Biographical Sketch of A. W. Mann

A. W. Mann, merchant, was born in Ashtabula County, Ohio, September 4, 1845. He removed to Webster County, Iowa, and came to Jewell County, Kan., in May, 1870, and took a homestead two and a half miles from Burr Oak. He engaged in the drug business in Burr Oak in the fall of 1875. In 1877 he engaged in general merchandising, under the firm name of McLain & Mann; afterward the firm was changed to Mann, Faidley & Gilbert. The present firm is Mann & Gilbert. Held the office of Justice of the Peace and was second Justice of the Peace in Burr Oak Township after the organization of the county. He is a member of the K. of P. and enlisted in the United States army, in Company C, Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, July 20, 1861; re-enlisted as a veteran December 15, 1863, in same company and regiment. He was transferred from the army to the navy in 1864; served nine months on the monitor Winnebago and three months on the Circassian. He was married in Ashtabula County, Ohio, August 14, 1865, to Miss Martha Steves, and they have four children – Hattie, Arthur W., Edith, and Mattie S.


Biography, Civil War,

Andreas, A. T. History of the State of Kansas. Chicago, Illinois: William G. Cutler. 1883.

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