Biography of Harry D. Hall

Last Updated on June 27, 2011 by

Harry D. Hall. A very necessary business house in every community is a first-class drug store, one conducted, in an open and honorable way, by a well qualified man who holds himself responsible for the remedies he compounds and recommends. A druggist of this character is found in Harry D. Hall, who is the leading man in his line in Lincoln, Kansas, his drug store on Main Street being an old landmark, the site of the first drug store in this section of the state.

Harry D. Hall was born at Toulon, Illinois, February 17, 1872, the fourth in a family of five children born to his parents, Dr. H. M. and Alice (Hubbard) Hall. Heredity may have had something to do with his choice of profession, his father and his grandfather both being eminent physicians, the former still surviving and the latter, Dr. Thomas W. Hall, who died at Toulon, Illinois, in 1878, being the pioneer physician in Stark County. He was born in England in 1786 and was a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in London. He came with his family to the United States when his son, H. M. Hall, was an infant and settled at Toulon, in Stark County, Illinois, as the first physician, and he spent his subsequent life there.

Dr. H. M. Hall, father of Harry D. Hall, was born in England in 1834 and from infancy was reared in Toulon, Illinois. He prepared for his medical examinations under his father and later entered Rush Medical College, Chicago, from which he received his degree, when he returned to Toulon and engaged in medical practice there until 1884, when he came to Lincoln, Kansas, and continued in practice here for thirty-two continuous years. In 1916 Doctor Hall consented to retire but by no means had become an indifferent citizen, on the other hand still being vitally interested in all that concerns the welfare of the city. He served one term as mayor and had always been useful and public spirited.

Doctor Hall married at Toulon, Illinois, Miss Alice Hubbard, who was born at New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1833, and died at Lincoln in 1903, the beloved and revered mother of five children, namely: Charles, who is a printer by trade; Maude, who resided with her father; A. R., who is a furniture dealer; Harry D.; and B. G., who is a dealer in furniture, all being residents of Lincoln. Doctor Hall during his active professional life was a member of the Lincoln County and the Kansas State Medical societies, and the American Medical Association. He is one of the oldest Masons in Kansas and is a member of Lincoln Lodge No. 154, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. He is also one of the oldest members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Lincoln.

Harry D. Hall attended the public schools at Lincoln until he was sixteen years old and then became a clerk in a mercantile establishment, and while so connected for the following eleven years utilized his spare time in perfecting his knowledge of pharmacy. He then bought his present drug store, which was established by J. D. Sherrick when the town was first founded. In addition to standard drugs, Mr. Hall’s stock includes all the adjuncts and commodities of a modern drugstore, including the best of toilet articles and many useful accessories and remedial appliances. He had a large trade and his patrons have learned to rely implicitly on his business integrity. In addition to his drug store Mr. Hall owned his handsome residence on the corner of Yauger and Fourth streets, and three other dwellings in Lincoln. He is a director of the Farmers National Bank of Lincoln.

Mr. Hall was married in 1898 at Larned, Kansas, to Miss Blanche Moorehead, a daughter of R. E. and Sallie (Allen) Moorehead, the latter of whom is deceased. The father of Mrs. Hall is a retired business man, formerly in the wholesale merchandise line, and his home is in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Hall have had three children: Pauline, who lived but seven years; and Robert and Laura, born in 1902 and 1905, respectively.

Like his father, Mr. Hall is a democrat and had always been a very active and enterprising citizen. At present he is serving as a member of the city council and is wide awake to the needs of the city in the way of public improvements. His only fraternal connection is with Lincoln Camp No. 3457, Modern Woodmen of America.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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