Biographical Sketch of Wellington E. Hurd

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by

Is another of our representative men who was born in Ohio, and possesses that energy and vim characteristic of a native of that grand commonwealth. Leaving home at the age of sixteen he was employed for a year with the Adams Express Co. at St. Louis. He then went to Chicago, and accepted a position with J. I. Case Co. as traveling representative and remained with them for twenty years. He was connected with Slaver & Walker, of Portland, for the next six years. In 1895 he became interested in mining, and has remained in that business since. He has a number of fine properties in different sections, one, the Tempest, lying in the Green horn district. From this he has lately shipped five cars of ore, three to Everett and two to Tacoma, which brought him in returns of $53.65 per ton. This ore came out of tunnel No. 1 in a regular way. This tunnel is in 300 feet, No. 2 being 65 feet, and No, 3, 50 feet. The ledge is five feet wide, and runs from 40 to 85 feet in depth. Some of his other properties in this same district the Potosi, Mountain Conn, Silver Crown, and Empire, are equally rich or even more so, as from the latter he has taken ore which on being shipped to Everett has netted him $155.65 a ton. He is doing considerable development work on his properties, and as they all run from $8.00 to $12.00 free milling gold on the surface, and run more into base as he goes further down, he is figuring on erecting a 20 ton stamp mill. Mr. Hard has always taken an active interest in the future of the mines of this section, lending every aid possible to their advancement.


Biography, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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