Biographical Sketch of Penubra Kelly

PENUBRA KELLY. – The gentlemen whose name heads this sketch is the son of that Sterling old pioneer, Reverend Clinton Kelly, and of Mariah (Crane) Kelly, and was born in Kentucky in 1845. The first three years of his life were passed in that state, when he accompanied his parents across the plains to Oregon, arriving in Oregon City in the fall of 1848. In 1849, the family, which was quite large (Penumbra being one of fifteen children, six of whom were born to his father by former marriages), removed to a Donation land claim near East Portland; and since then Penumbra has resided there. Mr. Kelly was married in 1875 to Miss Mary E. Marquam, daughter of Judge P.A. Marquam, a pioneer of 1851, and has three interesting children. In 1874 he was elected a member of the house of representatives form Multnomah county, and in 1876 was elected county commissioner of that county. He as again elected to the legislature in 1878, and since that time has been twice re-elected. He was elected sheriff in 1888 for a term of two years. Many times has Mr. Kelly’s counsel and sound advice extracted the house form troublesome complications; and, as he was a deep thinker and able legislator, his services were greatly appreciated, both by the house and the country at large. He is a keen business man, and guards with zealous care the interests of those he represents. His genial disposition makes him friends every where; and it is a safe prediction when we say that he has just caught a glimpse of what Dame Fortune has in store for him when in due time she deals out her favors.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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