Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1777 Marriages

John Merkel of Goshen and Susanna Hover were both united in marriage by a License from the Governor in Goshen, May 13, 1777. Jacob Strohbard and Judith Jourdine, both of Carolina, were married by a License from Governor Burrow in Carolina on the 29th Day of April, 1777. John Maurer and Anne Mueller, widow of John Paul Mueller, were both united in marriage July 1, 1777. Text: Ps. 143:8, 9, 10. Lord, teach me to do Thy will. John Venieur and Elizabeth Winkler, both of Purrysborough, were married lawfully in the Month of Augst., 1777. John George Winkler, a widower, … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1771 Baptisms

Phoebe, a Negro girl belonging to Mrs. Pastor Lemcke, was born Jan. 14, 1771, and baptized the next day. Sponsors were Mrs. Pastor Catharine Lemcke and Timothy Lemcke. Frederick, son of John Scherraus, was born Oct. 13, 1771, and baptized on the 15th. Sponsors were John Michle and his wife Mary.

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1755 Marriages

Wolfgang Mackh and the widow Anna Barbara Mayerhoefer of Purrysburg were united in marriage Feb. 24, 1755 John Paulus of the 3rd Swabian Transport was united in marriage with the widow Mary Ursula Groll, April 1, 1755. John George Niess and Mary Oepl were joined in marriage June 24, 1755. Bartholomew Mackh and Mary Stand were united in marriage July 1, 1755. The text was I Peter 3:9. Caspar Klock of Purrysburg and the widow Barbara Schaeffer were united in marriage July 28, 1755. Jacob Hueter and the widow Anna Gerber were joined in marriage Nov. 19, 1755. Jacob Frick … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1768 Burials

Beata Hangleiter died Jan. 24, 1768, and was buried on the 25th. Hannah Fredericka Kornberger died Feb. 9, 1768, and was buried on the loth in Zions cemetery. Samuel Rieser, a child of 5 days, died Febr. 10, 1768, and was buried on the 11th. Veit Landfreder died Febr. 13, 1768, and was buried on the 14th, which was Estomihi Sunday, in the Town cemetery. Daniel Schubtrein died Febr. 15, 1768 early at 2 o’clock in the night and was buried the next afternoon. Frederick Freyermuth, a child of 17 days, died early on Febr. 11, and was buried toward … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1761 Burials

George Gross, 45 years old, died in Bethany Feb. 3, 1761, and was buried there on the 4th. Thomas Geschwandel, 66 years old, died on his plantation March 8, 1761, and was buried on the Plantation cemetery on the l0th. Judith, a daughter of Balthaser Kiefer, somewhat over three years old, died early on April 8, and was buried the next day on his plantation. Matthias Seckinger died July 22, 1761 before day and was buried in the afternoon of the same day in the Town cemetery. He was 44 years old. Michael Mackh, a child of 17 months, died … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1765 Marriages

John Flerl and Hannah Elizabeth Brandner were joined in marriage Jan. 15, 1765. John Ulrich Fetzer and Johanna Mohr were united in marriage in Jerusalem Church, March 19, 1765. Thomas Mackh and Mary Weinkauff were united in marriage April 16, 1765. John Nicholas Strobart from Purrysburg and Eva Mary Mengersdorff were joined in marriage in Jerusalem Church, May 7, 1765. John Gruber and Mary Magdalene Kalcher were joined in marriage in Zions Church, June 4, 1765. Luke Ziegler and Sal0me Zettler were joined in marriage June 25, 1765. Lambeth Leen and Elizabeth Catharine Zettler were joined in marriage June 25, … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1756 Baptisms

John George, son of John George Bunz and Barbara his wife, was born in the night between July 19 and 20 in Bethany, and was baptized on the 20th. The sponsors were Christian Biddenbach and Mary Michler. Fredericke Margaret, daughter of John George Bollinger and Barbara his wife, was born in Bethany, July 31, 1756, and baptized the same day. Sponsors were Valentine Deppe and his wife Margaret. John, the son of John Rentz and his wife Barbara, was born Aug. 15, 1756 at Ebenezer, and baptized the same day. Sponsors were Christopher Kraemer, Ruprecht Zimmerebner and Mrs. Catharine Lemcke. … Read more

Church Records of Old Ebenezer Church Georgia

Jerusalem Lutheran Church

Church Records of Old Ebenezer Church Georgia: Built in Effingham County, GA in 1767 – 69 by Lutheran Protestants who came to Georgia in 1734 after being exiled from Catholic Salzburg in Europe, the church is officially named Jerusalem Church. It stands on the site of a wooden building probably erected soon after the congregation moved from Old Ebenezer to New Ebenezer in 1738. During the Revolution the British used the Church as a hospital and stable and the metal swan on the belfry still bears a bullet hole. Though the town of Ebenezer no longer exists the Church has an active congregation of about 450 members. It’s original congregation came from St. Anna’s Lutheran Church in Augsburg, Germany. The Jerusalem Lutheran Church is the oldest surviving intact building in Georgia. This collection contains the baptismal, marriage and death records from Old Ebenezer Church dating from the years 1754-1781.

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1772 Marriages

Aaron Matthew and Mary Davey, both of St. George Parish have been lawfully published thrice here at Ebenezer and have desired a Certificate thereof on the 6th of Jan., 17 Thomas Garneth and Rachel Wissin have been married on the 8th of Jan., 1772 by a License from his Hon. the Commander. Chaplin William and Susannah Green, both of St. Matthew’s Parish, after having been lawfully published by me before the Congregation desired and received a Certificate on the 20th of Jan., 1772. John Caspar Greiner and Johanna Christiana Lackner were united in marriage in Zions Church, Jan. 4, 1772. … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1779 Burials

Hannah Elizabeth Bunz died in the 20th year of her age in childbed Feb. 3, 1779. Ps. 135:8. John Casper Werthsch died June 24, 1779, and received Christian burial the next day. Mrs. Anna Barbara Rabenhorst died July 1, 1779, and was buried the same day at Zion. Hannah, the 6 months old daughter of John Rudolph Binninger, died Aug. 19, 1779, and was buried the next day. Catharine Gravenstein died Aug. 27, 1779, and was buried the same day.

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1781 Baptisms

Juliana Christiana, daughter of Jacob Buehler and his wife, was born Feb. 10, 1781 in the night, and baptized on the 11th. Sponsors were Jacob Mezger .and Salome his wife and Johanna Christiana Lemcke. Samuel Radliff, Son of Elisa Radliff and Mary, born the 15th of Sept., 1779, baptized the 22d of Febr., 1781. God-fathers being both Parents. Elizabeth, Daughter of Elisa Radliff and Elisabeth his Wifes, born the 4th of Novbr., 1781. Godfathers were both Parents. Matthew, son of Matthew Weinkauf and his wife, was born Sept. 1781, and baptized Sept. 26th. Sponsors were John Heusler, Matthias Muck and … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1776 Burials

Timothy Lemke died in the best bloom of his age in his 24 year, Feb. 9, 1776, and was buried the next day. Funeral text: Is. 45 :15. Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself. Mrs. Catharine Lemke, widow of the former pastor, Rev. Herman Henry Lemke, entered into her rest by a blessed death Feb. 21, 1776, and was buried in the cemetery at Ebenezer after she had attained ,an age of 59 years and 3 months. Funeral text: Ps. 55:19. The Lord creates rest for my soul. Nathanial Biddenbach, 13 years old, died July 13, 1776, and … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1777 Burials

The widow Reinier died Jan. 2, 1777, and received Christian burial the next day. John Klein, a husband of about 40 years, died March 29, 1777, and was buried the next day. The widow Glaner died after an illness of 8 days April 7, 1777, and received Christian burial the next day. Tobias Freyermuth, a child of 4 years, died April 30, and was buried the next day. Dana Pflueger, 11 years old, died Sept. 10, 1777, and received Christian burial the next day. Anna Margaret, daughter of Matthias Biddenbach, 13 years old, died Sept. 17, 1777, and received Christian … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1778 Marriages

Mr. John Adam Treutlin, late Governor of this State, and Mrs. Anne Unselt, widow, were both united in marriage the 14th of Jan., 1778. Text: Hebr. 13:8. Jesus Christ the same yesterday and to-day. John Bilbow, Capt. of a Company of Horses, and Jane Hudson of this State Spinster, have been married on giving Security the 12th of Febr., 1778. Jacob Ihle and Jane Border a widow, both of Effingham County, have been joined by a License on the i0 Day of March, 1778. Christian Jonathan Zipperer and Gratiosa Zittrauer have been married by a License on the 10th Day … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1758 Marriages

James Fletcher and Margaret Pigg were joined in marriage Feb. 6, 1758 in Halifax. John Caspar Greiner was united in marriage with the widow Caroline Magdalene Bornemann, Feb. 7, 1758 in Halifax. Jacob Mohr, from Gosen, was united in marriage with the widow Elizabeth Walliser, here in Ebenezer, March 2, 1758. John Caspar Wertsch and Miss Hannah Elizabeth Gronau were united in marriage March 14, 1758. The wedding sermon consisted of the urging of beautiful passages only, which treat of the good, that believers in Christ have and enjoy here in their discipleship of the cross, as wisdom 3:9; Ecclus. … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1766 Baptisms

Salome, daughter of Samuel Kraus and Judith his wife, was born Jan. 3, 1766 in the preceding night and baptized on this day. Sponsors were David Steiner and Anna Margaret his wife. Phoebe, Hangleiter’s Negro girl, was born Jan. -, 1766, and baptized on the 11th. Sponsors were John Hangleiter and his wife. Obadiah, son of John George Pechtle and his wife Eva Barbara, was born Jan. 29, 1766, and baptized on the 30th. Sponsors were Mr. John Ad. Treutle and his wife, also John Jacob Kronberger. John, Joseph Schubtrein’s Negro boy, was born Jan. 30, 1766, and baptized. Sponsors … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1763 Marriages

David Steiner was joined in marriage with Margaret Zimmerebener, Feb. 1, 1763. John Justus Gravenstein and Catharine Bidenbach were united in marriage Feb. 22, 1763. John Martin Greiner was united in marriage with Mary Eischperger, May 24, 1763. John Martin Rheinlaender was united in marriage with Fredericka Catharine Bruckner, May 31, 1763. George Schleich and Mary Magdalene Maurer were united in marriage Aug. 21, 1763. N. B.-Up to this point the marriages have been reported.

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1781 Burials

Anne Margaret died Feb. 12, 1781, and was buried the next day at Zion. Funeral text: 2 Cor. 5: God was in Christ, etc. Christman Zipperer in Goshen died Feb. 15, 1781, and was buried on the 18th. Funeral text : Heb. 9:23: It is appointed unto men once to die. Heb. 4:1, 2, 3. Jacob Mezger died Feb. 16, 1781, and was buried on the 17th. Christine Kieffer died in the 23rd year of her age, Dec. 14, 1781, and was buried the next day. Mary Elizabeth Freyermuth died in the 33rd year of her age, March 31, 1781, … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1763 Burials

Christian Thomas Eischperger died March 17, 1763, and was buried on the 18th. His age 19 years. Mary Dorothy Haefner, the oldest daughter of the deceased Mrs. Straub, died on Hauesler’s plantation April 17, 1763, and was buried there. She was about 30 years old. Ursula Fetzer, 44 years old, died July 17, 1763, and was buried on the 18th. Christian Leimberger died early on July 22, 1763 in the 54th year of his age, and was buried on the same day. Catharine Paulus, a child of 13 years, died July 23, 1763 in the evening, and was buried on … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1780 Baptisms

David, son of Lewis Ernst and his wife, was born Jan. 1780, baptized Feb. 27th. Sponsors were Jonathan Zipperer and his wife and Elizabeth Kiebler. Solomon, son of Peter Freymuth and Catharine his wife, was born Feb. 25, 1780, and baptized on the 28th. Sponsors were Pastor Triebner and his wife Mary Frederica, Daniel Weitman and An- Eva widow Habor. Sarah Connell, Daughter of Thomas Connell in Washington County in Maryland, was born on the 28th Day of June, 1778, baptized on the 27th Day of January, 1780. Godfhar and Godmother are Christopher Buntz, Anne Barbara Buntz and Rosina Miller … Read more