Biography of George H. Storer

The roster of state officials of Idaho for 1898 embraced the name of George H. Storer as filling the responsible position of treasurer. He is a practical, progressive businessman, of sound judgment and keen executive ability, and upon the basis of a practical business experience he conducted the financial affairs of the state. His history is in many respects remarkable. From an humble position he has risen to one of prominence, and the success which has attended his efforts is the outcome of his own unaided labors.

A native of England, he was born on the 17th of February, 1860, his parents being Dennis and Sarah (Carlisle) Storer. His father died during the early boyhood of the son, who, with his mother and three younger brothers, came to America in 1871. He was then only eleven years of age. The family made a location in Echo canyon, on the Weber river, in Utah, where they resided for eight years, during which time George Storer did what he could to support his mother and the younger children. This period was not without many hardships and trials, but he did his best to overcome these, and thus early the elemental strength of his character was shad-owed forth by actions and words.

In 1879 the future state treasurer arrived in Idaho. He arrived at Black Foot with just fifty cents in his pocket, and then entered seriously upon the task of securing a livelihood, willing and anxious to follow any pursuit that was honorable. He had great energy and industry and such qualities never fail. As the years passed his labors brought him a small capital, which, as judiciously invested, has brought him excellent financial returns. He established for himself a home, by his marriage to Miss Elizabeth Payne, on the 6th of March 1881, when he was twenty-one years of age. Her father was George Payne, for many years road master of the Utah Northern Railroad. In 1884 Mr. Storer removed with his wife to Idaho Falls, where he, through a period of fifteen years, has sustained a reputation of being one of the most prominent and successful businessmen of the place. In December 1898, he removed to Lewiston, Idaho. In a comparatively short time he has accumulated a comfortable fortune, and his name is everywhere the synonym of honorable business dealing and success. He carries forward to a prosperous conclusion whatever he undertakes and manifests rare good judgment in his investments. He has one of the best stock ranches in the state, comprising one thousand acres of land, near Idaho Falls. He also has a number of other valuable ranches in Bingham county and large realty holdings in Idaho Falls and Ogden.

He is a recognized leader in the ranks of the Democratic Party, is especially skillful in the planning of campaigns, and in 1891 was a member of the Democratic state central committee. He worked faithfully and with much ability in the campaign of that and succeeding years, and took a prominent part in the anti-Mormon fight, standing firm against the fierce attacks of the Republicans, and ever contending for what he believed to be right and just. Though he met defeat he never became discouraged, and with fresh vigor re-entered the conflict in each campaign. He has often been honored with positions of public trust, and to every duty has been most loyal. When a young man he served for two terms as justice of the peace, has been mayor of Idaho Falls, and at the same time served as its assessor and treasurer. Such was his fidelity to all trusts and such his service to his party that in 1896 he was nominated and elected on the People’s Democratic ticket to the office of state treasurer. A better choice could not have been made, and his election was hailed as a blessing by many people of the state. He administered the affairs of the office in a manner that won him commendation and reflected credit upon the party that installed him in office.

Mr. Storer is one of the most prominent Masons in the state. He was initiated in Corner Lodge, No. 6, A. F. & A. M., of Utah, was a charter member of Eagle Rock Lodge, No. 19, and has three times served as worshipful master. He belongs to Pocatello Chapter, R. A. M., and to the grand lodge of the state, in which he has filled the office of junior and senior deacon, and in 1898 he was grand master of the state. He is a worthy exponent of the beneficent principles of the fraternity and in his life exemplifies the humanitarian truths upon which the order rests. His friends in social life are many, and both Mr. and Mrs. Storer are held in the highest esteem. They have an interesting family of three children, James Arthur, Ada Elizabeth and Earl Maurice, who reside with their parents in a most delightful home in Lewiston. Emerson has said that “the way to win a friend is to be one,” and in this way Mr. Storer has surrounded himself with a circle of true friends, who were drawn to him by his genuine worth, his unselfish interest in his fellow men, and his marked social qualities.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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