Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Parker Genealogy of Bluehill, Maine

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by Dennis

Peter Parker, Sr., came from Andover, Mass., to Blue Hill Maine in 1765. He was a brother of Col. Nathan and Robert Parker, and was born at Andover Jan. 8, 1741; married Phebe Marble, June 5, 1766. She was born July 29, 1744; died Oct. 1, 1805. He died October 24, 1822, aged eighty-one years, ten months and twenty-three days. Their children were as follows:

  1. Phebe Parker, born April 24, 1767; died May 3, 1795.
  2. Serena Parker, born August 29, 1768; died October 12, 1784.
  3. Peter Parker, born October 17, 1769; married Sally, daughter of Jonathan Darling, Sept. 13, 1794; she was born April 24, 1769; died October 16, 1836; he died April 30, 1855, aged eighty-five years and five months.
  4. Hannah Parker, born February 19, 1771; died October 27, 1855, aged eighty-four years, ten months.
  5. Susannah Parker, born July 27, 1772; married Jonathan Ellis, September 11, 1795; she died August 17, 1803. Had four children:
    1. Jonathan Ellis.
    2. Charles Ellis.
    3. Almira Ellis.
    4. Amos Hill Ellis.
  6. Marble Parker, born July 1, 1775; married Hannah Lovejoy.
  7. Mary Parker, born April 1, 1777; died July 8, 1793.
  8. Isaac Parker, born May 23, 1792; married Hannah Carter.
  9. Joanna Parker, born May 6, 1794; married Israel Wood, Jr.

Marble Parker Family Genealogy

Marble Parker was the sixth child of his parents, born July 1, 1775; married Hannah Lovejoy, September 17, 1798. She was born October 16, 1778; died July 13, 1847. He died December 17, 1866, of cancer, aged ninety-one years. He was tall, of large frame and coarse features, with a prominent Roman nose. His wife, on the contrary, was short of stature, diminutive in size and of delicate figure. The writer’s father said of her: “She is very short when standing, but tall as the average woman when sitting.” Another way of expressing the fact, that her body was of the usual length, but her limbs were very short. Mr. Parker’s voice and presence were not magnetic, but repelled children of the neighborhood, while Mrs. Parker had a mild, persuasive voice and a winning smile that were attractive.

Mr. Parker had in his orchard by the road, with branches hanging over the fence, an apple tree that bore very early, toothsome fruit. One day a boy passing along picked up an apple from the roadside that had fallen from that tree. Mr. Parker saw him, called out to put it back, and then berated the boy for stealing, which wounded to the quick and left its sting in the wound. The boy had been taught that apples lying on the roadside were free to passers, and he had no thought that he was committing a crime by taking one or more from the ground.

He told his companions of the occurrence. They took his side of the question, and it was arranged between them that they would go and gather the fruit of that tree the next night. With bags to contain the apples, they assembled in the darkness when all was quiet, stripped the tree, took the apples to a not distant hay loft, secreted them, and at their leisure feasted upon them. Shortly after that event the boys met Adoniram Day, then living at the Parkers, who related to them that the Indians, then camping upon dough’s shore, had come at night and stolen all the apples of that favorite tree.

The boys said it was too bad, but said nothing more, though they had apples to eat for weeks after. It was wrong for the boys thus to have acted, but whether right or wrong, they did what they considered they were justified in doing— sugar catches more flies (and more boys) than all the vinegar ever made from cider, or any other acid.

The children of Marble and Hannah Parker were:

  1. William Parker, born September 18, 1798; died September 30, 1798.
  2. Serena Parker, born August 10, 1799; married Charles Colburn.
  3. Harriet Parker, born November 18, 1801.
  4. Leander Parker, born January 22, 1804; died October 3, 1804.
  5. Isaac Parker, born July 30, 1805; married Abigail Marshall Powers.
  6. Sophia Parker, born December 10, 1807; married George Robertson.
  7. Augustus Granville Parker, born August 7, 1812; married Dorothy H. Powers.
  8. Phebe Parker, born June 8, 1816; died May 26, 1817.
  9. Phebe Parker, born January 4, 1818; never married, died in Massachusetts.
  10. Edith Parker, born July 25, 1820; never married, died in Massachusetts.

In the latter years of Mr. Parker’s life, his farm was carried on by his son, Augustus G., who tore down the old house and built the one now standing. After his father’s death, Augustus G. Parker sold the homestead to David Friend and removed to Flye’s Point, Brooklin, where he and his wife died at a later date, leaving a son and daughter.

The Parkers were Baptists, and Marble Parker and his wife were members of the Baptist church of Blue Hill, he joining in 1816 and his father, Peter, in 1806, at its organization.

The present owner, David Friend, has sold the greater part of the Parker farm, retaining a few acres near the house, the balance having gone to those interested in building summer cottages upon it near the bay shore.

Isaac Parker Family Genealogy

Parker’s Point was taken up, cleared, buildings erected and farm cultivated by Isaac Parker, the eighth child of Peter and Phebe Marble Parker, born May 23, 1792. He married Hannah Carter, March 27, 1823, and they had the following named children:

  1. Leander Parker, born Jan. 15, 1825; died in New Orleans, Jan. 16, 1853.
  2. Simeon Parker, born Nov. 16, 1827; died at Savannah, Oct. 27, 1852.
  3. Elvira Parker, born Nov. 20, 1829; died August 5, 1838.
  4. Israel Wood Parker, born Jan. 4, 1832; resides at Belfast, Me.
  5. Edwin Parker, born Nov. 4, 1833.
  6. Addison Parker, born Jan. 10, 1836,
  7. Asro Parker, born June 23, 1839; died Jan. 1, 1863.

Mrs. Hannah Parker died June 3, 1855, and Isaac her husband May 16, 1877, aged ninety-five years. He was an industrious and frugal farmer. His farm, possessing a soil easily cultivated, was located on the point between the two bays, a spot not surpassed in beauty elsewhere in town, which has brought it into prominence as a summer cottage resort.

The writer knew well both Mr. and Mrs. Parker, whose children were his schoolmates, and he often visited their home where it was his privilege sometimes to remain over night.

Mr. Parker was a gentlemanly man with pleasing manners which won for him the sobriquet of “Lord Isaac,” and by which he was known throughout the town and vicinity. He was a member of the church and punctual attendant upon the preaching of Father Fisher and his successors in the pulpit of the old and the new Congregational churches of the town.

The writer well remembers him at the old church where he brought his lunch and ate it between morning and afternoon services, as was the custom of those living at a distance from the meeting house.

One Sunday noon, during the life of the old meeting house, the writer with other boys went to the saw mill in the village to see a new turbine water wheel that had been introduced there, and upon returning from under the mill in passing over a pile of lumber a part gave away and he fell, striking upon his left arm breaking one of the bones above the wrist.

He walked up to Dr. Tenny’s house to have his arm set and splinted, Mr. Parker heard of the accident and came to the doctor’s house to see about it, and was present when the broken bone was being set. As the doctor pulled and stroked the arm in setting, the patient winced and cried out in pain, and Mr. Parker, out of kindness of his heart, said, “Doctor, do be careful, for you must see how much you hurt the young gentleman.”

To be called a young gentleman was salve to the feelings of the patient, and nearly neutralized the pain he was suffering at the time. The arm was cared for, and the writer made his way home with it in a sling from which it was not freed for several weeks.

After the death of Mr. Parker, his farm was sold to Mr. Sweet, who came from Salem, Mass. The old house has been remodeled and placed upon another foundation, and much of the farm sold for summer cottages.

Robert Parker Family Genealogy

After the Johnson Wood place, the Frederick Parker place is the next in order, with a large, square, two-story house upon the left of the road with a fine lawn in front; the barn, now gone, stood on the opposite side of the road. Just when this house was built is not known to the writer, but it was probably as early as 1820.

The farm connected with the house and barn extended on both sides of the main road for some distance, and was probably that of Robert Parker, Frederick’s father, who came to the town from Andover, Mass., about 1765.

Robert Parker was born March 13, 1745; married Ruth, daughter of Joseph Wood, the first settler, Nov. 29, 1773. She was born in Beverly, Mass., Dec. 18, 1753; died Jan. 20, 1825, aged seventy-two years. Her husband died Feb. 12, 1818, aged seventy-three years. He was a brother of Peter Ezra and Col. Nathan Parker. The children of Robert Parker were:

  1. Samuel Parker, born March 9, 1774; married first, Lydia Parker; second, Mary Mathews.
  2. Nabby Parker, born Jan. 6, 1776; died Dec. 19, 1781.
  3. Moses Parker, born Feb. 1, 1778; died Aug. 13, 1801.
  4. Robert Parker, born Feb. 3, 1781; died Dec. 19, 1781.
  5. Robert Parker, born Dec. 1, 1782; died at sea.
  6. Simeon Parker, born July 24, 1785; married Lydia Faulkner Stevens.
  7. Frederick Parker, born Oct. 30, 1788; married Harriet Haskell.
  8. Nabby Parker, born March 12, 1792; married Robert Haskell Wood.
  9. Edith Parker, born March 3, 1795; married Stephen Holt.

Frederick Parker Family Genealogy

Frederick Parker was the seventh child of Robert and Ruth (Wood) Parker, of the family above, born Oct. 30, 1788, and died April 6, 1867, aged seventy-eight years, five months and six days. He married Harriet Haskell, born in Beverly, Mass., March 1, 1793, on April 18, 1818. She died May 1, 1877, aged eighty-four years and two months. Their children were:

  1. Sarah Ellingwood Parker, born April 23, 1820.
  2. Harriet Maria Parker, born June 2, 1822; died June 27, 1879.
  3. Andrew Haskell Parker, born May 11, 1824; moved to Rockland.
  4. Abigail Sinclair Parker, born Dec. 9, 1827; married and lived in Boston.
  5. Mary Ann Haskell Parker, born Oct. 6, 1829; married and lived in Boston.
  6. Robert Harlow Parker, born Jan. 14, 1835.

Frederick Parker was a farmer and a worthy man. He and his family were well known to the writer in his youth. After his death the place was sold to Fred A. Fisher, and was occupied some years by Rev. Mr. Tripp a Baptist clergyman. It lay idle after that until bought and put in repair by Mrs. Kline, of Cleveland, O., whose sister and family use it for a summer home.


Candage, R. A. F. Historical Sketches of Blue Hill, Maine. Ellsworth, Maine: Hancock County Publishing Company, Printers. 1905.

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