Long, Alice Elizabeth Shaw Mrs. – Obituary

Alice Elizabeth Long, 89, a long time resident of Baker City, died Friday, April 24, 1998 in Oregon City, Oregon. A celebration of life was held on Tuesday, April 28, 1998 at the St. John’s Episcopal Church, Milwaukie, Oregon, and a graveside service was held on Wednesday, April 29, 1998 at 2:00 pm at the Mt. Hope Cemetery in Baker City. Alice Elizabeth Long was born on November 21, 1908 in Haines, Oregon to Thomas L. and Frances V. Asher Shaw. She attended grade school and high school in Haines. She obtained her bachelor of arts degree in 1930 from … Read more

Biography of Hon. Dolphes Brice Hannah

HON. DOLPHES BRICE HANNAH. – This gentleman is the son of Brice and Celia Tade Hannah, and was born in Gallatin county, Illinois, October 11, 1822. His father, who was a substantial business man engaged in trade and forwarding, died in the spring of 1823, leaving a wife and two children, one boy and one girl. He left considerable estate, consisting of personal property. John McLaughlin and the widow were appointed to administer the estate; and, as usual, McLaughlin did the work, pocketed the entire proceeds of the estate, and then left for parts unknown. About two years after the … Read more

Biography of Joseph Buchtel

JOSEPH BUCHTEL. – The peculiar composition and make-up of this man is that of only one in a million. He is noted for his daring deeds of adventure, if they may be so called; and his whole life is made up of daily events in rescuing others from their perilous positions; indeed, so much so that he is known far and wide as the “Oregon Life Saver.” Hundreds, if we may not say thousands, who are living to-day directly owe their lives to him. The natural daily routine of circumstances seems to have brought him upon the scene just in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Archie Leonard Offield

From years of practice in this county Dr. A. L. Offield of Burlingame is one of its oldest physicians. He gave up a large practice in San Francisco to come to Burlingame nine years ago. At that time Burlingame was one of the smallest towns on the peninsula but its growth bears out the predictions that Dr. Offield made for it at that time. Dr. Offield is a member of the Burlingame Board of Health which has given Burlingame one of the best health departments of any municipality on the peninsula. The activity of the health board is apparent in … Read more

Schnebly, Philip Henry – Obituary

The Kittitas Valley lost another of its well known pioneers Sunday [October 17, 1926] when Philip Henry Schnebly passed away after an illness that extended over a period of more than three years. Death came at 7 o’clock Sunday, morning but was not unexpected, as Mr. Schnebly had suffered an acute sinking spell Friday. Coming here from Oregon, his birthplace, in 1872, Mr. Schnebly became one of the most important growers of beef cattle in the state, both stock and acreage mounting into the thousands. For a number of years, however, his livestock interests have been handled by his six … Read more

Dunbar, Oron L. – Obituary

Joseph. Wallowa County, Oregon Oron L. Dunbar, who lived in Joseph several years ago, died last Sunday, Oct. 27, at Oregon City, of Influenza. He had lived in California until the first of the year when he went to Oregon City, where he was manager of a store. He was born 48 years ago in Fairview and for a time was manager of the McCully Mercantile company store in Joseph. A daughter, Lucile Dunbar, teaches in the Joseph school, and a son, Raymond, is in the 65th artillery, A.E.F., in France, having enlisted in Joseph more than a year ago. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Governor George Abernethy

GOVERNOR GEORGE ABERNETHY . – Oregon’s first governor will of necessity occupy an important place in her annals. This is due both to the intrinsic character of the man and to his official position. So frequently, however, does he appear in the narration of the body of events described in this work that it is not necessary to do more here than give the mere outlines of his career. He was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1807. The family moved to the United States soon after; and the future governor spent the first thirty-two years of his life in New … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Martha H. Barlow

MRS. MARTHA H. BARLOW, wife of the foregoing, was born September 2, 1822, at the historic site of Spottsylvania, Virginia. In 1836, she accompanied her father, Elijah Portlaw, to Tennessee, and in 1840 was married to Doctor William E. Allen, of Palmyra, Missouri. In 1850 she crossed the plains with her husband bringing a family of two children, and endured great toils and dangers on account of the prevalence of cholera, and the necessary pre-occupation of her husband in administering to the sock. Except for this she would have much enjoyed the trip. With her husband she made the first … Read more

Limbocker, Lillian Ellen Holmes – Obituary

Mrs. Lillian Ellen Limbocker, 76, of 724 Taylor Street, Oregon City, died Wednesday afternoon [April 19] at a Gladstone nursing home following a short illness. Mrs. Limbocker, who was the widow of Clyde Limbocker, was born May 19, 1884 in Belle Plaine, Iowa and had been a resident of Oregon City for the last 50 years. She was a member of the Church of Christ (Christian), Rebecca Lodge and had severed on the election board for many years. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Oscar (Ruth) Hogg, Oregon City, Mrs. Kenneth (Letha) Smith, Sacramento, Calif. and three grandsons. Funeral services will … Read more

Love, Junia Shields Mrs. – Obituary

Junia Shields Love, 99, a former Baker City resident, died July 28, 2006, at Oregon City. She is interred at Rest Haven Memorial Park in Eugene alongside her husband, Frank; her sister- and brother-in-law, Richard and Lola Lanyon; and her brother-in-law, Raymond Love. She was born on Oct. 19, 1906, at Sumpter. She was the eldest child of John Thomas Shields and Carrie Pearl Foster. She married Frank Bennett Love on May 28, 1928. The couple lived in Baker County for many years. Junia was a schoolteacher at Homestead, Goose Creek near Keating, and at other country schools. In 1944, … Read more

Biography of E. D. Stillman

E.D. STILLMAN. – Mr. Stillman was born in New York in 1828, and learned the trade of a mechanic and machinist. In 1849 he crossed the plains to Oregon in the capacity of wheelwright for the regiment of mounted riflemen who were sent here on the strength of Joe Meek’s urgent representations at Washington, and for the protection of the settlers of this little-cared for wilderness on the Pacific. He well remembers an exciting incident near Green river. The command was there met by one Baptiste, who bore messages from Governor Joe Lane. This Baptiste proved to be a desperado, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Walling

GEORGE W. WALLING. – George W. Walling was born in Ohio on December 18, 1818. He moved with his parents to Iowa in 1828, and remained there ten years. He came thence to Oregon in 1847, crossing the plains by ox-team with his parents. He was married in Iowa to Miss Frances Nye. His first son was born at a place called Mud Springs, on the summit of the Rocky Mountains. He arrived in Oregon City on the 10th of September, 1847, and remained there one year, when he moved to the place he now occupies about two miles from … Read more

Menolascina, Kay Sharon Phillips Mrs. – Obituary

Kay Sharon Menolascina, 68, of Baker City, died July 16, 2009, at an adult foster care home after an extended illness. At her request, her body was cremated. Private inturnment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Menolascina was born on Nov. 17, 1940, at Oregon City to Raymond I. and Emma “Jean” Phillips. Kay graduated from Franklin High School where she sang in the choir. She also attended Business College. For more than 10 years she and her husband, Dino, operated D & K Detector Sales, a successful metal detecting and prospecting business they started together in 1968 in … Read more

Biography of Dr. W. C. McKay

DR. W.C. McKAY. – One by one the pioneers who braved the wilderness and its dangers, in order that their posterity might enjoy the fruits of their hazardous conquests of the domain of the savage are passing away. As the poet sang of the valorous knights of the days of chivalry, “Their souls are with the saints, we trust,” so, at no distant day, will the same be sung o’er the graves of the last of the pioneers. So, while yet alive, let us honor them as they deserve to be honored; and when dead let their deeds be recorded … Read more

Biography of William C. Noon

William C. Noon was born in Leicester, England, in 1835. At the age of nine years he came with his parents to America, settling in Andover, Massachusetts, where his father found employment at his trade in a woolen mill. He received the benefits of a common school education until thirteen years old when he began to work in a woolen mill at Andover. He was employed for several years thereafter in similar mills at Lawrence and Worcester, Massachusetts, and for some three or four years in the State of Maine. During this period he acquired a very thorough knowledge of … Read more

Biography of Rev. Gustavus Hines

REV. GUSTAVUS HINES. – Gustavus Hines was born in Herkimer county, New York, in 1809. On his mother’s side he was descended from the Carvets and Wilkensons of the old Massachusetts colony, and on his father’s from the Hopkinns of Rhode Island, all names of the highest respectability and even celebrity in the early history of New England. Governor Carvet of Massachusetts colony, and Stephen Hopkinns, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, were of the same families. he grew to his majority in the county of his birth, and in 1832 removed to Cattaraugus county, in the … Read more

Biography of General Joseph Lane

GENERAL JOSEPH LANE. – Joseph Lane first saw the light of day in North Carolina, December 14, 1801. He was reared in Henderson county, Kentucky. At the early age of twenty he was married to Miss Polly Hart, soon afterwards settling in Vanderburg county, Indiana, where he followed the humble life of a farmer for twenty-five years. While in the pursuit of this occupation, he was prominent as a leader in all matter of enterprise in the county. He soon drifted into politics, and was chosen to represent the county in the state legislature. He was continued in the same … Read more

Stewart, Chester A. – Obituary

Chester A. Stewart, 96, passed away on Nov. 23, 2006, at the Oregon City Health Care Center, Oregon City, Ore. A Celebration of Life was held at the Christian Church of Richland at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 29. Gordon Bond officiated. Chester was a retired minister, having served the Christian Church of Richland for many years and retiring from there in 1985. Chester loved his Lord and was passionate about preaching the Word, sticking closely to Scripture from the King James Version which he personally considered the true translation. Gardening was one of his hobbies with a special interest … Read more

Biography of Judge Columbia Lancaster

JUDGE COLUMBIA LANCASTER. – Judge Lancaster, one of our earliest and most eminent judges, was born at New Milford, Litchfield county, Connecticut, on the 26th of August, 1893. His father was of Quaker descent, and settled in Ohio at an early date. Columbia read law under Whittlesy & Newton in Ohio. The Whittlesy of the firm was the honorable Elisha who was a long time in Congress, and afterwards held office in the auditor’s department under both Whig and Democratic administrations with no charge of his political sentiments. He though almost as much of his student Lancaster as of his … Read more

Biography of Rev. A. F. Waller

REV. A.F. WALLER. – Alvin F. Waller for many years was one of the most familiar figures in the pioneer life of Oregon. There was with him an individuality of person and life that easily lifted him out of the common multitude of the street and the field, and marked him as no ordinary man. For more than thirty years he wrought among the foundations of Oregon society and life with a zeal and a wisdom that made his name a proverb; and no man was more widely known and more thoroughly respected than he. He was born in Abingdon, … Read more