Baker County Oregon Gold Mining History

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

Herefords, Chandler

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by Prominent among the self-made men of this county is lie whose name heads this sketch, and who has been a prominent character in business and political circles for many years past. He was born in Missouri, September 1, 1845 and came here in 1862, and has resided here […]

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Geddes & Pollman

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by This establishment is the principal one of its kind in Eastern Oregon, and in many respects the model one of the state. The present firm composed of J. A. Geddes and Wm. Pollman, succeeded Geddes & Kraft in 1889. At that time they were located in the rear

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Ferguson, James F.

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by The subject if our sketch, Jas. F. Ferguson, has been more active perhaps than any one else in placing the resources of Baker County and its environments before not only Western investors, but those of the far East as well. His shrewd judgment and conservative business methods have

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Davis, E. Dr.

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by There is probably in Baker City today no man more popular in his profession than Dr. E. Davis. His popularity is well merited for he is not only gifted with most winning manners, but with unexcelled skill in his profession. Dr. Davis is a native son, having been

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Crystal Palace

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by Among our large and flourishing business houses, that of the Crystal Palace must be accorded a prominent place. This business was started in l887 in a small way, by Mr. Adler, in the Wisdom block, and enjoyed exceptional prosperity from the start. Last November he was compelled to

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Commercial Hotel

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by One of the most popular hotels of our city is the “Commercial,” Mrs. L. E. Miller, proprietor. The building is splendidly situated on First and Court streets convenient to the principal thoroughfare of the city. It possesses a large, bright guest rooms, single and en suite. The house

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Columbine Mine

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by Located in the ruining district known as Cracker Creek, lies the Columbia mine, one of the oldest properties in Baker county. Prospected first by the Cable Brothers, in the early eighties, it has passed through a succession of development stages until today it stands among the first properties

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Brown & Heath

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by The largest establishment of the kind in Baker City, and among the largest in Eastern Oregon. is the drug house of Brown & Heath. They carry a complete line of everything pertaining to the drug trade, including sundries of every description. The interior view we present of their

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Bonanza Mine

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by About four miles southeasterly of Robinsonville is situated the famous Bonanza mine, the largest and probably most valuable free gold mine of the northwest. Discovered and located in the seventies. It was worked by the original locators for ten years, they reducing the ores by the arrastra process.

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Biography of W. E. Baker

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by The above-named gentleman who operates the bakery on Main street, between Washington and Center, located here in March, 1894. He had a number of years experience in the business, and immediately went to work for C. Hollingsworth, and two years later bought him out. Finding the old quarters

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Biography of P. Basche

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by What Wendell Phillips said of great Political institutions is also true of great business enterprises: “They are not made, they grow,” This saying finds ample and fitting illustration in the large hardware establishment owned by P. Basche. Established in 1865 by J. H. Parker, two years later P.

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Biography of John W. Wisdom

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by One of our most representative and best patronized drug houses is that of John R. Wisdom, which was established in 1867. The stock carried is a very large one embracing everything in the into of pure, fresh drugs, chemicals, patent medicines, druggist sundries, perfumes, toilet articles, etc., physicians

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