Biographical Sketch of W. F. Butcher

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by

But few if any stand higher socially or morally in the estimation of his neighbors and friends in this commonwealth than the subject of this sketch. His name is a synonym for all that is true and honorable in a man and fellow citizen.
Mr. Butcher was born in Pocahontas county, Va., December 12, 1858, and was raised in Greenbriar County, of that state, on a farm. He received his education there and also read law for a short time in the office of Gov. H. M. Matthews at Lewisburg. In 1878, he removed to Saline county, Mo., where he
remained until 1882. Moving to Idaho he stayed there a year, teaching school a portion of the time and continuing the study of law. Moving then to Walla Walla, he continued teaching, and at the same time read law in the office of Sharpstein & Sharpstein. On May 7th, 1885, he was admitted to the bar, and locating at Athena, he practiced there till June, 1890. Moving here at that time, he soon became known as one of the ablest lawyers in Eastern Oregon. Since his location here, he has became interested in the Baker City Gas & Electric Light Company, and is today the largest holder of stock and acts as secretary and general manager. He has always been a consistent democrat, and was a candidate for presidential elector in 1892 and a delegate to the National convention in 1896. Fraternally he is a member of the Elks, Knights, Workmen, Red Men and Masons, being junior grant warden of the Grand Lodge of Oregon of the last named order. He married Mrs. Helen W. Coe, of Washington, September 4th, 1891, and has one child, a daughter, and four adopted children.


Biography, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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