Biography of William Lanyon

William Lanyon. More than any other the name Lanyon is distinctive of the zinc industry in Southeastern Kansas, particularly at Pittsburg. The Lanyon family had been prominent in this particular industry for several generations. To a large degree the importance of Pittsburg as a zinc manufacturing center is due to the enterprise of the Lanyons who came to this part of Kansas more than thirty years ago from their original home in Southern Wisconsin, where they had operated extensive mining and manufacturing industries. Though he was one of the earliest of the family to take an active part in the … Read more

Biography of Homer G. Gilmore

HOMER G. GILMORE. In no part of the world is the flouring industry of greater importance than it is in the United States, nor in any other part of the world can the same excellence of quality of flour be produced. This need not be wondered at. Where is there another country possessing so rich and productive a soil, yielding and in plenty the richest wheat? Indeed, the industry and the importance necessarily attached to it are natural resultants of nature’s generosity. In Christian County, Missouri, the flouring industry is a most important one and foremost among those engaging in … Read more

Wisconsin Gold Star List – Green County

Liberty Bond

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Green County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

Indermuhle, Samuel – Obituary

Samuel Indermuhle, 80, retired Badger Pocket and Denmark District farmer, died Thursday at Bernath’s Nursing Home. Born July 31, 1888, at Monroe, Wis., he came to the Kittitas Valley with his parents at the age of one year. Indermuhle farmed in the Badger Pocket and Denmark areas from 1936 until his retirement in 1964 when he moved to Ellensburg. He made his home at 700 S. Chestnut and was married to Estelle E. Montgomery in Oct., 1936. She preceded him in death in April 1965. A veteran of World War I serving in the Army, he was a member of … Read more

Biography of Eugene F. Skinner

EUGENE F. SKINNER. – Eugene F. Skinner, whose name is a household word throughout the length and breadth of Lane county, located in June, 1846, the Donation claim on which Eugene City, named for him, now stands. He was born at Essex, Essex county, New York, September 13, 1809, and is the youngest son of Major John Joseph Skinner of East Windsor, Connecticut, and a brother of St. John B.L. Skinner of New York, who was an influential officer in the Postoffice Department at Washington City, District of Columbia, under President Lincoln, and first assistant postmaster-general under President Johnson. Having … Read more

Biographical Sketch of I. V. Miller

He was the proprietor of the Rink Livery, Sale & Feed Barn, Battle Creek, Iowa. The building was 30 x 80 feet, well arranged, and equipped throughout. Mr. Miller kept a full line of carriages and buggies, with ten to sixteen good driving horses, speedy and gentle. His kind courtesy to patrons secured for him a good trade. He was born near Monroe, Green County, Wisconsin, September 24, 1858. His father, Charles Miller, was a native of Pennsylvania. His mother’s maiden name was Martha Adams, born in Tennessee, and moved to Martin County, Minnesota. I. V. Miller was the second … Read more

Biography of William Green

William Green. A Topeka merchant whose name has become synonymous in that city with the highest quality of wares and the most reliable methods of merchandising, William Green came to Kansas in 1885 from Green County, Wisconsin. For more than thirty years he has been identified with the material progress of Topeka and his name would undoubtedly be considered among the first mentioned as foremost citizens. A native of England he was born in Derbyshire on November 17, 1844. When he was about six years of age, in 1851, his parents Joseph and Ruth (Cooper) Green left their English farm … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Percy H. Walling

Percy H. Walling of Garden Grove, was born in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, in 1838. His parents, James and Louisa (Saxton) Walling, were natives of Vermont, and early settlers of the Buckeye State. Their fourth child, the subject of this sketch, went with his parents in 1853 to Green County, Wisconsin, where later he bought land and engaged in stock-raising and farming until 1880, when he moved to Jewell County, Kansas, and subsequently to Mitchell County, where he was in the stock business until he came to California in 1888. He has here erected a very handsome residence at Garden Grove, … Read more

Biography of Edwin V. Lanyon

Edwin V. Lanyon. The president of the National Bank of Pittsburg, Edwin V. Lanyon, is a dominant factor in the financial and industrial world and belongs to a family the members of which have figured conspicuously in the industrial development of Southeastern Kansas for the last quarter of a century. He is a native of Wisconsin, born at Mineral Point, December 14, 1863, and a son of Josiah and Jane (Trevorrow) Lanyon, the former a native of Mineral Point and of English descent, and the latter a native of England. Josiah Lanyon came to Pittsburg, Kansas, in 1882, and was … Read more

Winnebago Indians

Winnebago Indians. The most ancient known habitat of this tribe was on the south side of Green Bay extending inland as far as Lake Winnebago. They also lived in the present states of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota

Biography of Charles F. Brown

Charles Francis Brown is the owner of a fine ranch of one hundred and sixty acres on Camas prairie, near Grangeville, where, in addition to farming and stock raising, he owns and operates a sawmill, manufacturing a large amount of lumber. His well directed efforts are bringing to him a deserved success, and he is accounted one of the substantial citizens of the community. He claims Wisconsin as the state of his nativity, his birth having occurred in Monroe, Green County, on the 15th of November 1846. His parents were William G. and Clarissa (Bartley) Brown, the former a native … Read more

Biography of George W. Staver

George W. Staver, president and founder of one of the largest mercantile corporations on the Pacific Coast was born in Brush Valley, Center county, Pennsylvania, November 18, 1836. He is of German and Scotch-Irish ancestry and was reared upon a farm. Soon after his birth his parents moved to Sugar Valley, Clinton county, Pennsylvania, and remained on the same farm until 1854, when they came ‘to Illinois, but a year later settled near Monroe, Green county, Wisconsin. Here his father, Frederick Staver, still resides, at the advanced age of eighty-one years. Our subject received from his father a most thorough … Read more

Biography of Edgar W. Boardman, M. D.

Edgar W. Boardman, M. D. Medicine is constantly making tremendous strides forward, with scientific progress shown on every side, and discoveries and inventions are practically changing methods of practice and broadening the viewpoint of both physician and patient. To practice according to the enlightened ideas of the present century requires not only a most careful training but a certain, sure aggressiveness, and no physician of Parsons has this and other admirable qualities in greater degree than has Dr. Edgar W. Boardman, a practicing physician and surgeon of this city since 1888. Doctor Boardman was born at Fort Dodge, Iowa, January … Read more