Biography of J. W. Dora, M. D.

J. W. Dora, M. D., physician and surgeon, Mattoon; was born near Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky., May 5, 1827; he enjoyed the advantages of select schools, and attended Augusta College a short time before its suspension; in 1847, he went to Cincinnati, and became a student in Bartlett’s Commercial College, from which he graduated in the spring of 1848; he then devoted himself to book-keeping for the firm of J. O. Prather & Co., about a year; in the winter of 1849, he began the study of medicine, under Dr. George R. Todd, of Cynthiana, Ky., a brother of Mrs. … Read more

Biography of Arthur C. Shriver

Arthur C. Shriver, of the firm of A. C. Shriver & Sons, dealers in stoves, tinware and house-furnishing goods, Charleston; was born in Fleming Co., Ky., Jan. 30, 1813; when he was about 10 years old, his parents removed to Adams Co., Ohio; at the age of 18, he went to Hillsboro, in Highland Co., Ohio, to learn the tinner’s trade; after which, he worked as a journeyman in Ohio and Kentucky for a number of years; in 1836, he began business for himself in Augusta, Ky., removing a few years later to Felicity, Clermont Co., Ohio, and there carried … Read more

Biography of E. T. Currens

E. T. Currens, farmer and fruit-grower; P. O. Mattoon; was born in Bracken Co., Ky., in 1816; his father was a farmer and tanner, and for fifty-five years conducted the two interests jointly, at Germantown, Ky.; E. T.’s early life was spent upon his father’s farm and in learning the tanning business; he entered Augusta College, Ky., in 1832, and graduated there from in 1836; he then engaged in mercantile life and farming till 1854, when he moved to Iowa and established the Kentucky settlement in Marshall Co.; in 1861, he returned to Maysville, Ky., and engaged in the hardware … Read more