ellensburg where they farmed for 14 years. He survives at the family home in Aberdeen. They lived in Stitzer, Wisconsin, where they farmed for nine years before returning to Ellensburg. They moved to Aberdeen from Ellensburg. She enjoyed needlework and crocheting, watching golf on television, gardening and reading. In addition to her husband, she is survived by two sons, Richard Lundstrom of Aberdeen and … Read more

Biography of Hon. James Gunn

To the energetic natures and strong mentality of such men as James Gunn, member of congress from Idaho, is due the success and ever increasing prosperity of the Populist party in this state, and in the hands of this class of citizens there is ever assurance that the best interests and welfare of the party will be attended to. resulting in a successful culmination of the highest ambitions and expectations entertained by its adherents. Given to the prosecution of active measures in political affairs, and possessing the earnest purpose of placing their party beyond the pale of possible diminution of … Read more

Biography of William David Ayars

No single township in Riley County, Kansas, is so favored as to have within its bounds all the county’s solid, dependable men, but that Wild Cat Township had its full share cannot be questioned. One of these is William David Ayars, a prosperous farmer and stockraiser and a large landowner, and additionally one of the township’s most popular citizens. William David Ayars was born August 17, 1850, in Grant County, Wisconsin, a son of Jeptha and Margaret (Thomas) Ayars. His father was born in New Jersey, perhaps of Holland ancestry, and remained in his native state until he was twenty … Read more

Biography of Jesse A. De Witt

Jesse A. De Witt, whose mental equipment is of that character that enables him to delve to the root of business problems and whose determined energy enables him to conquer obstacles and difficulties in his path, is now occupying a most enviable place in financial circles of Muskogee. He was the President of the Central State Bank until January 1, 1922, and is now a director. He comes to the southwest from Wisconsin, his birth having occurred in Montfort, that state, September 23, 1889, his parents being I. G. and Abbie (Taylor) De Witt, the former a newspaper publisher. In … Read more

Grant County, Wisconsin Cemetery Records

Wisconsin Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Wisconsin county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Grant County, Wisconsin Cemetery Records Hosted at Grant County USGenWeb Archives Project Beulah-Tyler Cemetery Beulah Cemetery Beulah Cemetery 2 Blake’s Prairie Cemetery Blakes’s Prairie Cemetery, Formerly Sergeant Cemetery Blue River Cemetery Boscobel Cemetery Boscobel Cemetery Brechler Cemetery Hickory Grove Lutheran Cemetery, aka Norwegian Cemetery Hickory Grove Cemetery Hickory Grove Cemetery Hickory Grove Lutheran Cemetery McGhan Cemetery Woodman Cemetery Hosted … Read more

DeBorde, Thomas Jefferson – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon Another of Cove’s early day settlers passed from earth to the Better Life, April 17, 1919 at his home in Cove, Oregon, aged 77 years, 11 months and 25 days, after a lingering illness, during which he was tended with loving solicitude by the hands of his children. T.J. DeBorde was born April 22, 1841 in Grants County Wisconsin; was united in wedlock with Miss Sarah J. Franklin in Webster County Iowa, June 2, 1865. Twelve children blessed the union, seven of whom are living, tree sons, Thos. W., John F. and Benjamin F. DeBorde; four … Read more