
Prominent British Bakers, Past Generations

Last Updated on April 5, 2013 by ALEXANDER BAKER: (1582-1638); Jesuit; b. in Norfolk; entered Society of Jesus, 1610; visited India as a missionary; left a manuscript in defense of the doctrine of regeneration by baptism as held by Catholics. ANNE ELIZABETH: (1786-1861); philologist; assisted her brother, George Baker, in his “History of Northamptonshire”; published,

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Hunt Family Genealogy

Hunt Family Genealogy: A book, written by Henry Seaver, which provides a quick study into the genealogies of the Hunt Family – English and American. Reliable authorities have the following to say in regard to the origin and meaning of the name “Hunt”: “Huntsman. As Hunter the name of the office remains, a surname; shortened also to Hunt. Hunt-`to pursue,’ and is applied to the sports of the chase-to follow game. Old Norse-Hundi (a dog), Norman French-le Huant, German-Hund, Hundt, Dutch-Hunt, Welsh-Hund, Hunti. It may not be known to all our “Hunts” that theirs, the shorter form, was the most familiar term in use; hence the number that at present exist. We are told in the `Knight’s Tale’ of the-`Hunte and horne, and houndes him beside’; while but a little further on he speaks of-`The hunte ystrangled with the wilde heres.’ “

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