Biographical Sketch of William Brown

A man of sterling worth and a well-known citizen of this county, was born in the north of Ireland in 1841. At an early age he came to the United States with his parents and spent a year in Illinois. Moving then to Wisconsin, he resided there till 1862. He then moved to Baker County, crossing the plains by wagon, but in the spring of time following year went to the Boise mines, where he retained till October, 1865. Returning here he has been engaged in farming in the Powder River Valley since with success. Recognizing his fitness, he was elected County Commissioner in 1894, and on his record he has again received the nomination on the Union ticket for the same position. Mr. Brown takes great interest in Masonry being it member of Baker City Lodge No. 47. He married Miss Julia A. Dean in 1869, and has four grown children all married, and number of grand children. About the time of his marriage he united with the M.E. church, of which he has been a trustee for twenty years.


Biography, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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