Biography of Harry D. Hall

Harry D. Hall. A very necessary business house in every community is a first-class drug store, one conducted, in an open and honorable way, by a well qualified man who holds himself responsible for the remedies he compounds and recommends. A druggist of this character is found in Harry D. Hall, who is the leading man in his line in Lincoln, Kansas, his drug store on Main Street being an old landmark, the site of the first drug store in this section of the state. Harry D. Hall was born at Toulon, Illinois, February 17, 1872, the fourth in a … Read more

Biography of Julius M. Gehrt

Julius M. Gehrt has been successfully identified with Champaign County agriculture for a number of years, and is the owner and proprietor of a fine farm in section 33 of Harwood Township, near the village of Dillsburg. Mr. Gehrt was born at Lawn Ridge, Illinois, a son of John M. and Catherine (Best) Gehrt. His parents were both born in Germany, came to America in early life, were married in this country and the father is still living, at the ripe age of eighty-three, on his farm in Stark County, Illinois. The mother is now deceased. Julius M. Gehrt was … Read more

Biography of Otis T. Dyer

No historical work claiming to he a true record of the growth and prosperity of Riverside for the decade of years preceding 1890, and claiming to record the establishment of many enterprises, industries and incorporations that have been the leading factor in placing her in the ranks of the leading cities and colonies of Southern California, could be considered as anything but glaringly incomplete without a more than passing mention of the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. His association and connection with Riverside’s leading enterprises form an interesting chapter in the annals of the city and county. Mr. Dyer’s … Read more

Biography of Joseph L. Morrison, Hon.

Hon. Joseph L. Morrison. Few men are more prominent or more widely known in the northern part of Neosho County than is Hon. Joseph L. Morrison, mayor of the City of Chanute, who had been an important factor in business affairs and whose success in his undertaking had been so marked that his methods are of interest to the commercial world. He is energetic, prompt and notably reliable, and tireless energy, keen perception, honesty of purpose, and a genius for devising and executing the right thing at the right time are his chief characteristics. As the chief executive of Chanute … Read more

Biography of Hon. John Monroe

Hon. John Monroe, deceased, late of Charleston; was born in Glasgow, Barren Co., Ky., Sept. 24, 1811; his boyhood was passed in the private schools of his native town; his father dying when he was but a boy, he entered the apothecary-shop of his uncle, Dr. George Rogers, a physician of Glasgow, and there became familiar with the compounding of medicines, and also studied medicine under his uncle’s instruction; he first began practice in Tennessee, and, in November, 1833, came to Illinois and engaged in the practice of his profession in Shelbyville, soon removing to Charleston, and, a few years … Read more

Biography of Isaac Newton Wade

Isaac Newton Wade. There are doubtless a number of men and women now in mature years who knew Isaac Newton Wade in Champaign County as a teacher. He was one of the early educators, and afterwards for a long period of years was a traveling salesman for a text book house. Mr. Wade is now living retired at Champaign, in which city he has had his home for the past forty-five years. He was born in Lockland, Ohio, May 13, 1846, a son of Moses and Rachel (Ferris) Wade. His mother was a native of Mount Arie, Ohio, and died … Read more

Biography of Joshua A. Downing

A man of ability and executive force, as is manifested in the results of his faithful endeavor, in the industrial world: a pioneer in at least two different counties of our state: a builder of Wallowa County, and a stanch and upright citizen of the same today, the subject of this article is eminently worthy to receive proper representation in this volume that purports both to chronicle the history of Union and Wallowa counties and makes mention as well of the early pioneers, as the leading citizens of today: and it is with pleasure that we accord the same to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Presley Greenwault

Presley Greenawalt, cashier of the Rock Island Savings Bank, was born May 31, 1858, at Wyoming, Stark County, Illinois, the son of Henry Andrew and Maria Calwell Greenawalt. In the public schools of Wyoming he obtained his education, leaving his studies at the age of fourteen to enter the printing office of the Wyoming Post. In 1882 he removed to Rock Island and secured a position as bill clerk with the Rock Island & Peoria Railroad. After a few months he was made cashier in the local freight office, from which position he was successively promoted to agent at Toulon, … Read more

Biography of Captain Nelson Green Gill

Captain Nelson Green Gill, Post-master of San Bernardino, came to California from Toulon, Illinois, in March 1849, with a team composed of four oxen and two cows. He came by way of St. Joseph, Fort Laramie, Fort Hall and Lassen’s cut-off, with a train composed of twenty-two wagons. They brought with them a ferryboat, which they used in crossing the North Platte and Green rivers, afterward selling it for $100. They arrived in Sacramento valley, September 26, 1849. Leaving his ox teams at Bidwell’s ranch, Captain Gill started for the mines on Feather River. After he had been in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lewis Monroe

Lewis Monroe, Charleston, of the firm of Monroe & Co., proprietors of the Coles County Mill, is a son of the late Dr. John Monroe; he was born in Charleston May 29, 1846; he received his education in the public schools, and, at the age of 18, began business, a partner in the dry goods house of Hutchinson, Monroe & Co.; he continued in this business seven years, when, his health failing, he retired to a. farm at Monroe Station, in La Fayette Tp.; four years later, he returned to town and resumed business, which he continued till 1877; in … Read more

Biography of John E. Gehrt

John E. Gehrt. Upon the success and welfare of the cultivators of the soil rests the true destiny of any nation. Nowhere does the agricultural element represent such qualities of business success and energy as in Champaign County, and one of the men who have claimed this county as their home and have gained unusual fruits from their effort is Mr. John Gehrt, whose home is in section 33 of Harwood Township. Mr. Gehrt is a native of Stark County, Illinois, a son of John M. and Catherine (Best) Gehrt. Both parents were born in Germany, came in early youth … Read more

Biography of Sulvanas J. White

SULVANAS J. WHITE is a well known resident of Union county, near the town of Lagrande, having been identified with the industrial life of that city for some time and having also operated in the mercantile business here, being attended with success and also manifesting his characteristic ability and integrity during his residence here, while also he is one of the pioneers of the northwest, as his father was also, and has wrought for many years in the development and for the progress of this and adjoining states. Charles F. and Elizabeth (Buchanan) White are the parents of our subject, … Read more

Biography of De Forest Chamberlain

Not only has the subject of this all too brief sketch seen southeastern Idaho grow from a wild country, with only a few white inhabitants, to a rich agricultural country, containing thousands of good homes and acres of growing towns, inhabited by an industrious, prosperous, enlightened and progressive people, but he has participated in and assisted the slow, persistent work of development which was necessary to produce a change which is so complete that it has come to be popularly referred to as magical. De Forest Chamberlain is descended from English and Irish ancestors, who settled in America before the … Read more

Biography of John McDonald Jr.

John is a member of the well known firm of McDonald Brothers, whose extensive operations in stock raising and shipping are widely known over the northwest, and who are without doubt the largest firm of their kind in this section of the country, holding an estate of over four thousand acres, besides many hundred of cattle and horses and acting as agents of the United States in the purchase of horses and also in the same capacity for the British government. The firm is composed of the brothers, Hector, Duncan, Peter and our subject. They are at the present time … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. M. Mock

J. M. Mock, farming; P. O. Charleston the subject of this sketch was born in Hocking Co., Ohio, April 1, 1839. He married Miss Catharine J. Zimmerman Nov. 22, 1866; she was born in Coles Co., Ill., near Ashmore, June 17, 1843; they had six children – four living, viz., Sarah C., Edward W., Oscar B. and Florence I. ;he lived in Ohio until he was 15 years old, when, with his parents he moved to Coles Co., Ill., and settled near Oakland; this was in 1854; they engaged in farming, where he lived until 1860; they then moved to … Read more

Biography of Fred Eugene Pettit

Fred Eugene Pettit is a veteran business man and merchant of Marion County, and until he retired a few years ago conducted one of the largest stores at Peabody. Mr. Pettit was reared and educated and gained his first mercantile experience in the State of Illinois. He was born at Wyoming in Stark County, Illinois, January 8, 1861, a son of Peter and Mary Anne (Bailey) Pettit. Peter Pettit was born in New York State and located in Illinois in 1851, when the country was new and undeveloped. After a few years he lost his health and suffered invalidism throughout … Read more