1850 Gazetteer of Diptford England

DIPTFORD, a small village, on rising ground, in the vale of the river Avon, 5½ miles W.S.W. of Totnes, has in its parish 755 souls, and 4144A. 3R. 15P. of land, including many scattered farm-houses, and lying in several manors. The Rev. W.C. Johnson is lord of the manor of Diptford, formerly held by the Boteler, Courtenay, Fitzcourt, Mules, Sture, and Taylor families. The heiress of the latter married the present owner. The manor of Bendley and the barton of Stert belong to Mr. Henry Weeks, and were long the property and seat of the Heles. Diptford Court is the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Carpenter

(X) William (4), son of William (3) Carpenter, was born 1605, in England, and came to America in 1638, in the ship “Bevis” with his family. He settled first at Weymouth, Massachusetts, where he was admitted a freeman, May 13, 1640. He was representative of the town in 1641-43; constable in 1641. March 28, 1645, he was admitted as an inhabitant of Rehoboth, Massachusetts, and June of the same year, he was made freeman. From 1643 to 1649 he served as proprietors’ and town clerk. The original division of lands in Rehoboth took place, June 30, 1644, and in that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Christopher Avery

Christopher Avery, the founder of this family, was born in England, about 1590, and died in New London, Connecticut, March 12, 1679. There are several traditions as to his place of origin, one that he came from an old Cornish family, another that he was a native of Salisbury, county Wilts. According to one statement, he accompanied Governor Winthrop to Boston, on the “Arbella” in 1630, and a second account says he emigrated with the younger Winthrop, in 1631 and on the voyage formed a close friendship with the latter, which eventually led to his settling in Connecticut. Whether, as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest Henry Griset

Ernest Henry Griset, born in France, 1844; died March 22, 1907. Lived in England, where he did much of his work. In 1871 he exhibited at Suffolk Street. Some of his paintings are hung in the Victoria and Albert Museum. More than 30 examples of his work belong to the Smithsonian Institution, Washington. His reputation rests on his water-color studies of animals, for which he was awarded prizes in London. Two of his best-known works are Cachecache, and Travellers de la foret.” Drying Buffalo Meat is shown here.

Biography of John Hall, M. D.

John Hall, M. D., was born near Leeds, Yorkshire County, England, in 1819. He was reared and schooled in his native place, and early in life learned the printer’s trade. In 1845 he came to the United States and located in La Fayette County, Wisconsin, and, after a visit to New Orleans, was there engaged in the lead mines as a smelter. In 1848 he went to Canada, where he engaged in work at his trade as a printer in Toronto. He also entered upon the study of medicine in the Toronto School of Medicine. In 1857 he returned to … Read more

Bell Family Genealogy

J. Montgomery Seaver began to publish manuscripts in the 1920’s on what he called the 100 most prominent names in America. In actuality, they were simply 100 of the most common names, and the whole series was part of a scam in which Jesse was eventually charged by Postal Inspectors. While Jesse over emphasized the benefits of his manuscripts, he did in fact provide some relevant information. The following manuscript is part of the Bell Family History published by Jesse in 1924. In it you will find short genealogies on many British and early American Bell families.

1850 Gazetteer of Staverton England

STAVERTON is a small village at the south-eastern extremity of its large parish, on the south side of the river Dart, 3 miles N.N.W. of Totnes. Its parish comprises 1069 souls, and 5356A. 2R. 5P. of land, rising boldly from the Dart valley, and including the hamlets of Woolstone Green, Sparkwell, and Strechford, many scattered farm-houses, and about 700 acres of orchard grounds, celebrated for excellent cider. In the northern part of the parish, about two miles S. of Ashburton, are the Penn Recca Slate Quarries, which have been worked for centuries, but only on a small scale till the … Read more

1850 Gazetteer of East Allington England

ALLINGTON, (EAST) a pleasant scattered village, four miles N.E. by E. of Kingsbridge, has in its parish 729 souls, and 3500 acres of land, generally having a light fertile soil, and including Combe, Harleston, Yetson, and other scattered farms. W. B. Fortescue, Esq., owns nearly half the parish, and is lord of the manor, and has a handsome seat here, called FALLAPIT HOUSE, where his family has been seated for many generations. The present house is a large and handsome mansion, in the Elizabethan style, erected about 35 years ago, near the old one, an ivy mantled portion of which … Read more

The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry

Staff Officers, Companies A-D Officers, Warrant Officers and Senior N.C.O.’s, Who embarked for overseas in May 1915 World War I Commanding Officer, Colonel F.L. Morrison, V.D. Second in Command, Major T.L. Jowitt. Adjutant Major, J.R. Simson, H.L.I. Quartermaster Lieut., T. Clark. Padre, Major A.J. Campbell. Medical Officer, Captain A.D. Kennedy. Signaling Officer, Lieut. R.H. Morrison. Machine Gun Officer, Lieut. A.B. Currie. Transport Officer, Lieut. W.L. Buchanan. R.S.M. J., Alexander, H.L.I. R.Q.M.S., A.M. Steedman. Pipe, Major J. Thomson. Orderly Room, Sergeant A. Kelly. Transport, Sergeant R. Birrell. Pioneer, Sergeant W. Stevenson. Signaling, Sergeant D. Bone. “A” Company O.C. Major A. Marshall … Read more