True Relations – Councilor of Paspanegh

Last Updated on December 26, 2014 by Dennis

The concession of Macanoe, who was the Councilor of Paspanegh. First I , then Paister Scrivener, upon our several examinations, found out all of them were convinced that the Paspahegh and the Chickahamania did hate us, and intended some mischief, and they were who took me, the names of them that stole our tools and swords, and that Powhatan had received them, they all agreed. Certain volleys of shot we caused to be discharged, which caused each other to think their fellows had been slain.

Powhatan understanding we detained certain Savages, sent his daughter, a child of ten years old, which not only for features, continence and proportion, much exceeding any of the rest of his people, but for wit and sprit, the only nonpareil of his country. This he sent by his most trusted messenger, called Rawhunt, as much exceeding in deformity of a person, but of a sudden wit and crafty understanding, he with a long circumstances told me how well Powhatan loved and respected me, and in that I should not doubt any of his kindness. He had sent his child, which he most esteemed to see me, a deer and a bear for presents. Desiring me that the boy might come again, which he loved exceedingly, and his little daughter he had taught this lesson also. Not taking notice at all of the Indians that had been prisoner for three days. Until that morning she saw their fathers and friends come quietly and in good terms to ask for their liberty. Opechaukanough also sent unto us and that for his sake we would release two that were his friends and for a token sent me his shooting glove and bracer In which that day our men were taken upon, and parroting himself from the rest a long time. He decided himself to speak with me, where in token of peace he had preferred me the same. Now all of them having found their peremptory conditions, but to increase our malice, which they seeing us, we begin to threaten to destroy them, as familiarly as before, without suspicion or fear, they came amongst us to beg liberty for their men. In the afternoon they being gone, we guarded them as before to the church, and after prayer we gave them to Pocahantas  the Kings daughter, in regard of her fathers kindness in sending her. After having well fed them, as all the time of their imprisonment, we gave back to them their bows, arrows and what else they had, and with as much content, sent them packing. Pocahantas we also requited with such trifles as contented her, to show that we had used the Paspaheyans very kindly in so releasing them. The next day we had suspicion of some other parties for an ambuscade, but perfectly we could not discover it. Two days after a Paspaheyan came to show us a glistering mineral stone, and with signs demonstrating it to be in great quantify, he showed us like rocks with a dozen more. I was sent to seek and to dig some quantity, and the Indian to conduct me. But suspecting this some trick to delude us, or to get some copper from us or with some ambuscade to betray us, seeing him falter in his tale, being two miles on our way, we led him a shore, where he took us from place to place, and so seeking either to have us drawn with him into the woods and to have given us the slip. I showed him the copper which I pointed to have given him, if he had performed his promise, but for his scoffing and abusing us. I gave him twenty lashes with rope, and his bows and arrows bidding him shot if he burst, and so let him go.

In all this time, our men being all or most part well recovered, and we not willing to trifle away any more time then necessity enforced us to. We thought good for the better content of the adventures, in some reasonable sort to go straight home. Paister Nelson with cedar wood, about which our men going with willing minds, was in vary good time offered, and the ship sent for England. We now remaining, being in good health, and all our men well contented, free from mutinies, in love one with the another, and as we hope in a continual peace with the Indians. Where we doubt not but by Gods gracious assistance, and the adventurers willing minds and speedy furtherance to so honorable an action in after times. To see our Nation to enjoy a Country, not only in exceeding pleasant for habitation, but also very profitable for commerce in general. No doubt pleasing to The Almighty God, Honorable to our Gracious Sovereign, and commendation in general is the whole Kingdom.


Charles M Tapp

Nelson, Scrivener, Tapp,



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