Biography of John Sargent

John Sargent, farmer; P. O. Hutton; was born in this township March 20, 1846; his father, Stephen, was born in Candia, N. H., July, 1, 1797, and at the age of 13 went to New Jersey, remaining there three years, and from there traveled on foot to Ohio, working one year upon a farm in that State; he then went to Kentucky, near the city of Louisville, working at tine trade of stone-mason, and while there made a trip upon a flatboat from Louisville to New Orleans and back. In the year 1836 he came to New Richmond (now Westfield), Clark Co., and carried on a general merchandise store, and two years afterward purchased and moved upon a farm on Sec. 11, in this county, where he remained up to the time of his death, Nov. 30, 1878. His farm contained over 600 acres. He married Miss Nancy Chenoweth, widow of Jacob Harlan, Oct. 18, 1842; she is still living on the homestead, and was born March 25, 1805. They had two children – the subject of this sketch and Maggie (now Mrs. Charles H. Rice, of Vermont), born June 22, 1844, and now living in Denver, Colo. They have four children – Carrie E., Henry C., Benjamin P. and Genevieve. Mr. Sargent’s mother was born in Kentucky, and journeyed on a packsaddle to Vincennes, Ind., with her parents, who afterward came to Clark Co., where she resided after her first marriage and death of her husband, Jacob Harlan. The subject of this sketch was born on the homestead, where he has resided ever since the death of his father. At the age of 15, he enlisted in Co. C, 68th Regt. Ill. Vol. for three months. He married Miss Maria A. Turner (daughter of Samuel Turner, of Kentucky), March 24, 1870. They have four children – Maggie P., born Jan. 28, 1871; Jesse R., April 23, 1872; Ada O., Sept. 15, 1875, and Carl, born Jan. 25, 1878. Mr. Sargent owns 400 acres of land.


Biography, Civil War,

Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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