1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Clergy and Churches

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Resident Clergy, Churches, And Hours Of Divine Service. Church Of England. The RIGHT REV. JOHN STRACHAN, D. D., L. L. D., Bishop of Toronto. Ven. A. N. Bethune, D. D., Archdeacon of York. Rev. H. J. Grasett, M. A., examining and domestic chaplain, and secretary to the Bishop. Parochial Clergy REV. H. J. Grasett, M. A., rector of St. James, and officiating chaplain to the forces Rev. Stephen Lett, L. L. D., minister of St. George’s church Rev Richard Mitchele, B. A., minister … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Mineral Water to Railroad Agents

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Mineral Water Depot Goedike, E., Plantagenet water depot, King st., west. Music And Musical Instrument Store NORDHEIMER, A. & S., publishers and importers of music and musical instruments, 14 King st. east an extensive assortment of the celebrated piano fortes of Chickering, and Stodart & Dunham, at manufacturers prices. Publishers And Importers Of Music Teachers Ambrose, C. & J., Church st. Clarke, J. P., Church st. Mustard Manufacturer CRAWFORD, D., & Co., mustard, ink and blacking manufacturers, York mills, corner of King and … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Public Offices

The Capital City of Western Canada, is situated on a fine bay of Lake Ontario, in the Township and County of York; the City is an electoral district, returning tow members to the Provincial Parliament, and the Courts of Law for the County are held here. Toronto possesses many natural advantages for trade, which will be greatly increased when the projected railroad lines, of which she will be the centre, are completed, distance from Kingston, 165 miles, usual stage fare, 45s, usual steamboat fare, 20s, distant from Hamilton, 45 miles usual stage fare 7s 6d, usual steamboat fare, 7s 6d. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Potter

William Potter, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1817, died at Shortsville, Ontario county, New York, in 1900. He came to Machias, Cattaraugus county, New York, as a young man, and engaged in farming. In 1860 he removed to Palmyra. He married Julia Slover. Children: James K., referred to below; John W.; Evans; Rebecca, married Solomon Burton. James K., son of William and Julia (Slover) Potter, was born at Machias, Cattaraugus county, New York, August i8, 1844, and is now (1910) living at Shortsville, Ontario county. He received … Read more

Biography of William A. Cornell

William A. Cornell, secretary and manager of the Geneva Brewing Company, appears to be one of those fortunate individuals, the right man in the right place, if we may judge by the results he has achieved in the industry with which he has been connected for a number of years. He has inherited, and understands how to make the best use of, the admirable traits which have descended to him from his English and Scotch ancestry, and to these he has added the best that is to be found in our own country. Both his grandfather and father were brewers … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Cabinetmakers to Cutlers

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Cabinetmakers And Upholsterers FRENCH, RICHARD, chair manufactory, wholesale and retail 54 King st., west. JACQUES & HAY, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, Windsor and cane seat chair, and patent bedstead manufacturers wholesale and retail, 42 King st., west, corner of Bay st., manufactory, Bay shore. PARKER, THOMAS D., cabinetmaker, 63 Queen st., west every description of furniture constantly on hand, or made to order in the best manner, on reasonable terms. ROBERTS, GEORGE, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 115 Yonge st., opposite Elgie’s hotel a choice stock … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Jamieson

(II) David (2), son of David (1) Jamieson, was born at Dumferline, Scotland, September 19, 1800; married at Collinton, Scotland, March 17, 1828, Margaret Muir (Parish Church records at High Edinburgh, Scotland, Rev. Lewis Balfour, minister). Margaret Muir was born in Edinburgh or Glasgow, 1809-n, and died in March, 1870. David died in 1886 in Canada. He came to America when a young man in 1834 and after living for a short time in New York City, removed to Toronto, and thence to Yorkville, Canada. Children: I. David, born in Scotland. 2. Jane, born in New York City, October 7, … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Daguerreotype to Furniture Brokers

Daguerreotype Artists Blakeley, Alex., City buildings, King st., east. Palmer, E. J., 74 City buildings, King st., east. Dentists KAHN, CHARLES, surgical and mechanical dentist, 46 King st., west, 2 doors from Bay st. all operations in dental surgery performed upon the most approved scientific principles, and warranted to prove effective. Kahn, Charles, Bay st. Wood, Samuel, 43 King st., west. Smith, J. F., 5 King, st., east. Dry Goods Merchants (Wholesale). BOWES & HALL, wholesale importers of dry goods, Yonge st. BRYCE, MCMURRICH & Co., wholesale dry goods importers, 5 Yonge st. EWART, JOHN, jun., & Co., wholesale importers … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Paul Kane

Paul Kane, born at York, the present city of Toronto, 1810; died 1871. After spending several years in the United States he went to Europe, where he studied in various art centers. Returned to Canada, and from early in 1845 until the autumn of 1848 traveled among the native tribes of the far west, making a large number of paintings of Indians and scenes in the Indian country. One hundred or more of his paintings are in the Museum at Toronto; others are in the Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa. Some of the sketches and paintings were reproduced in his … Read more

Clymer, Doris Schnebly – Obituary

Doris Schnebly Clymer, 99, of Issaquah, Washington, died Sunday May 18, 2008 after a short illness. She was born April 3, 1909, in Ellensburg, Washington to Joseph Jay and Elizabeth Barnhart Schnebly. Her early years were spent on the family ranch which was located in the Fairview District, where she attended a one-room schoolhouse. After graduating from Ellensburg High School, Doris went on to study History and English at Washington State College (now WSU), where she graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1931. In 1932, Doris married high school sweetheart and artist John Ford Clymer. Over the 58 years of their … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Ginger Beer to Hardware Merchants

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Ginger Beer Maker Sproat, Henry, 60 King st. west Glover Smith, Henry 150 Yonge st Glue Maker Cave, Samuel, Church st. Gunsmiths ASHFIELD, James, gun and rifle manufacturer, 21 King st west, guns neatly percussioned, gunpowder and shooting materials of every description Green, S. F., Yonge st Greene, John, 5 Martime place General Merchants BRETT, R. H., general merchant, 161 King st. east. BROWN, A. V., & Co., wholesale dealers in groceries, teas, wines, liquors, &c., also shelf and heavy hardware and crockery … Read more

Biography of Nelson Bennett

NELSON BENNETT. – Though Toronto, Canada, must be accredited as the birthplace of the distinguished personage whose name heads this brief sketch of a most active, useful and busy life, yet were his parentage and ancestry thoroughly American. On the paternal side the Bennetts were natives of Virginia, three generations back; and his mother was of the ancient and time-honored family of the Spragues of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. He was born October 14,1843; and his father died when he was seven years of age, leaving a widow and six children. The family resided upon a farm; and Nelson was … Read more

1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Medical Societies and Colleges

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Medical, Surgical And Benevolent Society Toronto School Of Medicine. The Toronto School of Medicine opens the last Monday in October, and closes the Iast Monday in April. The lectures correspond to the requirements of the medical faculty of the University of McGill College, Montreal. This school having been recognised by that Institution, qualifies for graduation according to its rules. Lecturers Dr. Workman, Dr. Morrison, Dr. Langstaff, Dr. Aikin and Dr. Rolph. Medical Board, Canada West. Established by Act of Parliament. President: Hon. C. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Maurice A. Hollingsworth

Mr. Maurice A. Hollingsworth, a veterinary surgeon, now practicing his profession in the City of Rock Island, was born December 10, 1872, at Cincinnati, Ohio, and has been a resident of Rock Island for a number of years. He is the son of Abraham and Celestia S. Hollingsworth, who gave him an education in the Ontario Veterinary College at Toronto, Canada. After completing his studies there he took up his residence in Rock Island and commenced the practice of his profession, which he has gradually built up so that he now ranks among the foremost of his profession in this … Read more