Biography of Arthur C. Shriver

Arthur C. Shriver, of the firm of A. C. Shriver & Sons, dealers in stoves, tinware and house-furnishing goods, Charleston; was born in Fleming Co., Ky., Jan. 30, 1813; when he was about 10 years old, his parents removed to Adams Co., Ohio; at the age of 18, he went to Hillsboro, in Highland Co., Ohio, to learn the tinner’s trade; after which, he worked as a journeyman in Ohio and Kentucky for a number of years; in 1836, he began business for himself in Augusta, Ky., removing a few years later to Felicity, Clermont Co., Ohio, and there carried on the stove and tinware business for nearly twenty years with the exception of a short time when he was in the same business in Cincinnati; in 1858, he removed to Charleston, and engaged in business, Dr. Byrd Monroe being his first Western partner; since then, many changes have occurred, but Mr. Shriver has remained the leader in his line of business during all the changes of the past twenty years; the firm now consists of himself and two sons -George A. Shriver and Charles W. Shriver; they do the largest business in their line of any house in the smaller towns of Illinois, carrying a well selected stock of stoves, tinware, queensware, glassware, silverware and cutlery; they keep everything of the kind that any one could want, are polite to their customers, and make it a point to sell lower than any one else. Mr. Shriver was married May 4, 1837, to Miss Nancy Maffett, who was born Jan. 17, 1815. We give the following sketch of their children: William F. Shriver was born Nov. 14, 1839, and married June 10, 1862, to Miss Mary F. Hanks, a niece of President Lincoln, Mrs. Lincoln giving her her own name of Mary; they have two sons; Ann Eliza Shriver was born Feb. 11, 1842, and died May 31, 1843; Albena Shriver was born July 11, 1845, and married 0. B. Murray, a navy banker and claim agent of Baltimore, Md., Jan. 30, 1865; he died in Chicago Aug. 10, 1870, leaving one daughter Alice. born in Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. Murray married R. B. Anderson, of Charleston, in 1873, and moved to Little Rock, Ark., in 1876; George A. Shriver was born in Felicity, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1847, and married Miss Julia Hamlin, in 1871; he learned the tinner’s trade when quite young, and as a workman and salesman is very successful; he is book-keeper of the firm of A. C. Shriver & Sons, of which he is a member; Charles W. Shriver was born in Felicity, Ohio, Oct. 18, 1851; he is a member of the firm, is an expert in his business, and honorable in his dealings; he was married in September, 1876, to Miss Ida V. Ramsey, of McConnellsville,Ohio; they have one son, Arthur C., born March 31, 1878: Callie Shriver was born April 6, 1854; was married Jan. 31, 1872, to Joseph Landers, of Charleston; they have had one daughter Katie, who died about a year ago, at 3 years of age.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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