Biography of J. B. Griswold

The subject of this sketch, who today is considered one of the solid men of Baker County, and who possesses the well-merited confidence and esteem of its citizens was born in White Hall, New York, in 1857. At the age of 2l he moved to Baker City and until 1884 clerked for several different mercantile firms here. He then opened a harness shop, and from time to time has added new lines until today he is carrying line of the largest stocks in the state While his success in a measure may be due to the settling up of the … Read more

Biography of Henry Rust

A review of Baker City would be incomplete were we to omit mention of one of its most representative citizens. We refer to Henry Rust, proprietor of the leading brewery of this section, known as the Pacific Brewery. Mr. Rust was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1835, and came to this country shortly before the outbreak of the Civil War. He enlisted as a private in the 13th New York Regiment of Volunteers, and continued with it until 1862, when be was seriously wounded and had to leave the service. He was later appointed commissary and served until the close … Read more

Biography of H. E. Curry, M. D., C. N.

As a rule the ranks of the medical profession are made up of a class of gentlemen possessing great strength of mind, highly cultured intellects, and a loftiness of character which is necessary to command for them the respect of the general public. They are, therefore, entitled to the great confidences which are necessarily reposed in them, and which they guard with all the great traditional honor of their calling. Amongst the physicians of Baker City, Dr. H. E. Curry takes a foremost position. Well qualified by natural inclination, educational training and a vast experience with a soul fully comprehending … Read more

Biography of George B. Moulton

A well known and highly esteemed resident of Baker City, is an active, energetic citizen and a gentlemen that takes an active interest in the welfare and prosperity of both the city and county, of which he has been a resident for the last twelve years. He was born in Maine in 1837, and remained there till his eleventh year. Moving to Minnesota with his parents he remained there for ten years, during which time he received a public school education. Arriving at the age of manhood he moved to California, but spent only a year there, going to Washington … Read more

Biography of Geo. W. Hall

In the armed band of State builders, who, catching the earliest rays of that regal star which the prophetic spirit of poesy discovered long ago as the leader of advancing civilization, followed its course to the western verge of the continent, few are deserving of more honorable mention that Geo. W. Hall, who was the first sheriff of this county. Born in Wayne County, Illinois, in 1826, he remained there until his 24th year, when he crossed the plains, locating at Hangtown, now Placerville, California. He arrived there with a capital of five cents, but made five dollars with a … Read more

Biography of Ensign Percy Napier Olmsted

Ensign Percy Napier Olmsted U.S.N., the only one of all Oregon’s naval caret appointments surviving the various vicissitudes of Annapolis. Appointed naval cadet for Oregon in 1887 by Hon. Binger Herman, he succeeded in closing the academic course in command of the second company of cadets. Served two years in Honolulu harbor, and was all intimate acquaintance of President Dole and family while there. Commissioned Ensign by President Cleveland in 1895 and assigned to New York harbor for a time as instructor. From there assigned to the South Atlantic squadron, and given the position of acting flag lieutenant of the … Read more

Biography of Archibald Downie

The name that heads this sketch is one well known throughout the west. He who bears it is now over three score years of age, but he appears much younger, and is possessed of a greater degree of vim and energy than is ordinarily displayed by men of younger years. His career has, indeed, been an interesting one, and to enumerate even the more prominent events of his life and to do justice to his energy and enterprise in one brief sketch would be impossible, as it would occupy more space than we can spare in our little volume. Mr. … Read more

Biography of A. W. Ellis

There is not a more popular citizen in Sumpter than A. R. Ellis. He possesses all those admirable traits of character which contribute to the widest business and social success, and anything he identities himself with is always a go. He furnishes it with a tin, and snap, which is his strongest characteristic, and which has tended to put him to the “front” among business men in this county. Born in Michigan in 1865, the early portion of his life was spent there and in the state of New York. Coming to California in 1888, he drifted into mining and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Brown

A man of sterling worth and a well-known citizen of this county, was born in the north of Ireland in 1841. At an early age he came to the United States with his parents and spent a year in Illinois. Moving then to Wisconsin, he resided there till 1862. He then moved to Baker County, crossing the plains by wagon, but in the spring of time following year went to the Boise mines, where he retained till October, 1865. Returning here he has been engaged in farming in the Powder River Valley since with success. Recognizing his fitness, he was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wellington E. Hurd

Is another of our representative men who was born in Ohio, and possesses that energy and vim characteristic of a native of that grand commonwealth. Leaving home at the age of sixteen he was employed for a year with the Adams Express Co. at St. Louis. He then went to Chicago, and accepted a position with J. I. Case Co. as traveling representative and remained with them for twenty years. He was connected with Slaver & Walker, of Portland, for the next six years. In 1895 he became interested in mining, and has remained in that business since. He has … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter W. Looney

Walter W. Looney is a man of sterling worth, and today is one of the most popular citizens of the county, his affability and good nature making him legions of friends. He was born in Eugene, Oregon, in 1858, and remained in the Willamette Valley until 1870, when he struck out for himself, and coming to Eastern Oregon ran a band of cattle on shares for three years. Moving then to The Dalles, he took the mall contract from that point to Wapinitia, which he sold three years later. In 1884 he moved to Granite Creek, and for it period … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter R. Hawley

Walter R. Hawley dealer in hardware, stoves and tinware, at Sumpter, Oregon, is a native Oregonian. He resided in the Willamette valley until 1890, receiving his education at the State Normal School at Monmouth, being a graduate of the latter. He then taught school to Gilliam County for a year, and in the Grand Ronde Valley for five years, being principal of the Summerville schools for three years. He then established himself in business in Union, remaining there until April, 1897, when he came, here and opened a hardware store. Minding his storeroom inadequate, he was shortly after compelled to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. R. Privett

For years, W. R. Privett has been connected with various institutions of learning, until the profession of a teacher, than which there is no higher or nobler, has became second nature to him, slid none in the ranks of that profession stand higher or more universally command the respect and esteem of the general public, than does the subject of this sketch. Born in Missouri in 1847, he came to Oregon in 1852, with his parents, who died enroute. He made his home with an uncle, on a farm near Scio, and received his preliminary education in the public schools. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. H. Kilburn

The present efficient sheriff of Baker County, is a man who stands high among his constituents, and is the fortunate possessor of a host of friends, who in their admiration of his numerous sterling qualities would make almost any sacrifice to enhance his success, he was born in the Blue grass State, Kentucky, in 1842. At the age of twenty-two he came to Baker County, and became engaged in farming and stock raising. which he follows to some extent yet. Four years ago me was elected sheriff of this county, unit again two years ago. He has discharged the duties … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. G. Ayre

Almost in the heart of the valley, a mile or more directly south from Express station, is the fine home and valuable farm of W. G. Ayre, the sheep king of this region. He located in these parts something over thirteen years ago, coming from the far east alone and settling upon the sage brush land, upon which there were only limited improvements. His farm, immediately in the valley, now produces hundreds of tons of hay annually. Upon it he has erected a large and well built dwelling and added commodious barns and every needed improvement, until it is one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. F. Butcher

But few if any stand higher socially or morally in the estimation of his neighbors and friends in this commonwealth than the subject of this sketch. His name is a synonym for all that is true and honorable in a man and fellow citizen. Mr. Butcher was born in Pocahontas county, Va., December 12, 1858, and was raised in Greenbriar County, of that state, on a farm. He received his education there and also read law for a short time in the office of Gov. H. M. Matthews at Lewisburg. In 1878, he removed to Saline county, Mo., where he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel White

It is perfectly natural to admire pluck and ambition in a young man, aid this no doubt is one reason why lie whose name heads this sketch has won so many friends during his residence here. Mr. White is a native of Georgia, and was educated at the University of Tennessee, at Knoxville. He was admitted to the bar in 1881, at the age of 21, and practiced his profession at Atlanta, Georgia, for three years in partnership with J. C. Reid, a prominent attorney. Moving to Grant’s Pass, Oregon, in the spring of 1985. he remained there two years. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert D. Carter

An honored citizen of Baker City, find a number of the Common Council, was born in 1856 in Cecil county-, Maryland, where he remained until his 18th year. In 1876 he moved to Baker county, and became engaged in stockraising and six years later he bought an interest in the butchering establishment of P. Miller. in which he is still interested. Their shop is a model of neatness, and the trade they enjoy speaks for itself. Mir. Carter has been a lifelong democrat, and takes an active interest in politics. In 1890 he was chairman of the democratic county committee … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. T. Parker

R. T. Parker, the leading photographer of the city, is also one of our early pioneers, having been located here since 1870. He was first engaged in mining, and then for a period of several years was engaged in the mercantile business. He then established himself in the photograph business, being materially assisted by his wife, who is universally looked upon as one of the best operators in the state. Their studio is advantageously located, and the class of work turned out is of the greatest excellence. Mr. Parker married Miss Viola G. Hazeltine, daughter of M. M. Hazeltine, who … Read more

Biographical Sketch of O. M. Dodson

The regular school of medicine has not among its followers in this city a more faithful and conscientious supporter than Dr. O. M. Dodson. He is a graduate of the medical Department of the Willamette University, and of Bellevue Hospital, Medical College of New York. At present he is a member of the American Medical Association and the Oregon Medical Society, and surgeon on the staff of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.