Fellers, Theron P. – Obituary

Theron P. Fellers, 78, 1857 8th Ave. N., died Wednesday [March 20, 1991] at Trinity Regional Hospital. Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at First United Methodist Church, Fort Dodge. There will be no visitation. Burial will be at a later date at North Lawn Cemetery. Bruce’s Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Survivors include his wife, Katherine; sons, Phil and Stephan, both of Fort Dodge; daughter, Connie Schnurr, Fort Dodge; brother, W. Edward Fellers, Fort Dodge; 14 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren; sister, Helen Goodspeed, Gainesville, Fla. Theron P. Fellers was born July 3, 1912 at Oskaloosa … Read more

Goodspeed, Hellen A. Fellers – Obituary

Hellen A. Goodspeed, 86, of Gainesville, Fla., formerly of Fort Dodge, died March 5, 1995 in Gainesville. Services will be 11 a.m. today at Bruce’s Funeral Home, Fort Dodge, with the Rev. David Feltman, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, officiating. Burial will be in North Lawn Cemetery in Fort Dodge. Visitation will be an hour prior to services today at the funeral home. Survivors include a daughter, Beverly Goins, Gainesville, Fla.; a son, Paul, Springfield, Mo.; eight grandchildren; 14 great grandchildren; and a brother, Edward Fellers, Fort Dodge. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, and a … Read more

The Descendants of Franklin Mary Noyes Rowe of Humboldt County, Iowa

Home of Franklin and Mary Noyes Rowe 1887-1905

This book, “The Descendants of Franklin Mary Noyes Rowe of Humboldt County, Iowa, with Some Notes on Their Ancestors,” authored by Velma Rowe Coffin in Storm Lake, Iowa, in 1955, is a meticulously researched genealogical record spanning 87 pages. It traces the lineage of Franklin Rowe, born December 30, 1836, in Onondaga County, New York, and provides insights into his ancestry and descendants. Free to read or download.

Biography of Shepard Keene Linscott

Shepard Keene Linscott. The late Shepard Keene Linscott, who was born March 6, 1887, and died December 11, 1905, represented in the best sense the highest type of American manhood. A farm near Chesterville, Maine, was the place of his nativity and he was the only son of Shepard and Esther (Keene) Linscott. The house in which he was born was built by his grandfather, Samuel Linscott, who was a soldier of the Revolutionary war. When but sixteen years of age, Shepard Keene Linscott left the parental roof and became a pioneer farmer of Henry County, Indiana. Realizing the importance … Read more

Fellers, Kathryn P. Cummings – Obituary

Kathryn P. Fellers, 80, 1857 Eighth Ave. N., died Monday, March 23, 1998 at Tompkins Memorial Health Center. Services will be 10:30 a.m. Thursday at First United Methodist Church with the Rev. Tompsie K. Smith officiating. Burial will be in North Lawn Cemetery. Visitation is after 4 p.m. today at Bruce’s Funeral Home with an Eastern Star service at 7 p.m. Survivors include sons Phillip L. and Stephan C., both of Fort Dodge; daughter Connie S. Schnurr, Fort Dodge; 13 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren; and brothers Robert Cummings, Glide, Ore., Dean Cummings, Madera, Calif., and Dale Cummings, Spirit Lake. … Read more

WPA Iowa Graves Registration Survey

WPA – Work Projects Administration – 1930’s Iowa Graves Registration Survey Adair County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Adams County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Allamakee County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Audubon County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Black Hawk County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Boone County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Bremer County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Buchanan County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Buena Vista County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Butler County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Calhoun County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Carroll County Iowa – WPA Grave Registration Cass County Iowa … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Baldwin

Jesse Baldwin is a native of Logan county, Ohio, and was born June 16, 1832. His parents, David and Hannah Baldwin, were also both natives of the Bnckeye State. He was reared upon a farm and educated in the common schools of Ohio, and has made farming his business through life. In 1855 he moved to Ft. Dodge, Iowa, and two years later moved to Muscatine county, in the same State, where he lived four years. In August, 1863, he enlisted in Company G, Second Regiment Iowa Cavalry, and the regiment was sent to Memphis, Tennessee, and from there began … Read more

Fellers, Phillip L., Jr. – Obituary

Phillip Fellers Jr., 32, Colorado Springs, Colo., formerly of Fort Dodge, died Thursday [August 11, 1988] of a gunshot wound at St. Francis Hospital, Colorado Springs, Colo. Services will be 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at First United Methodist Church with the Rev. Roger Madden officiating. Burial will be in North Lawn Cemetery, with flag presentation by V.F.W. Post No. 1856. Survivors include his parents, Phil and Pat Fellers and Lorene E. and Kenneth Tegland, all of Fort Dodge; grandparents, T. P. and Kathryn Fellers, Fort Dodge; brothers Raymond Fellers, Douglas Fellers and Michael Tegland, all of Fort Dodge, and Michael Fellers, … Read more

Iowa Death Records by County

Many experts recommend starting your research with the death records first. The death record is the most recent record, so it will more likely be available to you. Death records are kept in the state where your ancestor died, not where they were buried. However these records can provide a burial location. Death records are especially helpful because they may provide important information on a person’s birth, spouse, and parents. Some researchers look first for death records because there are often death records for persons who have no birth or marriage records. Early death records, like cemetery records, generally give … Read more

DeBorde, Thomas Jefferson – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon Another of Cove’s early day settlers passed from earth to the Better Life, April 17, 1919 at his home in Cove, Oregon, aged 77 years, 11 months and 25 days, after a lingering illness, during which he was tended with loving solicitude by the hands of his children. T.J. DeBorde was born April 22, 1841 in Grants County Wisconsin; was united in wedlock with Miss Sarah J. Franklin in Webster County Iowa, June 2, 1865. Twelve children blessed the union, seven of whom are living, tree sons, Thos. W., John F. and Benjamin F. DeBorde; four … Read more

Fellers, Cara Agnes Phillippe – Obituary

Funeral services for Mrs. H. B. Fellers, 88, a resident of Fort Dodge for the past 44 years, will be held Friday at 1:30 p.m. in Bruces Memorial Chapel. Burial will be in North Lawn Cemetery. Surviving are two sons and a daughter, W. E. Fellers, Theron Fellers and Mrs. Helen Goodspeed, all of Fort Dodge; seven grandchildren; 14 great grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs. Cecil Dinsmore of Fremont. Mrs. Fellers, the former Cara Agnes Phillippe, was born and educated at Fremont. She married Harley B. Fellers there and they farmed near Fremont, later living at Oskaloosa. They came to … Read more

Biography of Edgar W. Boardman, M. D.

Edgar W. Boardman, M. D. Medicine is constantly making tremendous strides forward, with scientific progress shown on every side, and discoveries and inventions are practically changing methods of practice and broadening the viewpoint of both physician and patient. To practice according to the enlightened ideas of the present century requires not only a most careful training but a certain, sure aggressiveness, and no physician of Parsons has this and other admirable qualities in greater degree than has Dr. Edgar W. Boardman, a practicing physician and surgeon of this city since 1888. Doctor Boardman was born at Fort Dodge, Iowa, January … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. W. Mann

A. W. Mann, merchant, was born in Ashtabula County, Ohio, September 4, 1845. He removed to Webster County, Iowa, and came to Jewell County, Kan., in May, 1870, and took a homestead two and a half miles from Burr Oak. He engaged in the drug business in Burr Oak in the fall of 1875. In 1877 he engaged in general merchandising, under the firm name of McLain & Mann; afterward the firm was changed to Mann, Faidley & Gilbert. The present firm is Mann & Gilbert. Held the office of Justice of the Peace and was second Justice of the … Read more

Iowa Atlases, Farm Directories, and Plat Books

1859 Map of Washington County Iowa

This collection contains digital atlases, farm directories, and plat books for all 99 Iowa counties. We have collated these from a variety of online sources, and provide them here as a single source for all online Iowa County Atlases, Farm Directories, and Plat Books.

Fellers, William Edward – Obituary

William Edward “Ed” Fellers, 89, Tompkins Memorial Health Center, died Tuesday, Sept. 28, 1999, at Trinity Regional Hospital, Fort Dodge. Services will be 10:30 a.m. Friday at the Gunderson Funeral Chapel, Fort Dodge, with the Rev. Ronald E. Krause officiated. Burial will be in North Lawn Cemetery, Fort Dodge. Visitation will be from 4 to 7 p.m. today at the Gunderson Funeral Home, Fort Dodge. Survivors are his wife Hulda Fellers; son Ronald Fellers, Dallas, Texas; daughter Betty Jane Barry, Boulder Junction, Wis.; four grandchildren; and one great grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents, Harlan and Cara … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mathias Clouse

Mathias Clouse was a pioneer of Silver Creek Township, Ida County, Ia. He was born in Alsace-Lorraine, France, in 1843. He was the son of Charles and Elizabeth (Fisher) Clouse, natives of same country. The Clouse family had once lived in Amsterdam, and were a trading family. When the sons became of age they were sent up the Rhine River to establish trading posts. They emigrated to America and settled in Erie County, New York. Mathias received his early training and education principally in New York state. The grandfather Clouse also emigrated to the country, dying in Ohio at the … Read more