1759, June 1, Fort Loudoun

Last Updated on November 9, 2012 by


The 26th of Last Month the Little Carpenter arrived here & came directly to the fort and said that he was verry sorry to hear that in his Absence there had been so many bad talks and that Some of them had been to Virginia & killed the white People there & that he did not Know how to behave on this Occafsion, but that Since he was come it Shoud be so no more & that he had given good talks to all the towns as came along and in three day’s I will Acquaint You with the talks I shall give to those towns. Accordingly they had a Meeting at Chotta & Runners were Sent through all the to forwarn them from the like proceedings for the future, & the 30th _____ was fixt to come to the fort to Acquaint me with there Proceedings. Accordingly a Great number came & After the Indian Ceremonies were Over, I told the Litle Carpenter publickly that in his Absence there had been verry bad talks at Chotta & that the Mortar was kindly recived there, Notwithstanding I Acquainted them that he came from the French and had no Good Design, Old Hopp deny’d that there was ever any bad talks at Chotta. I told him I was sure of it because Some of their Own Warriours had Acquainted me with it the Old fellow Still denying, the Little Carpenter said he was tyred to hear it & said it shoud be so no more & Immediately denied that his talk may be taken down & sent to Your Excellency. I have Inclosed you both Old Hopp’s & the Little Carpenters talk, by which Your Excellency will see they are no way disposed to Give Sattisfaction for the Mischief they have done & I believe dare not Midle with that town (Sellico) as it very Numerous. I spoke to them all Concerning this new Settlement on the forks of the Coosa River, & Represented to them that the path wou’d be verry Dangerous between Theowee & this if they were allowed to Settle there & that there wou’d be no bringing Provifsions to this place, All there Answer was the French were not to Settle there, but only the Mortar’s Gang I shall do my best Endeavours to Get the Carpenter to send to recommoitre that place, as he Seems to know Nothing at all of Any Settlement there. He has Given me some hints that if there is any settlement there, if his own people do not refrain Going to war against there Brothers, he will make war against that Settlement, and as they are Creeks, Shou’d be Glad of Your Excellency’s Advice how I am to behave if they Shou’d Apply to me for Ammunition.

About a fortnight Ago I was informed that the Afsemble wou’d not Allow any more then Fifteen pounds a Month for a Linguister & as I have hitherto paid him Twenty five pounds a Month which is the Least I can get anyone to Stay for that I can depend upon. I have Acquainted him with it & he will not Accept of that as he can make a great deal more, not knowing where to get another I have purswaded upon him to Stay till I hear form Your Excellency, & I begg your Excellency will Consider of it & let me know it as I cannot be without a Linquister the Indians flocking to the fort every Moment.

I am


Your Excellency’s
Most Obedient & Most
Humble Servant

Paul Demere

History, Letters,

Lyttelton, William Combe Baron Thomas Lyttelton. Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas. 1812.

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