Biography of H. E. Curry, M. D., C. N.

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by

As a rule the ranks of the medical profession are made up of a class of gentlemen possessing great strength of mind, highly cultured intellects, and a loftiness of character which is necessary to command for them the respect of the general public. They are, therefore, entitled to the great confidences which are necessarily reposed in them, and which they guard with all the great traditional honor of their calling. Amongst the physicians of Baker City, Dr. H. E. Curry takes a foremost position. Well qualified by natural inclination, educational training and a vast experience with a soul fully comprehending the greatness of his work, and of his personal responsibility, he has built up for himself a very extensive practice and acquired an enviable standing. He was born in Indiana in 1860. The public schools of his native state afforded him his preliminary education, which was supplemented by a three years course at the State University of Louisiana. He then went West to strengthen his finances, intending thereafter to continue his studies. He was partly successful in this, and entered the Sedalia University, at Sedalia, Mo., where he remained for three years and was a member of the faculty when he left. In 1887 he entered the Medical College at Louisville, Ky. Alter graduating he practiced in Indiana, but preferring the West, made several changes, locating here in 1893. He served as second vide president of the National Eclectic Medical Association in 1895 and 1896, and is serving his third term as first vice president of the Oregon State Eclectic Medical Association. In 1895 he was elected as honorary member of the Eclectic Medical Society of the State of California. In the spring of 1896, he was appointed U. S. Pension surgeon, but resigned later in the year and accepted the position of assistant superintendent of the Maclean Hospital and Sanitarium of San Francisco. Since 1847 he has spent one-fourth of his time in post-graduate work, having attended the California Medical College as late as last year, graduating from it with the degree of C. M. (Master of Surgery). In 1895 he was appointed state delegate to the national and international convention of the World’s Congress of Medico-Climatology, the former meeting in Omaha this year, and the latter in Paris in 1900. Several years ago Dr. Curry took up the study of electrotherapeutics, a science which is rapidly gaining ground and which, if there is any truth in the “survival of the fittest” will surely reach the apex of common sense. He has provided himself with a Morton-Holtz-Wimshurst electric machine, and a complete set of electrodes. It generates its own electricity, without friction, and in the treatment of nervous diseases, whether a simple headache, or a deep-seated trouble, its curative powers, when properly applied, seem immeasurable. In chronic diseases it is also more than beneficial, and we truly believe it is nature’s own remedy. Dr. Curry’s offices are pleasantly located in Rooms 1-2-3, over First National Bank; No. 3, being his reception room No. 2 consultation room. and No. 1 being devoted to his electrical and X Ray apparatus. He has one of the finest X Ray apparatus in the state, and a large number of photographs of all kinds of fractures. etc., which he has located through its efforts are to he seen in his reception room.


Biography, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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