History and Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

From the record of the town’s annual meeting held “March 6, 1769”, we learn that it was “Voted that Joseph Wood, Jonathan Darling and Robert Parker be a Committee to lay out Roads where they should think proper to convean the Town on this side of the Salt Pond.” The year previous the town voted “For to clear a Rhode from here to Pronobscutt” and chose a committee consisting of Samuel Foster, Israel Wood, Robert Parker, Joseph Wood and John Roundy to attend to laying out said “Rhode”. At the annual town meeting held “Monday, April 7, 1794, voted that … Read more

Colburn Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Charles Colburn was a sailor in his younger days; he was born in the town of Billerica, Mass., and came to Blue Hill previous to 1829. He married Serena Parker, daughter of Marble and Hannah (Lovejoy) Parker, Oct. 15, 1829. The children of Charles and Serena Colburn were as follows: Hannah, Eliza, Charles and Mary.

Tenney Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Dr. Nathan Tenney was a native of Bradford, Mass., born May 23, 1769; came first to Sedgwick when a young man, then to Blue Hill about 1815. He married Mary, daughter of Major David Carleton, of Sedgwick, Aug. 21, 1796. She was born Oct. 23, 1777; died May 9, 1820. He died June 29, 1848, aged seventy-nine years. He practiced medicine; was considered skillful and for many years was the chief doctor in the town. His children were: Polly, Sophia, John, Rebecca, William, Jane, Nabby, Julia and David.

Recollections of the Tide Mills

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

The tide mills, the first of which was built in 1765, when at its raising every person in town was present and all sat about one table at dinner, was the first mill of the town, and was named “Endeavor”. The father and grandfather of the writer were owners in the mills, and has worked in them in boyhood, and has many recollections of them. His earliest is of the time when he was three years of age and accompanied his father to the mills dressed in petticoats, and with his hands clasping his lunch of bread and butter. The … Read more

McIntire Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Jeremiah McIntire was not born at Blue Hill, but came to it a young man, from what place the records do not state. He was published to Lydia Knowles, of Sedgwick, June 8, 1818, and certified June 27, of the same year. Children: Abigail, John, Ingerson, Sarah, Deborah, Freeman, Nathan, Sylvanus and Francis.

Biographical Sketch of Albert Chandler

Albert Chandler, P. O. Cawker City, is a native of the State of Maine, having been born in Ellsworth, Hancock County, in said State, in the year 1841. Young Chandler and his parents came to Kansas in 1856, and located in Brown County, near Hiawatha. The subject of this notice was a soldier in Company C, Seventh Kansas Cavalry, for four years and one month. After the war he was, until 1871, a practical farmer of Brown County; in that year he moved to Irving Township, Jewell County, where he now resides and cultivates a farm of 600 acres in … Read more

Ellis Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Jonathan Ellis was born in Bellingham June, 1774, married Susannah Parker, Sept. 11, 1795, daughter of Peter Parker, Sr.; she was born June 27, 1772; died August 17, 1803; her husband died Dec. 23, 1806. Children were: Jonathan, Charles, Almira and Amos.

Bartlett Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

John Bartlett was born at Mt. Desert in the early years of 1800, married Mary Hale, of Sedgwick, July 27, 1826, and set up housekeeping upon Long Island. Their children were: Caroline, George, mary, Frederick, Vienna, John, Nancy, Hiram and James.

Spofford Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Daniel Spofford was born Feb. 18, 1766, where is not stated, and removed to Bucksport about 1803; he married, April 11, 1794, Phebe Peters, daughter of John and Mary Peters. She was born March 13, 1773, and died May 15, 1839. Mr. Spofford died Oct. 10, 1852, aged eighty-six years. He had three children, born at Blue Hill, as follows: Parker, Frederick and Ruby.

Stover Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Jeremiah Stover. He was born in Penobscot Dec. 5, 1770; came to Blue Hill a young man, built the house referred to before 1800. He married, Dec. 16, 1793, Abigail Devereux. He was a farmer and tanner and currier. The family consisted of nine children, as follows: Lois, Abigail, Jonathan, Hannah, Newton, Jeremiah, Lydia, Cynthia, and Martha.

Fisk Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Andrew and Abraham Fisk were brothers, but where and when they were born or whence they came to this town there is no date in possession of the writer, or when their houses were built, although they were standing in the earliest recollections of the writer. Andrew Fisk married March 12, 1827, Almira, daughter of Freeman and Thankful Hardin; she was born Nov. 15, 1802. Their children were: George, Andrew, Benjamin, Frederick, James, Rodney, Helen, Almira, Mary and John. Andrew married Sarah B. Milliken for a second wife, by whom he had: Abby, Abraham, and two additional unnamed children.

Robertson Genealogy of Bluehill, Maine

Early New England People

The family record of Robert Robertson is not found at Blue Hill, but the children were. Mr. Robertson died many years ago, and his widow on March 29, 1855, aged seventy-four years. Children: Jane, Ann, George, John, Robert, and William.

Coggin Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

The Coggin lot was the one taken up by Thomas Coggin, who came to it from Beverly, Mass., with his family in 1765. Here he built his humble abode and resided the first years of his life in town – just how many the record does not show. He was born Feb. 14, 1734; married Lydia Obear, Feb., 1755. He died Feb. 11, 1821, aged eighty-nine years; she died Oct. 22, 1800. The children were: Hezekiah, Molly, Lydia, Josiah, Samuel and Elizabeth.

Chatteau Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Joshua, Charles and John Chatteau came to Blue Hill from Deer Isle. They were fisherman, boat builders and farmers. The record of family of Joshua is not found in the town books.

Stevens Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Theodore Stevens, who was born in Andover, Mass., July 12, 1763, and came to Blue Hill in 1791. Theodore Stevens’ wife was Dorcas Osgood, whom he married Oct. 4, 1791. Their children were as follows: Elizabeth, Edward, Benjamin, Lydia, Lucretia, Elvina, and John. This genealogy provides descendants down in some cases 2 generations.

Smith Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Samuel Smith, it is said, came from Beverly, Mass., to the town, and entered into trade of a gen-eral character in the village, keeping groceries. West India and other goods. He married Julia Ann Holt, Sept. 1st, 1833, daughter of Jeremiah Thorndike and Elizabeth (Osgood) Holt, born April 2, 1812, and died July 22, 1858. Samuel Smith died Dec. 16, 1845. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith were as follows: Albert, Frances, Amy and Benjamin.

Carter Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

I find it disappointing in the wonderful manuscript of R. A. F. Candage that he failed to provide any substance on the progenitor of the Carter family in Blue Hill, James Carter, Sr. What we can gather, is James arrived in Blue Hill about 1770 from Edgecomb Maine with his young family and settled at the location known later as the Carter Places. He had at least the following children: James and David. The offspring of both James and David are much more thoroughly on this page.

Gray Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Andrew Jackson Gray, who married Nancy B. Dodge, daughter of Capt. Merrill Dodge, July, 1852. She was born April 6, 1831; he was born May 28, 1828. Their children were: Albert, Alice, Annie and Herbert.

Hardin Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Capt. Foster Hardin was a sailor and sea captain in early life, and married Ann Robertson Aug. 24, 1826, “both” being recorded at that time as of Sedgwick. Mr. Hardin died March 11, 1874, and Ann, his widow, February 1887, aged above eighty. Their children were: Edsley, David, George, Mary, Hiram, Eveline, John, Francis, Robert, Marcy and Charles.

Billings Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Historical Sketches of Bluehill Maine

Haty Billings was from Sedgwick, but resided nearly all his life upon his place in Blue Hill Maine. He married May 11, 1833, Phebe Ann Friend and had the following children: Emily, Albion, Harriet, Isaac, John, James and Mary.