Famous British Hunts

Last Updated on March 20, 2013 by Dennis

Famous British Hunts: A list, providing brief genealogical and historical references of famous British Hunts to the year 1930.

DAME AGNES GWENDOLINE HUNT: D. B. E., cr. 1926; R. R. C. 1918; entered Royal Alexandra Hospital, Rhyl, as lady pupil, 1887; started Salop Convalescent Home for Cripple Children, 1900; made a mem. of British Orthopaedic Assn., 1925. Add. Boreatton Farm, Baschurch, Shropshire.

ALBERT HUNT: C. B. E. 1918; b. 1863; s. of late George Hunt; educ. Horfield; a mem. of War Committee of Chamber of Shipping during European War; asst. to Organize Naval and Military Transport during’ S. African and European Wars. Add. 2d Oxford and Cambridge Mansions, N. W.

ANDREW HUNT (1790-1861), landscape-painter: b. Erdington; exhibited at Liverpool Academy, of which he became a member.

VICE-ADM. SIR ALLEN THOMAS HUNT: K. C. B., created 1924; b. 1866; s. of late Rt. Hon. G. Ward Hunt; educ. Marlborough Coll.; entered Navy, 1879; served Egyptian War, 1882; S. African War; Rear-Admiral, European War. Clubs: United Service, Shikar, Royal Navy.

ARABELLA HUNT (d. 1705), vocalist and lutenist: celebrated for her beauty and talents; Princess Anne had lessons from her, and Queen Mary employed her in the royal household in order to enjoy her singing.

ARTHUR SURRIDGE HUNT: D. LITT, M. A.; b. Romford, 1871; s. of late Alfred Henry Hunt; educ. Queen’s Coll., Oxford; engaged in research in Egypt, 1895-1907; attached War Office, 1918-19; Fellow of Queen’s Coll. Add. Queen’s Coll., Oxford.

ATLEE ARTHUR HUNT: C. M. G. 1910; Public Service Arbitrator; Secy. to the Dept. of External Afairs, Commonwealth of Australia, 1901-17; b. Baroonda, Fitzroy River, Queensland, 1864; s. of Arthur Hunt; entered N. S. W. Lands Department, 1879; mem. Royal Commission on Mandated Territory, formerly German New Guinea, 1919. Add. Baroonda, Wynnstay Road, Armadale, Victoria.

CECIL ARTHUR HUNT: M. A., LL.B.; R. W. S. 1925; Barrister, Inner Temple; b. Torquay, 1873; s. of late A. R. Hunt; educ. Trinity Coll., Cambridge. On election as A. R. W. S. in 1919 ceased to practice at bar; exhibitor, oils and water-colours at. R. A. Add. Mallord House, Church Street, Chelsea, S. W. 3. London.

REV. DAVID J. SATHER HUNT: M. A., T. D., F. R. P. S. Lond.; Hon. Canon of Rochester; Chaplain to 4th Batt. Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regt.; b. 1856; s. of Rev. R. Hunt; educ. Merton Coll., Oxford; ordained 1881; Vicar of St. Andrew’s, Leyland, 1920-24; Chaplain, 1st class, to the B. E. F. in France and Belgium during Great War. Add. The Hollonds, Langton, Tunbridge Wells.

MAJOR FREDERICK ECKSTEIN HUNT: D. S. O. 1901; O. B. E. 1919; b. 1879 ; s. of A. V. Hunt; joined 125th Napier’s Rifles, I. A., 1905 ; served S. African War; Major, 1917. Add. care Thos. Cook 8 Sons, Ludgate Circus, E. C.

FREDERICK KNIGHT HUNT (1814-1854), journalist and author: b. Buckinghamshire; sub-editor “Illustrated London News”; editor of “Pictorial Times”, selected by Dickens as assistant editor of the “Daily News” in 1846; chief editor “Daily News” 1851.

COL. FREDERICK V-ELSBY HUNT: C. B., 1923; C. M. G. 1915; C. B. E. 1919; R. A. V. C.; b. 1871; served N. W. Frontier, India, 1897-98; S. African and European Wars. Add. G. H. Q., India.

GEORGE HENRY HUNT: C. B. E. 1918; I. S. O. 1902; b. 1853; late Accountant to Treasury. Add. 3 Bramley Hill, Croydon.

GEORGE WARD (1825-1877), politician: s. Rev. George H, of Winkfield, Berkshire; b. Buckhurst, Berkshire; member of parliament; financial secretary to the treasury under Lord Derby, 1866-68; chancellor of the exchequer under Mr. Disraeli, 1868; privy councillor, 1868; first lord of the admiralty, 1874.

HENRY HUNT (1773-1835), politician: s. Henry Hunt, of Week; b. Widdington Farm, Upavon, or Upphaven, Wiltshire; member of parliament; presented the earliest petition in favor of “women’s rights”.

HENRY AMBROSE HUNT: Meteorologist for the Commonwealth of Australia since 1906; b. London, 1866; s. of E. J. Hunt; joined Sydney Observatory Staff, 1884; inventor of the Cube Pressure Anemometer, 1902. Add. 34 Martin Street, Elsternwick, Melbourne, Australia.

HUBERT WALTER HUNT: Organist and Master of Choristers of Bristol Cathedral since 1901; b. Windsor, 1865; s. of Thomas Hunt; studied the violin under J. S. Liddle and J. T. Carrodus; notably a series of 15 quartet concerts which included Beethoven’s latest quartets. Add. 14 Belgrave Road, Bristol.

JAMES HUNT (1833-1869), ethnologist and writer on stammering: s. Thomas Hunt (1802-1851); b. Swanage, Dorsetshire; benefited Charles Kingsley; founded Anthropological Society, 1863, and was its first president.

SIR JOHN HUNT: Knight, created 1923; 0. B. E. 1918; Town Clerk, City of Westminster since 1900; b. Derby, 1859; s. of late Henry Hunt; Barristerat-law of Middle Temple; an Asst.-Commissioner under London Government Act 1899. Add. Westminster City Hall, W. C. 2. London.

JOHN MIDDLEMASS HUNT: M. B., C. M.; Lieut. Col., R.A.M.C.T.; late Lecturer on Laryngology, Liverpool University; b. Perth, 1858; s. of Colin A. Hunt; educ. Glasgow and Vienna Univs.; engaged in Throat. and Ear practice in Liverpool, 1886-1914. Publications: “Three British Aurists” and numerous papers in the medical journals. Add. Bracken House, Caldy, Cheshire.

LT.-COL. JOHN PATRICK HUNT: C. M. G. 1919; D. S. 0. 1916; D. C. M.; b. Dublin, 1875; s. of Thomas Hunt; served S. African War; Instructor Dublin Univ. 0. T. C. 1910; European War, including Ginchy ; formed and held a defensive flank for ten hours under heavy fire until relieved.

JOSEPH HUNT: I. S. O., O. B. E. 1918; b. 1854; s. of late William Joseph Hunt; entered War Office, 1871; late Principal clerk, Ordnance Factories. Add. 3 St. Mildred’s Road, Lee, S. E. 12. London.

MAJ.-GEN. ROBERT AUGUSTUS CAREW HUNT: b. Hamburg, 1838; s. of late Henry Carew Hunt; served with his regiment, 5th Bombay Light Infantry, against Taipings near Shanghai, and was present at the storming and capture of entrenched camp at Wang-Kaza; served Afghan War; Hon. Col. 105th Mahratta Light Infantry, 1909. Add. Sid Abbey, Salcombe Regis, near Sidmouth, Devon.

CAPTAIN ROOAND CECIL SNEYD HUNT: C. M. G. 1919; R. N. retired; b. 1880; s. of R. P. Carew Hunt; joined navy, 1896; served in R. N. A. S. 1915; R. A. F. 1918. Add. 4 Kenwood Road, Sheffield.

ROWLAND HUNT: M. P. (LT.) Ludlow Div. Shropshire, 1903-18; b. 1858; s. Of late Rowland Hunt; educ. Magdalene Coll., Cambridge; served with Lovat’s Scouts in S. Africa; Major in City of London Rough Riders. Add. Limey Green, Broseley, Shropshire.

THOMAS HUNT: A.R.S.A 1925; R.S.W.; painter in oil and water-colors; b. Skipton, 1854; s of John Hunt-; studied in Leeds and Glasgow Schools of Art; exhibited at the leading British and Continental exhibitions’ Pres of the Glasgow Art Club, 1905 and 1906. Add. 164 Bath St., Glasgow.

REV. THOMAS HENRY HUNT: D. D.; b. 1865, St. Elanors, Prince Edward Island’ s of William T. de V. Hunt; educ. King’s coll.; deacon, 1888; priest 1889; asst. priest St. Peter’s Cathedral, 1899-1904; Alexander Professor of Divinity, King’s Coll., Halifax, Nova Scotia, since 1907. Add. King’s Coll., Halifax, Nova Scotia.

VIOLET HUNT: b. Durham; dau. of late Alfred Wiliam H.; author of several books, among them being: “The Maiden’s Progress,” “White Rose of Weary Leaf,” “The Flurried Years,” etc. Add. South Lodge, Campden Hill Road, W. 8 London.

WALTER HUNT: painter; b. Middlesex, 1861; s. of late Charles Hunt; exhibited at Royal Academy since 1881 the following: “A Rainy Day,” “The Dog in the Manger,” “Babes in the Wod,” etc. Publications: “Much Ado About Nothing,” “Off the Scent.” etc. Add. Park View, Grandville road, Southfields, S. W.

COMM. WILFRED WARD HUNT: D. S. O.; b. 1883; s. of G. E. Hunt; served Somaliland, 1908-09; S. African War; Persian Gulf, 1909-10; European War. Add. Islip, Northants.

REV. WILLIAM HUNT: D. Litt.; b. 1842; s. of Wm. Hunt; educ. Trinity Coll., Oxford; did literary work in London for Disct. of Natl. Biography; President of Royal Historical Society, 1905-09; Hon. Fellow Trinity Coll., Oxford. Publications: “The English Church in the Middle Ages”, “The English Church, 597-1066”. Add. 24 Phillimore Gardens, W. S. London.





Seaver, J. Montgomery. Hunt Family Records. American Historical-Genealogical Society. 1929.

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