Biography of Rev. Gustavus Hines

REV. GUSTAVUS HINES. – Gustavus Hines was born in Herkimer county, New York, in 1809. On his mother’s side he was descended from the Carvets and Wilkensons of the old Massachusetts colony, and on his father’s from the Hopkinns of Rhode Island, all names of the highest respectability and even celebrity in the early history of New England. Governor Carvet of Massachusetts colony, and Stephen Hopkinns, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, were of the same families. he grew to his majority in the county of his birth, and in 1832 removed to Cattaraugus county, in the … Read more

Biography of Samuel Kimbrough Barlow

SAMUEL KIMBROUGH BARLOW. – Samuel Kimbrough Barlow was born in Nicolas county, Kentucky, January 14,1795. He was of Scotch origin, and inherited many of the sterling qualities of his ancestors. His race was remarkable for an unswerving fidelity to principles of right; and on every occasion these principles were disseminated or defended by courage which sometimes almost amounted to audacity. Freedom of speech and will and progression in all things were also marked characteristics of the ancestors of S.K. Barlow. Illustrative of these features of disposition in the Barlow family, a story is told of the fearlessness of the paternal … Read more

Ward, Lois Eileen – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Lois Eileen (Ward) Anderson Funeral Services were conducted Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Richard Anderson (Lois Ward), 28, of Oregon City. Rev. Earl Rogers officiated. Music was provided by Mrs. Ralp Kay and Mrs. Garnet Best who sang “Beyond the Sunset”. Pallbearers were Keith Searles, Harold Lay, Bob Hamilton, Jack Christy, Bob Freels and Clyde Fleenor. Interment was in the Enterprise cemetery. Her first funeral was held at 10:30 Saturday at the chapel of Atkinson Memorial Congregational church in Oregon City. Lois Eileen Ward was born January 6, 1923 in Portland, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Landy Ward. … Read more

Biography of John Marshall McCall

JOHN MARSHALL McCALL. – Among the substantial and favorably known residents of Southern Oregon, none have occupied a more useful place in the upbuilding of the state since the days of its infancy than the gentleman whose name is the heading of this brief memoir. His is one of those aggressive, go ahead dispositions that is an example of that time-honored adage, that “God helps those who help themselves;” and his whole life has bristled with instances of this belief. A man of strong convictions and honest prejudices, scorning hypocrisy in all things and in his dealings with friend, foe … Read more

Becker, Mary Ann Theresa – Obituary

Enterprise, Oregon Mary Ann Theresa Hoffart Becker died Feb. 20, 2006, in Oregon City of natural causes. She was 91. Mrs. Becker was born Jan. 6, 1915 in Ipswich, S.D. In 1920 her family moved to the Portland area where she attended school at Jefferson High School. She married Ted Whitesell in 1931 and had 3 children. They divorced. She met and married Vernon L. Becker in 1946 and they settled in Redland and raised their family. They lived there for over 15 years, enjoying the farm life. She was an accomplished gardener and her yard was always a showplace. … Read more

Hallock, Mary Peninger – Obituary

Mary P. Hallock, who resided at 8413 SW 14th Ave., died Wednesday [April 9] at a Portland hospital. A native of Central Point, Mrs. Hallock was 82 and lived most of her life in Portland. Surviving are her husband Joseph H., a son, State Sen. Ted Hallock, a sister, Bertha Pomerene, all of Portland; and a brother, William Peninger, Central Point. There will be no funeral. Entombment will be at Riverview Cemetery Mausoleum. The Oregonian, April 11, 1975 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Franklin, Sarah Lucinda Gibbens – Obituary

Franklin, Mrs. Sarah L., February 1, aged 82, late of Molalla; [step] mother of Effie Bathurst of Richardson Springs, Cal.; Myrtle Warner of Multnomah; Viola Looney and Oscar B. Franklin, both of Molalla. Funeral services 2 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 4, at the Everhart Funeral Home, Molalla. Interment Miller Cemetery, Silverton. Oregonian, February 3, 1949 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Gorbett, Chester E. – Obituary

Chester E. Gorbett Dies at Hermiston. Chester Everett Gorbett, of Hermiston, formerly of Promise, passed away at his home July 12 at the age of 86 years and 9 months. He was born at Colton, Ore. Oct. 13, 1877, one of seven children born to Joshau and Orintha Gorbett. He spent his entire life in Oregon. He was united in marriage to Bessie Phillips April 2, 1905. Survivors include his wife, Bessie, of Hermiston; two sons, Rolin of Wallowa and Duane of Canby, Ore.; also three daughters, Mrs. Harvey (Lola) McDonald of Walla Walla, Wash., Mrs. Grady (Myra) Banks of … Read more

Menolascina, Kay Sharon Phillips Mrs. – Obituary

Kay Sharon Menolascina, 68, of Baker City, died July 16, 2009, at an adult foster care home after an extended illness. At her request, her body was cremated. Private inturnment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Menolascina was born on Nov. 17, 1940, at Oregon City to Raymond I. and Emma “Jean” Phillips. Kay graduated from Franklin High School where she sang in the choir. She also attended Business College. For more than 10 years she and her husband, Dino, operated D & K Detector Sales, a successful metal detecting and prospecting business they started together in 1968 in … Read more

Roy, Doris Mary Scott Mrs. – Obituary

Dorris Mary Scott Roy, 88, a former Baker City resident, died Aug. 10, 2001, in Oregon City. Mrs. Roy was born on Sept. 30, 1912, at Corvallis to Frank and Malinda Scott. She was proud of her roots and the fact that she was a native Oregonian. Her paternal grandfather came West in a wagon train from Dubuque County, Iowa, and settled at Tangent in 1853. After graduating from Corvallis High School, she completed a degree in home economics from Oregon State University and earned a master’s degree in Extension Education from the University of Wisconsin. She lived in Baker … Read more

Burns, Olga Mrs. – Obituary

The body of Mrs. Olga Burns, who died at 3:15 Sunday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Bailey at 2432 Eleventh street, will be shipped this evening to Cambay, (Canby?) Oregon, where funeral services will be held at her old home. Mrs. Burns was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1864, and would have been 57 years old July 26. She came to the United States when a girl of 18, and move with her parents to Camby, (Canby) Oregon where they made their home. She had been a resident of Baker for the past 12 years, and … Read more

Biography of Flemming R. Hill

FLEMMING R. HILL. – Mr. Hill’s experiences have been so varied and extensive, and his services on this coast so valuable, that we can here give but enough to serve as specimens. He was born in Overton county, Tennessee, in 1824. In 1829 he accompanied his parents west to a new home in Missouri, and in 1844, was ready for adventures of his own account. With three companions he set forth to the Rocky Mountains, but at the rendezvous left their enterprise, and joined himself as teamster to a train of emigrants bound for Oregon. The trip across the plains … Read more

Biography of Daniel H. Lownsdale

DANIEL H. LOWNSDALE. – Mr. Lownsdale, the son of one of the earliest settlers of Kentucky, was born in Mason county, of that state, April 8, 1803. As was the custom in those days, he was married quite young – at the age of twenty-three – to Miss Ruth, the youngest daughter of Paul Overfield, the head of one of the most prominent families of Northeastern Kentucky. In obedience to the venturesome spirit inherited form his father, who had abandoned the comforts of civilization in his youth to become one of the conquerors of Kentucky, young Lownsdale, with his young … Read more

Biography of James Duval Holman

James Duval Holman was born in August 18, 1814, on his father’s farm in Woodford county, Kentucky. He was of the Holman family so well known in the Southern and Middle States. His mother was a Duval of Hugenot descent, a family of equal position with the Holmans in the south. Of Mr. Holman’s great-grand parents, three came from Virginia and one from North Carolina. His parents were John and Betsy L. Holman, who were married in October, 1810. In 1817 they moved to Tennessee, where they resided for nine years, when they moved to Clay county, Missouri. His mother … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Governor George Abernethy

GOVERNOR GEORGE ABERNETHY . – Oregon’s first governor will of necessity occupy an important place in her annals. This is due both to the intrinsic character of the man and to his official position. So frequently, however, does he appear in the narration of the body of events described in this work that it is not necessary to do more here than give the mere outlines of his career. He was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1807. The family moved to the United States soon after; and the future governor spent the first thirty-two years of his life in New … Read more

Limbocker, Lillian Ellen Holmes – Obituary

Mrs. Lillian Ellen Limbocker, 76, of 724 Taylor Street, Oregon City, died Wednesday afternoon [April 19] at a Gladstone nursing home following a short illness. Mrs. Limbocker, who was the widow of Clyde Limbocker, was born May 19, 1884 in Belle Plaine, Iowa and had been a resident of Oregon City for the last 50 years. She was a member of the Church of Christ (Christian), Rebecca Lodge and had severed on the election board for many years. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Oscar (Ruth) Hogg, Oregon City, Mrs. Kenneth (Letha) Smith, Sacramento, Calif. and three grandsons. Funeral services will … Read more

Biography of Capt. Orrin Kellogg, Jr.

CAPT. ORRIN KELLOGG, JR. – This gentleman is the son of Captain Joseph Kellogg, and was born October 16, 1845, in Wood county, Ohio. Coming as a child to Oregon, he received in this state the training and education which have fitted him for his career in business, and upon the navigation lines of the Northwest Pacific. His boyhood was spent upon his father’s farm, and in attendance upon school at Milwaukee, rendering his father assistance in the meantime upon the farm and in the sawmill. Upon removing to Portland, he attended the Central School, and, desiring to fit himself … Read more

Baker, Leola Mary – Obituary

Elgin, Oregon Leola Mary Baker, 83, of Central Point and formerly of Elgin, died March 27. A graveside service will begin at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Elgin Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Memory Gardens Mortuary of Medford. Mrs. Baker was born June 15, 1923, in Elgin, where she was raised. She married Delmar Baker, and they owned and operated a real estate business in La Grande. She was a member of Eastern Star and the Fraternal Order of Eagles #259 in La Grande. She also was a Grey Lady volunteer at Grande Ronde Hospital many years ago. … Read more

Biography of William C. Noon

William C. Noon was born in Leicester, England, in 1835. At the age of nine years he came with his parents to America, settling in Andover, Massachusetts, where his father found employment at his trade in a woolen mill. He received the benefits of a common school education until thirteen years old when he began to work in a woolen mill at Andover. He was employed for several years thereafter in similar mills at Lawrence and Worcester, Massachusetts, and for some three or four years in the State of Maine. During this period he acquired a very thorough knowledge of … Read more

Brownell, Jean Taylor Mrs. – Obituary

Jean T. Brownell, 87, of Wilsonville, formerly of Haines and Baker City, died July 18, 2006, at an Oregon City hospital. Her memorial service was Saturday at Marquis Care at Hope Village in Canby. A date and time for graveside inurnment at the Haines Cemetery will be scheduled later. Canby Funeral Chapel is in charge of arrangements. Jean was born on July 22, 1918, at Bend. She grew up near Richland, and graduated from Eagle Valley High School at Richland. She earned her teaching certificate at Eastern Oregon Normal School and a bachelor’s degree at Eastern Oregon State College (now … Read more