Biography of Captain Nelson Green Gill

Captain Nelson Green Gill, Post-master of San Bernardino, came to California from Toulon, Illinois, in March 1849, with a team composed of four oxen and two cows. He came by way of St. Joseph, Fort Laramie, Fort Hall and Lassen’s cut-off, with a train composed of twenty-two wagons. They brought with them a ferryboat, which they used in crossing the North Platte and Green rivers, afterward selling it for $100. They arrived in Sacramento valley, September 26, 1849. Leaving his ox teams at Bidwell’s ranch, Captain Gill started for the mines on Feather River. After he had been in the … Read more

Biography of Harry D. Hall

Harry D. Hall. A very necessary business house in every community is a first-class drug store, one conducted, in an open and honorable way, by a well qualified man who holds himself responsible for the remedies he compounds and recommends. A druggist of this character is found in Harry D. Hall, who is the leading man in his line in Lincoln, Kansas, his drug store on Main Street being an old landmark, the site of the first drug store in this section of the state. Harry D. Hall was born at Toulon, Illinois, February 17, 1872, the fourth in a … Read more