Biography of Charles F. Brown

Charles Francis Brown is the owner of a fine ranch of one hundred and sixty acres on Camas prairie, near Grangeville, where, in addition to farming and stock raising, he owns and operates a sawmill, manufacturing a large amount of lumber. His well directed efforts are bringing to him a deserved success, and he is accounted one of the substantial citizens of the community. He claims Wisconsin as the state of his nativity, his birth having occurred in Monroe, Green County, on the 15th of November 1846. His parents were William G. and Clarissa (Bartley) Brown, the former a native of Missouri, and the latter of Ohio. They were married in Wisconsin and were numbered among the pioneer settlers of that state. In 1849 the father crossed the plains to California, attracted by the then recent discoveries of gold, and in his mining ventures met with success. He afterward returned to the east, but later again went to the Golden state. He was a man of ability and influence and held a number of public positions of honor and trust. He departed this life in 1898, at the age of eighty-three years, and his wife passed away in the spring of 1899, at the age of eighty-two years. They were the parents of nine children, four of whom are now living.

Charles F. Brown, the eighth of the family, was only a small boy when he accompanied his parents to California. He was educated in the public school at Dutch Flat, that state, and afterward engaged in mining. When a young man, however, he came to Camas prairie where he purchased eighty acres of land, to which he has since added until he now has a valuable tract of one hundred and sixty acres. He has erected thereon a desirable residence and has one of the most attractive and beautiful ranches in his section of the county. His land is mostly planted to timothy hay for the stock, and in his stock business he is meeting with signal success. Since coming to Idaho he has crossed his cattle until now the Hereford blood prevails. In 1892 he purchased his sawmill property. He has here a good water-power and a mill which turns out seven thousand feet of lumber daily. He has a large home demand for all the lumber he can manufacture, and this branch of his business therefore adds materially to his income.

In 1866 Mr. Brown was united in marriage to Miss Mary Lumis, and to them have been born four children: William G., who now assists his father in the mill; Jennie, wife of Harry Markham, a resident of Grangeville; Ada, wife of Charles Keller, whose home is in Cadiz. Wisconsin; and Udora, now deceased. The mother of this family was called to her final rest in 1873. She was a most faithful wife and a loving and indulgent mother and her loss was deeply felt by her family and many friends. Four years later, in 1877, Mr. Brown wedded Miss Almira Tuck, a native of Maine, and they now occupy their pleasant home on the ranch.

Mr. Brown has always been a loyal and devoted citizen of the republic, and when only seventeen years of age gave evidence of his patriotic spirit by enlisting, in 1864, in the Union army as a member of Company D, Seventh California Infantry. The regiment expected to be sent to the south, but was put on the border line between Mexico and Arizona in order to keep the Indians in subjection. Thus our subject participated in several Indian skirmishes. He remained in the army until he received an honorable discharge, in May 1866. He is a valued member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and in politics has been a stalwart Republican since attaining his majority. His time and attention are’ closely given to his business interests, and his industry, enterprise and capable management are the important elements in his success.


Biography, Civil War,

Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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