Biography of John S. Stover

John S. Stover. During an unusually busy life many important interests have claimed the attention of John S. Stover, one of Lincoln’s representative and substantial citizens, these including financial, agricultural, mercantile and political, and few men are better known in Lincoln County or more generally trusted and esteemed. He comes of old Pennsylvania stock and in that state the name of Stover is yet well and honorably represented. John S. Stover was born at Boalsburg, Center County, Pennsylvania, September 29, 1870. His parents were David and Elvina (Sechler) Stover. David Stover was born in Center County, Pennsylvania, in 1838, and … Read more

Biography of Newton J. Davison

Newton J. Davison, former county clerk of Lincoln County, had been in Kansas for many years and is now giving a splendid business service as an abstractor and real estate and loan business man at Lincoln. Mr. Davison was born at Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana, September 14, 1866. His grandfather Davison was born in Belfast, Ireland, in 1798, married in his native country, where he had a small bit of farming land, and later he and his wife, Rachel, immigrated to America, settling first in New York State and moving from there to Crawfordsville, Indiana, where he farmed until his … Read more

Biography of Frederick William Herman

Frederick William Herman identified with a number of substantial business enterprises at Lincoln, Kansas, Frederick William Herman, who had been a resident of Lincoln County since 1873, conducts them with the thorough efficiency that brings profit to himself and contributes also to the commercial prosperity of the city. Mr. Herman is a grain merchant and owned a fine elevator. He is also an extensive grower of flowers and vegetables and markets the same all over this section of the state. Frederick William Herman was born in Ross County, Ohio, September 21, 1851. His parents were Alexander and Amelia (Bodenstadt) Herman. … Read more

Biography of Willard E. Lyon

Willard E. Lyon, of Lincoln, is an old time Kansas man, having lived in this state from early infancy. He became widely known in educational affairs, but in more recent years had applied his time and energies to a rapidly developing business as a real estate and oil man at Lincoln. Mr. Lyon was born at Chilton, Calumet County, Wisconsin, March 30, 1874, but came to Kansas too early in life to have any distinct recollections of his native locality. His grandfather, Christopher C. Lyon, was born in Western New York in 1817, was a farmer by occupation, and lived … Read more

Biography of Rolla Edwin Long

Rolla Edwin Long, superintendent of the city schools of Galena, is an educator of wide and diversified experience in the schools of this state, and has spent altogether upwards of twenty years in a profession which is one of the most important to the welfare of mankind. In 1916 he entered upon his fourth consecutive year as superintendent of the schools of Galena. The people of that city take special pride in their schools, and Mr. Long has done much to raise the local school standards and improve the different departments of instruction. Under his supervision are six schools, a … Read more

Biography of Henry Chase Bradbury

Henry Chase Bradbury. It is truly a fortunate man who can come to his seventy-third year with a record of so much good accomplished, with many responsibilities discharged and burdens bravely sustained as have been part and parcel of the life and experience of Henry Chase Bradbury, now living at Lincoln. Rev. Mr. Bradbury is the oldest active missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Kansas. For all the more than forty years of work he had done in Kansas Mr. Bradbury enjoys a vigorous old age and only his more intimate friends know that he had passed the three score … Read more

Biography of Winslow Cipra

Winslow Cipra, editor and proprietor of the Lincoln Sentinel and present postmaster of that city, had spent nearly all his life in Kansas, and had had a varied career of usefuluess as a teacher, business man and in journalism and public affairs. Mr. Cipra represents that sterling stock of Bohemian people who have accomplished so much for the cause of agriculture and development in Kansas. He was born at Teskov, Bohemia, December 8, 1873. His father, Frank Cipra, was born in Zbirov, Bohemia, in October, 1839, grew up and married at Teakov, and followed farming according to the intensive methods … Read more

Biography of Harry D. Hall

Harry D. Hall. A very necessary business house in every community is a first-class drug store, one conducted, in an open and honorable way, by a well qualified man who holds himself responsible for the remedies he compounds and recommends. A druggist of this character is found in Harry D. Hall, who is the leading man in his line in Lincoln, Kansas, his drug store on Main Street being an old landmark, the site of the first drug store in this section of the state. Harry D. Hall was born at Toulon, Illinois, February 17, 1872, the fourth in a … Read more

Biography of Carlton M. Lounsbury

Carlton M. Lounsbury has played a very effective and successful role in Kansas affairs for over fortyfive years and now, at the age of seventy-one, a young old man, is enjoying comfortable retirement at the city of Lincoln. Mr. Lounsbury is of an English family. It was his grandfather who came from England and first settled in Canada. Carlton M. Lounsbury’s father Rudolphus Lounsbury, was born in Canada in 1797, but when a young man came to the United States and settled in Western New York, in what was known as the “Holland Purchase.” He followed the vocation of agriculture … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. P. Tone Wilson, Jr.

A. P. Tone Wilson, Jr., has for a number of years been one of Topeka’s suceessful lawyers and is also proprietor of the X-Rays Printing Company, publishers of the X-Rays Democrat, of which he is editor. The printing company of which he is the head does a large business in commercial printing, catalogue work and the printing of legal blanks. No doubt he gets his profession from his father, Anthony P. Wilson, who for many years was a successful attorney, but is now retired. Mr. Wilson, Jr., is a native of the State of Nebraska, where he was born June … Read more

Biography of George Alvin Wilson

George Alvin Wilson, present sheriff of Lincoln County, is one of the strong, fearless and independent men developed by life on the plains and in contact with the ranching business. Mr. Wilson had spent many years as a practical stockman and so far as his official duties permit he still gives active superintendence to his farm in Lincoln County. Mr. Wilson was born in this county March 10, 1877. His people were among the early settlers. A number of generations back the Wilsons claimed German ancestry, but the family was established in New York in colonial days and subsequently were … Read more

Biography of James M. May

James M. May. A great and forceful influence was removed from the religious affairs of the State of Kansas in the death of James M. May, which occurred at his home in Manhattan August 17, 1915. The best work of his life was performed as a Sunday School and church organizer and missionary. However, he had a wonderful adaptability and resourcefulness, and might have been successful as a mechanic, a farmer or in almost any line of business, had not his earnest devotion to the cause of religion kept him in that field of effort during all his active years. … Read more

Biography of Sarah A. Cole, M. D.

Sarah A. Cole, M. D. In a state which had thrown open the door of opportunity to women in many vocations and professions Doctor Cole, of Lincoln, Kansas, is one of the distinguished women in the field of medicine and surgery. She had been a successful practitioner for nearly thirty years, and had spent a great part of that time in Kansas. She was born October 23, 1855, on the high seas while her parents were en route from Ireland to America. Her primary education was obtained in the schools of West Virginia. As a girl she taught school in … Read more

Biography of Daniel B. Marshall

Daniel B. Marshall, assistant cashier of the Saline Valley Bank at Lincoln, represents a family that had been identified with this section of Kansas for a great many years and is at once one of the wealthiest and most influential in Lincoln County. Abram Marshall, his father, is not only a banker, but had employed his means and energy in the development and upbuilding of the City of Lincoln and the agricultural interests of this part of the state. Abram Marshall was born on the Brandywine River in Chester County, Pennsylvania, in 1851. He belongs to some of the original … Read more

Biography of Edward J. Ryan

Edward J. Ryan. It is somewhat remarkable, wheu the fact is considered, that nine-tenths of the prominent men of the country were reared on a farm and with very many a love of out-door life continues with them ever after. In Edward J. Ryan, mayor of Lincoln, Kansas, is found a livestock dealer, and a man who understands agricultural matters as thoroughly as he does the insistent needs of the municipality he governs. Mayor Ryan is of Irish ancestry and parentage but was born at West Union, Iowa, November 30, 1859. The pioneer settler of his family in America was … Read more

Biography of Michael Joseph Healy

Michael Joseph Healy has come into the distinctions of public life at a very early age. He had been active as a teacher and school administrator, is former clerk of the District Court, and is now serving as county attorney of Lincoln County. His family were among the earliest settlers of Lincoln County. His father, Owen Healy, was born in County Galway, Ireland, in 1842, where his father was a farmer and where he died. The grandmother, Ellen Healy, who was born in County Galway in 1822, came to the United States in 1865 and with her son Owen settled … Read more