Biographical Sketch of Walter R. Hawley

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by

Walter R. Hawley dealer in hardware, stoves and tinware, at Sumpter, Oregon, is a native Oregonian. He resided in the Willamette valley until 1890, receiving his education at the State Normal School at Monmouth, being a graduate of the latter. He then taught school to Gilliam County for a year, and in the Grand Ronde Valley for five years, being principal of the Summerville schools for three years. He then established himself in business in Union, remaining there until April, 1897, when he came, here and opened a hardware store. Minding his storeroom inadequate, he was shortly after compelled to erect its present commodious two story building, in which he carries a very complete line, making a specialty of miner’s supplies. He also carries a general line of paints, oils, wallpaper, glass &c., and is agent for the Simond’s saw and White sewing machine. In selecting this marline he has shown excellent judgment, as it is certainly the most popular and best one in the market. Mr. Hawley is married to Miss Ida Brooks, of Summerville and has one child, a girl. He is the present treasurer of the city of Sumpter.


Biography, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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